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1) I do not think that it would be a good idea to ban fast-food

restaurants, because no one forces them to go there and it does not

create problems for people.
2) I think it would be a good idea to support small family restaurants,
because it helps families to relax and enjoy each other’s company
in combination with delicious food.
3) I am in favor of banning cars in the city center, because it will
solve the problem of traffic jams and pollution, but only if the city
has good public transport.
4) I am in favor of increasing the number of pedestrian zones,
because walking is good for health, they allow people to organize
events in these zones.
5) I am in favor of creating green areas in the city, because it
decorates the look of the city and is good for the environment.
6) I am against reducing the maximum speed to 30 km / h because it
does not solve the problem with violators (ваялэйторс). In order
for people not to drive fast in the city, you need to competently
approach the creation of roads and traffic rules. Create more
paving stones, unregulated intersections, narrow streets.
7) It would be a good idea to place large supermarkets outside the city
in order to reduce traffic in the city center.
8) I am in favor of increasing the number of local stores, because it is
convenient for people and do not need to go far to supermarkets.
9) I am against the ban on loud music in bars and clubs. I believe that
clubs and bars should be away from residential areas so as not to
disturb people.

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