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Transport naming Tool:

 Elimination of some of the commonly occurring issues in a AMS + New Deployment scenario,
being supported out of a single Development environment

– Identification of the contents of the transport at one glance – to tell which transport
contains Production Support work and which transport contains functionality as part of
New Deployment

– Ensure correct CTS Project and Transport Group are assigned to each transport at the
time they are created. This is critical to ensure that transports move via the right
landscape – either Support or Deployment.

 Help in easy reporting and analysis. E.g.

– How many open M2D related Support/AMS transports do we have?

– Are there any transports associated with a Defect where the Defect is closed but the
transport is not released?

 The tool is invoked for all users whenever new transport requests are being created across all
transaction codes.

 Applicable for both Workbench as well as Customizing Requests

 To be implemented in all Development systems

– DE1

– DC1

– DT1

– DG1

– DB1

 Will be implemented before Pilot go-live

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