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Luis Fernando Romero Porras


Studying Chemical engineering at Uniandes has been one of the best stages in my life, definitely.

Along these four years of career, I’ve lived a lot of memoral things there, since I had the

opportunity to know nice people and friends. When I was at school, I was really sure this is what I

wanted to my life, because chemical engineering is something I’m passionate for. I had the

opportunity to know great places in Bogotá with my friends, like Museo del Oro, Planetario de

Bogotá, Salitre Mágico, etc. After classes finished, we often used to go out for a walk, or for

something to eat. In weekends, when there wasn’t much work to do, we had lunch and dinner

together, we played FIFA 19 and Fortnite on the Play Station 4. Despite having lived such

wonderful things at Uniandes, I also got some troubles during my career. Unfortunately, in my 2nd

semester, I failed three subjects, and I thought it was over. I just couldn’t stop thinking in the most

appropriate way to tell this to my parents, but at the same time, I was confident about the fact that

they would absolutely support me. Everything went all right and I could pass these subjects, and

here I am about to graduate. Finally, I don’t regret about anything during these four years of career,

because I’m pretty sure that moments like those won’t repeat again.

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