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0:02Skip to 0 minutes and 2 secondsWhen you consider how you teach a concept in

programming, you're using your Pedagogical Content Knowledge, or PCK. PCK

summarises how you apply your subject knowledge to a lesson plan for your learners.
It's how you present your expertise in a form that learners can understand. For
example, Rebecca knows that repetition in programming is a loop. She also knows
that her students recognise an idea when they vocalise it in some way, so creates
an activity based on this PCK. She shows her students a sequence to move a rabbit
through a field. Reading the code aloud together allows her students to identify a

0:37Skip to 0 minutes and 37 secondsChanting, jump, move forward, jump, move

forward, jump, move forward, jump, helps demonstrate code that can be simplified
using repetition. The learners then read the code that includes a repetition block.
Rebecca has used a simple idea rather than instructing her learners to demonstrate
that a loop is used for efficient programming. Teachers draw from taxonomies when
identifying how they will teach specific content. The variety of taxonomies you use
in the classroom form part of your Pedagogical Content Knowledge. These taxonomies
offer as models for the process of learning and help us plan appropriate learning
experiences. You'll explore two of these-- Bloom's and SOLO taxonomies-- in more
detail later this week.

1:18Skip to 1 minute and 18 secondsIn weeks 2 and 3, you'll consider PRIMM, levels
of abstraction, and use-modify-create, all of which are specific to programming.
Take some time to reflect on your own teaching. Can you think of any examples where
you have applied wider knowledge to get across a key programming concept? Share
your experiences in the comments section.

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