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Lesson -1

Cursive Capital
Cursive Letters And
(Capital and Small
Small) Letter
Accent or Special Letter in Portuguese
Some letters in Portuguese can carry accent marks that indicate how to pronounce
the letter, or which syllable in a word is stressed. They do not affect alphabetical
order. The accent marks include:

Agudo (তীব্র) acute á, é, í, ó, ú
Cedilha (চিহ্নবিশেষ) cedilla ç
Circunflexo (স্বরিত উচ্চারণচিহ্ন) circumflex ê, ô
Grave (গম্ভীর) serious à, è
til (টিল্ড) tilde ã, ẽ, õ, ũ

trema (অভিশ্রুতি)serious ü

Le Second
Although Portuguese spelling was standardized by the mid-1700s, scribes usually spelled
words the way they sounded. Generally, variations between old and modern spellings
should not cause too much trouble for the researcher. The following words are examples of
old and modern spelling variations:

Variation Ancient Modern

y became i Pereyra Pereira
h became hum, honz
um, onze
silent e
ã became am tãpa tampa
ẽ became em bẽ bem
ũ became um hũ um
ph became f pharol farol
nn became n annos anos
mpç became n
assumpção assunção
batismo (Brazilian usage only)
pt became t baptismo

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