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Instructions for Excel Activity:

Make sure that the computer you're using has installed Microsoft Excel 2007/2010 in it.

1. Open the template.xlsm file

2. The Security Warning bar is displayed.

3. Click the Options… button. The Security Alert window is displayed.

4. Click the Enable this content radio button to select then click OK button.
5. Enter your full name in the box displayed.

6. Click OK button

Exercise proper:

a. Encode the class record table in the first sheet (Sheet1). Rename this sheet to Class Record.
b. Do the required formatting and adjust column widths as seen in the attached finished

c. Use the following Formula:

Quiz Average = 50 x total score / total no. of items + 50

Assignment Average = average of the assignment grades

Class Standing grade = average of attendance,quizave, recitation and assignments ave

Exam Grade = 50 x raw score / no of items + 50

Project Grade = 40% of group + 60% of Ind

Final Grade = 50% of Class Standing Grade + 30% of Exam Grade + 15% of Project Grade + 5% of

d. Grades on Class Standing, Exam and Project should have 2 decimal places

e. Final Grade should be whole number (without decimal places), useROUND function.
ROUND( value, number of decimal places )

f. Encode the Grade Equivalent table in the second sheet (Sheet2)

g. For the Equivalent grade in the Class Record table, use HLOOKUP function
HLOOKUP( value, table_array, index_number, [not_exact_match] )

value is the Final Grade
table_array is the Grade Equivalent table from B1:AB2 of Sheet2
index_number is the row number in the Grade Equivalent table where Equiv lies
[not_exact_match] is either TRUE or FALSE. Enter TRUE to find an approximate match, or FALSE to
find an exact match. If this is omitted, an approximate match will be returned.

h. For the Remarks, use IF function

IF(logical_test, value_if_true, value_if_false )

Logical_test is the condition you want test on the value example: A5 <= 30
Value_if_true is the value that is returned if the condition evaluates to TRUE
Value_if_false is the value that is returned if the condition evaluates to FALSE.

i. Use the function COUNTIF

COUNTIF( range, criteria )

range is the range of cells that you want to count based on the criteria.
criteria is used to determine which cells to count.If a condition, enclosed it with double quotes. Example: “<90”

To determine the following:

a. No. of Students who Passed
b. No. of Students who Failed

j. Sort the table by Name of Students: highlight the table from the first student through the Remarks of the last
student. Click Data Menu, click Sort AZ 

k. Insert lines and boarders.

l. Color the failing (below 74) Final Grade and FAILED remarks with RED using Conditional Formatting ‘s Rule Type
Format only cells that contain

m. Set the paper size to legal and its orientation to landscape. Make that the Class Record table fits in one page

n. Save the file using your name.

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