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Comenzado el martes, 24 de marzo de 2020, 20:02

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Finalizado en martes, 24 de marzo de 2020, 20:05
Tiempo empleado 3 minutos 8 segundos
Cali cación 95,00 de 100,00
Pregunta 1  
Puntúa 95,00  
sobre 100,00
Study the chart bellow with different ADVERBS OF FREQUENCY:

 How often = Cada cuanto

How often do you study English?

There are 2 possible answers for the question.  

Read and study these examples:

How often do you brush your teeth?

I always brush my teeth after breakfast, lunch and dinner. (Always=frequency adverb)

I brush my teeth 3 times a day. (3 times a= time expression)

How often do you drink coffee?

I never drink coffee. (never=frequency adverb)

I don’t drink coffee. (don’t = negative answer similar to “never”)

How often do you go on a picnic?

I rarely go on a picnic. (rarely=frequency adverb)

I go on a picnic twice a year. (twice a= time expression)

How often do you wash the dishes?

I sometimes wash the dishes. (Sometimes=frequency adverb)

I wash the dishes 4 times a week. (4 times a=time expression)

How often do you watch TV?

I usually watch TV. (usually=frequency adverb)

I watch TV once a day. (once a=time expression)



Study this information.


I never drive to work.
I sometimes go to the shopping mall alone.
I always eat breakfast at home.
I often go to restaurants.

*Exception "Verb to be"



I am sometimes stressed.
Susan is never on time.
My brother is usually annoying.
They are always early at home in the evening.


Exercise 1: Read the sentence and select the correct option to complete each idea.

1. I never do  the ironing.

2. Margaret always cleans  her bedroom.

3. I never do  to the shopping mall with my mom.

4. Timmy is a secondary school student. He usually plays  the guitar in his free time.

5. Sara is never  late for classes.

6. I always get up  very early in the morning because I start work at 7:00 am.

7. My best friend is sometimes  late for English class.

8. Lucy and Mary often wear  nice clothes.

9. How often  do you go shopping for food?

10. My brother Julian hardly ever watches  football on TV.


Exercise 2: Order the words to form sentences.

Example: at / Angela / until / and / weekend / . / You / work / late / frequently / the /

-   You and Angela frequently work until late at the weekend.

1. go to / bed / late / . / I / never/    

i never go to bed late 

2. friends / My / . / go / to the / gym / in the / always / morning /

My friends always go to the gym in the morning 

3. sometimes / .  / the / makes / Susan / dinner /

susan sometimes makes the dinner. 

4. always / is / . / punctual / Mary /

Mary is always punctual 

5. Jerry / usually / games / . / video / with / friends / his / plays / on Sundays /

jerry usually plays video games with his friends on sundays. 

6. her boyfriend / . / are / Isabella / Saturday / at the / often / on /and/cinema

Isabella and her boyfriend are often at the cinema on saturday. 

7. never / game / of / . / my / I / favorite / team / football / miss / a /

I never miss a game of my favorite football team. 

8. My / hardly / friend / . / English / is / best / late / classes / for / ever

My best friend is hardly ever late for english classes. 

 9. occasionally / mood / in / . / a / Ronald / is / bad /

Ronald is occasionally in a bad mood.  He’s bad-tempered.

10. husband / is / on / in / Susie’s / TV / . / front / the / of / often / sofa / the /

Susie’s husband is often on the sofa in front of the TV. 

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