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Cloudera - Details
 Class will start with refreshing the previous class with QA…. (30)
(some commands……)

 Reset cloudera for cloudera manager .. .. (30)

Lesson Plan
Today’s topics: (in cloudera)

1. Define cloudera, Hue and cloudera manager (30)

2. Difference between hive and hue (30)
3. Cloudera Manager in details .. .. .. …. .. (60)

Reset cloudera for cloudera manager

# (Requirement – minimum 8GB RAM and 2 CPU)
#(More the resources less the booting and process time)
Close machine (close it with power off option if you can not change the memory)

Right click the machine

Go to setting

Go to system

Change the base memory to 8 gb to 12 gb

Go to processor set cpu minimum 2 or 4

Final click to ok

Start VM

Go to desktop and double click cloudera express

Go to terminal give below command to start cloudera manager

sudo service cloudera-scm-server start

if it is running – it will show

we can stop by the below command

sudo service cloudera-scm-server stop

or restart by

sudo service cloudera-scm-server restart

Define cloudera Hue and cloudera manager
Cloudera CDH
CDH or cloudera distribution hadoop is an open source distribution framework over hadoop for
data batch processing and storage using different tools or element of hadoop like hive, impala, sqoop
There are also other different distribution framework like like Hortonworks, and MapR.
Hue in cloudera is an open source web interface for hadoop echo system, and is being used for
browsing, querying and visualizing data. As basic application It is editor or user interface for hive,
impala, pig, etc. or any sql service. Helps to create dashboard to dynamically interact and visualize
data with solar or sql. Also create scheduler for jobs and workflows. It has access browser for various
job in S3, hdfs, sql tables…..
Cloudra manager
It is an administrative tool to manage fast, secure and easy deployment of data. Also monitoring,
managing and alerting functionality. Automatic deployment and configuration. Easy troubleshooting.

Difference between hue and hive Hive vs. Hue Comparison Table

Issue Hive Hue

Hive was launched by Apache

Inventor / Invention Hue was launched by Cloudera.
Software Foundation.

 Hive or HiveQL is an analytic query

 Hue is a Web UI that facilitates the users
Scope/ Meaning language used to process and
to interact with the Hadoop ecosystem.
retrieve data from a data warehouse.

Hive can be installed or configured

Installation/ Hue can be installed or configured only
using command line Interface of a
Configuration using a web browser.
Hadoop Ecosystem.

Functionality Hive uses map-reduce algorithm to Hue provides Web UI editor to access

process and analyze the data. Hive and other programming languages.

Hive is Implemented and accessed Hue is implemented on a web browser to

Implementation using a command line interface or a access multiple programs installed on

web UI Interface. Cloudera.

Hive can be embedded across Hue is only available on Cloudera Based

multiple Hadoop Frameworks. Hadoop Framework.

Cloudera manager in details,………..

Minimize the dialogue box

go to browser

click cloudera manager from multiple bookmark/tab

click “I agree”

type user name cloudera by default

and password cloudera by default

remember your credentials (u-name and pw)

Will see cloudera quick access and chart.

chart to monitor your cluster (live)

And list of quick starts are the services running in cloudera VM.

We can start or stop each services individually or start/stop altogether by common command.

Note: If we want faster respond from one service, better to stop the services which are not require.

Start HDFS

Restart yarn

Click HDFS …. Check different tabs…status…instances…config

# If we want to use hive from the hue of cloudera manager, we have to start the related services (like hive, yarn, hdfs)
along with hue.

Time = 30+30+30+30+60=180.

Useful link for cloudera manager in details

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