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How Online Recruitment Works

Without a doubt, many of you would have had your first experience with creating your own online resume and sending out applications to

companies using the Internet. But, how many of you really understand what happens once your finger swiftly hits that SUBMIT button? Never

fear, Helpline is here! I am about to give you the whole song and dance.

Let’s Begin With The Online Resume

Internet Recruitment has to do with transferring the recruitment process onto the Internet. Job Seekers create their resume/CV on the

recruitment web site, Employers advertise their jobs on the site, Job Seekers see a job(s) that they want to apply for and they send their

application through the Internet to the Employer. Pretty simple, right?

Into The Employer’s Account

What next? Your resume is sent out to the Employer and it makes a beeline straight for the Employer’s resume database. So, it’s a little like

having your mail sent to a designated PO Box address. Each job has its own resume database according to a unique account ID. After the

deadline expires, the employers will check in on their database and start revving their “screening” engines.

Click, Click: Screening Begins

Now, here’s the interesting bit. With the speed and range of the Internet, Employers can now reach further to a wider pool of job applicants

surfing the Web World. So, your resume is now competing with that of hundreds of other hopeful candidates looking for that one job. The joy

of Internet Recruitment to the Employer is that they are now able use computer software programs to screen your applications faster with a

click of a button.

For example, if they want to see only resumes of applicants with 2 years’ marketing experience with a Bachelors Degree and HTML skills,

they click the criteria boxes and presto! They now have 20 names suitably shortlisted out of the 240 applicants who applied.

This explains why, sometimes, candidates find that their resume has not even been viewed by the employer. No need to throw a fit of

disappointment and confusion, though. Just understand this.

Don’t Go Blind, Focus Your Applications!

Hence, I cannot stress this enough, ALWAYS focus your applications carefully against the requirements of the job. If you don’t have the

minimum requirements, waste neither your time nor that of the employer by sending out a “blind” resume. Chances are, it won’t get looked at

in the first place, so save yourself the frustration and disappointment.

I know, the process of job hunting can sometimes feel like you’re fighting against the world without winning any battles. But, by

understanding how Internet Recruitment works, you can make your own online efforts packed with enough punches to get the results you

want! In parting, I just wanted to get a few words of advice in, Know your Resume, Know your Skills and Know what you are applying for.

Unless you are clear on who you are, what you want to do and if you have what it takes to do it, you’re not understanding and focusing

yourself enough. Give yourself the best chance you can and do it right the first time!


Make a Whitelist of qualified applicants.

Schedule a projected date of interview after ECQ is lifted.

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