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Lopez and Demicillo

Media and Information Literacy

Campaign: Preventing Online Gaming Addiction

 Who is your audience? What do they know about the issue and
where are they coming from?

The target audience are the teens because they were more prone to
excessive use of gadgets. They are all aware that too much exposure to
technologies could lead to serious health problems or worse death. They are
usually more influenced by their peers but more likely, they consider it as their
stress reliever to escape from the real world.

 What is the purpose of your campaign plan? What do you want

audience to do?

The purpose of this campaign plan is to convince the audience to lessen

their exposure by convincing them to practice the given information in their daily
life or routine.

 How will you write your message to your audience to influence their

We will write and connect with our audience by providing information that
could help them practice ideal approach to online gaming such as giving them a

 What medium are you going to use? Why do you want to use this

The medium that we are going to use is digital art through image editing
software. We chose this kind of medium because it is more convenient and it is
easy to access.

 What are your criteria for the medium?

 Accessible
 Convenient
 Easy to Use

 How will combine messages with graphics? Will it help convey your
message to your intended audience?
We will combine messages with graphics in a balanced way so that the it would
still look interesting to the audience. In that way, we could successfully convey the
intended message to them.

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