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On the off chance that 2 men and 3 ladies finish an assignment in 8 days and 4 men and 5 ladies

finish an errand in 12 days then what number of ladies are required to finish an undertaking in a day?

3 years before Ali was 10 years more seasoned then Asif. Presently Asif is 30 years of age. What is
the time of Ali?

What is the base of 427716? a) 464  b) 356  c) 654?

on the off chance that X=13 and Y=10 then what is the quality of (X-Y)?

There are 100 inquiries in GAT General Test, every one of the inquiries are in same classification and
Ali has just 120 minutes to answer them. what amount of time he needs to go on a solitary inquiry?

The normal of five number is 75 then what is the total of the numbers?

In class A there are 55 understudies 60% are young men then what number of young ladies are

A triangle has <A= 40, <B=20, then what is <C?

What is the range of a triangle with the accompanying directions (0,0), (10,0), (5,5)?

in the event that 6876P=2 then P=?

in the event that it is walk what month will be after the 50 months from now?

What is the estimation of x in a triangle if <a=30, <b=70 and <c=x?

What is the estimation of X if 3X+2 =81?

In the event that 2b = B and 2a=A then what is the estimation of AB

In the event that X2 = 21, then discover the estimation of (X+1)(X-1)=?

which of the accompanying can’t be expressed as the whole of three back to back numbers?

a) 27   b) 42       c) 26       d) 21

(a-b) 2= a2-b2 and a ≠ b, which of the accompanying is false?

an) a=0   b) b=0     c) a= – b

On the off chance that p, q and r distinctive prime numbers under 15, what is the best conceivable
estimation of (p+q)/r?
a) 9    b) 2   c) 13    d) 12

On the off chance that 5x= 15 than 3x=?? a) 15  b) 9  c) 11   d) 12

GAT Question: If 1/a=3 and a/b= 1/9 then what is the estimation of b?

On the off chance that 7 x+1 + 1 = 344 then what is the estimation of X

a) 1 b) 2 c) 3         d) 4

GAT General Test: A triangle ABC, if side AB= 5cm, side AC= 5cm, then discover length of side BC?
Likewise <A and <B=60o

An and B share a loft. On the off chance that every month A pays 1500 and B pays 1000 what percent
of the aggregate cost A pay

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