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Review Article

A Review of the Use of Simulation in Dental Education

Suzanne Perry, BDS, MFDS Abstract: In line with the advances in technology and communication, medical simu-
RCPS(Glas) MOrth(HK) lations are being developed to support the acquisition of requisite psychomotor skills
MOrthRCS(Edin); before real-life clinical applications. This review article aimed to give a general overview
of simulation in a cognate field, clinical dental education. Simulations in dentistry are not
Susan Margaret Bridges, BA (Qld), a new phenomenon; however, recent developments in virtual-reality technology using
computer-generated medical simulations of 3-dimensional images or environments are
DipEd (Qld), GradCertTESOL
providing more optimal practice conditions to smooth the transition from the traditional
MAAppLing, EdD (Griffith); model-based simulation laboratory to the clinic. Evidence as to the positive aspects of
virtual reality include increased effectiveness in comparison with traditional simulation
Michael Francis Burrow, BDS teaching techniques, more efficient learning, objective and reproducible feedback,
MDS, DDSc (Adel), PhD (Tokyo unlimited training hours, and enhanced cost-effectiveness for teaching establishments.
Med & Dent U), MEd (Melb) Negative aspects have been indicated as initial setup costs, faculty training, and the lack
of a variety of content and current educational simulation programs.
(Sim Healthcare 00:00Y00, 2015)

Key Words: Dental education, Simulation, Virtual reality, Dentistry, Haptics.

I n the current economic climate, clinical education providers

are increasingly aware of both the tightening of government
identical procedures to establish skill levels, and the ability to
provide standardized feedback with independence from direct
funding and accountability issues.1 In modern health care, pa- supervision.
tient safety is of utmost concern. Standards of care need to be As with all health care professions, dentistry is constantly
adhered to, and breaching such not only results in patient neglect evolving. For dentistry, the irreversible nature of most operative
but also opens the door to litigation. Time-restricted curricula procedures means students must have the skills for safe delivery
and more demanding surgical techniques are adding pressure at the point of patient treatment and care. Past clinical tech-
for educators to assist students to achieve the requisite high niques reflected a more surgical, aggressive approach to dental
psychomotor skill levels in a short time frame. It has been argued caries (decay) removal and tooth restorationVthe mainstay of
that decreasing operative time in overcrowded curricula of general dentistry. Current philosophies have moved toward a
health care professionals may be restricting opportunities for focus on prevention and conservation of tooth structures, even
the surgical trainee.2 Updating simulation techniques and when operative intervention is necessary. Differing from the
modalities may act as a way to enhance efficiency in the de- medical profession, where only a particular subset of specialties
livery of surgical training. The most recent efforts have been in routinely require a defined set of surgical psychomotor skills,
the area of virtual reality (VR), which in this context is defined dentistry encompasses a wide range of procedures, each re-
as a computer-generated medical simulation of a 3-dimensional quiring a task-specific skill base. As a field, VR simulations in
(3D) image or environment with which a learner interacts in a dental education, including haptic simulations, have not as yet
seemingly real or physical way. Simulation in health care has provided the full gamut of possible case scenarios for student
evolved since the late 1960s when mannequins were first in- practice.5Y8
troduced for anesthetic training.2 In the 1990s, with expanding As a practical vocation, dentistry has always drawn on
interest in minimally invasive surgery, the first simple laparo- simulation as an essential part of student clinician education.
scopic simulators were developed.3 Ensuing studies indicated In the early days of dental training, real teeth were used in a
that this technology was useful, with evidence that motor skills bench-top setting before the introduction of the phantom
gained on a VR simulator could be transferred into the real head. These phantom heads or mannequins enable removal
setting.4 Major benefits of VR, therefore, include skill acquisi- and insertion of a complete artificial dentition that use in-
tion before patient exposure, the ability to repeatedly practice dividual plastic teeth, or, to a lesser extent given the scarcity
of resources, real, extracted teeth. Relatively realistic simula-
From the Centre for Enhancement of Teaching Learning (S.M.B), Faculty of Education tion was evident, and so current dental programs routinely
(S.P), University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, Peoples incorporate phantom head instruction in both undergraduate
Republic of China. Melbourne Dental School (M.F.B), The University of Melbourne, 720
Swanston St, Carlton, Victoria, 3010, Australia. and postgraduate skills training. Less widely but increasingly
Reprints: Susan Margaret Bridges, BA(Qld), DipEd (Qld), GradCertTESOL (Griffith), apparent is the incorporation of virtual environments and VR
Centre for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning, Faculty of Education, clinical simulators into dental training, the most recent in-
Centennial Campus, The University of Hong Kong (e<mail: novation being in the form of haptic VR simulators provid-
The authors declare no conflict of interest.
Copyright * 2015 Society for Simulation in Healthcare ing sensory feedback. The word haptic is derived from the late
DOI: 10.1097/SIH.0000000000000059 19th century Greek word Haptikos (able to touch or grasp),

Vol. 00, Number 00, Month 2015 1

Copyright © 2015 by the Society for Simulation in Healthcare. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
The first college of dental surgery was founded in 1840 in
Baltimore, Ohio, United States, which served as the founda-
tion for the formation of other dental schools worldwide.10
Restorative techniques at that time were practiced using extracted
teeth and bench-top simulation. A major problem in the 1800s
was the lack of availability of natural human teeth for practicing
on the simulators, mainly because of the demand of such teeth
for use in dentures. Denture teeth had been previously carved
from ivory, but human teeth were much more desired because of
their realistic appearance. Supplies of teeth had come from war
victims such as those of Waterloo, giving rise to the name of the
Waterloo denture.11 The use of ‘‘resin-based’’ teeth became much
more commonplace in the late 20th century when dental edu-
cation was developing rapidly and the supply of real teeth was
limited. The first phantom head simulators were used in 1894 in
FIGURE 1. A sketch of the first phantom head designed by an effort to improve realism. These were assembled with 1 metal
Oswald Fergus in 1894.
rod with 2 brass jaws as can be seen in Figure 1, a sketch of the first
with modern haptics being the science of interacting with the phantom head simulator created by Oswald Fergus in 1894.12
external environment through the manipulation of objects using Natural teeth are now used only when readily available and often
the senses of touch and proprioception.9 Haptic simulators may for more complicated training where true anatomic features are
improve the realism of simulation and, as such, be increasingly necessary, such as root canal therapy (endodontics).
used in health care skill training. Ideally, VR simulation should The combination of bench-top and phantom head train-
be available to all dentists, allowing them to develop the required ing for the acquisition of dental surgical skills seems to have
skills for new techniques or simply to update current practice been the norm from the early 1900s and still exists in an updated
safely through continuing education for further professional form in dental schools today. Figure 2 shows the relationship
development. of important key events in the development of clinical dental
This article reviews the historical development of simu- education.
lation in dental education as well as the current applications and The phantom head simulator has been the iconic and
recent developments, including the latest field of VR simula- mainstay simulation device for dental education since its cre-
tion with haptic feedback. Finally, future needs and directions ation. There are many benefits of such a device; it is ergo-
for the implementation of supportive simulation technolo- nomically correct and allows proper handling of both the dental
gies for student learning are identified. The literature review mirror and handpiece. It also allows the possibility of a finger
was performed using the search terms dental education, sim- rest to maintain stability when performing instrumentation,
ulation, virtual reality, dentistry, haptics, and healthcare using an essential, foundational concept that a novice must acquire
the PubMed database and Google Scholar. before developing more complex skills. Modern phantom head

FIGURE 2. Timeline of simulations in dental education.

2 The Use of Simulation in Dental Education Simulation in Healthcare

Copyright © 2015 by the Society for Simulation in Healthcare. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
simulators (Fig. 3) also include a water spray to add realism, and control of the dental handpiece, such as joysticks and pen
natural teeth can be inserted, if available. Unfortunately, the devices. One of the first systems that allowed for a wide variety
opportunity for students to practice on natural, extracted teeth of restorative procedures to be performed was DentSim. The
is diminishing. Plastic teeth may provide an adequate substi- advantage of this system was that it blended mannequin-based
tute, but it would be a challenge to create synthetic teeth to be learning with 3D visuals. This improved realism because of the
equal to that of natural teeth for learning the fine motor skills prospect of a finger rest, water spray, and a dental handpiece
required in restorative dentistry. while incorporating infrared technology to project an image
Concerns when using phantom heads may include pos- of the students’ preparation on a computer screen for real-time
sible water line contamination and infection control. In ad- evaluation and feedback, a known asset in complex motor skill
dition, the cost of handpiece maintenance and disposable items learning.15 An increasing number of computer-supported and
such as dental burs may also increase expenses. Supervision is virtual reality simulators have been introduced worldwide.5
required for phantom head exercises for safety because of the use Models of the dentition can now be scanned and simulated in
of air or electrically driven dental handpieces (drills) with real a 3D form, allowing for improved access and accuracy of
burs and also to provide feedback during training exercises. measurements.16 Across the dental specialties, simulation soft-
Evidence for the use of the traditional bench top or ware has increasingly provided support for orthognathic sur-
phantom heads is limited. One study13 compared the bench- gical planning and implant treatment as well as the diagnosis
top technique with a phantom head simulator to assess which and treatment of periodontal (gum) disease. In dental educa-
produced the best motor skills in students. The phantom head tion, simulations are available for the extraction of teeth5 and
simulator was found to be preferable as the students who had practicing dental injections.17 Robotic simulated patients with
trained on the bench top found difficulty in the transfer of the ability to move independently, secrete saliva, and have a
skills to the phantom head but not vice versa. Another study14 limited conversation with the trainee have also been recently
examined the effects on the clinical environment by assessing introduced, mainly in Japan.18,19 Advanced software has also been
the results of student preparations of tooth cavities performed used to create an immersive virtual dental school as a supportive
on mannequins in a clinic and mannequins in a simulation learning environment.19 Such technological advances may be a
laboratory. Contrary to the study mentioned earlier, no dif- useful addition to the education of dental students, adding ex-
ference was apparent. perience and patient management skills earlier in the curriculum
and before the provision of direct patient care.
TECHNOLOGICAL TRENDS IN DENTAL EDUCATION With the introduction of computer-generated simula-
Computer-Supported and VR Simulators tions, dental students were, for the first time, able to repeatedly
The introduction of computer-supported and VR simu- practice the same tooth preparation without the need for su-
lators began to enter dental schools of North America and pervision and with synchronous computer feedback. For the
Europe in the early 2000s, creating a new avenue for motor skill most effective motor skill development, awareness of when and
learning in dentistry. Computer-generated virtual teeth were how an error was made (knowledge of performance) is more
used in combination with a variety of devices to simulate important than the final result itself (knowledge of result).20
Real-time, process-based recordings of a preparation allow
students and their tutors to review errors at the exact time point
they occurred for detailed feedback and correction. Inconsistent
feedback on surgical preparations due to tutor subjectivity has
been a topic of controversy in dental education.21 The provision
of objective, standardized computer-generated feedback able to
be reviewed may be one way to overcome this concern. Virtual-
reality simulators also increase the possibility of students being
able to practice in their own time. Although initial VR simulator
installation costs are substantial with time-consuming staff
training and software updates, the savings in terms of handpiece
replacements and disposables such as plastic teeth make the VR
simulator not only a viable teaching tool but also possibly more
cost-effective over the long term. Simulators also avoid the need
for water pipes and suction, and so the threat of water-borne
diseases such as Legionella is eliminated.
Simulations may, however, lack some of the realism found
to be beneficial with phantom heads. Systems only relying on
the use of joysticks with computer-generated images lose critical
psychomotor skills such as correct handpiece grip, posture, and
associated finger rest. Some systems also do not have foot pedals
or require control of soft tissues, and so the transferability of
skills from computerized simulation to clinical settings may be
questionable. The limited number of programmed cases results
FIGURE 3. A modern phantom head simulator. in restricted exposure to the range of procedures available on

Vol. 00, Number 00, Month 2015 * 2015 Society for Simulation in Healthcare 3

Copyright © 2015 by the Society for Simulation in Healthcare. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
mannequins, and some may allow cutting of teeth but not res- technologies and the need for further refinements of simulators
toration and vice versa. Performative aspects of the procedures for user-friendliness and effectiveness in student learning.
themselves may be unrealistic because of time lag between input A retrospective study26 also compared staff perceptions
device and image display, in some cases with voxelization oc- of 2 groups of students, one with experience using a VR sim-
curring or unrealistic outcomes (‘‘floating’’ section in Fig. 4). ulator and one with traditional bench-top and phantom head
The study of Quinn et al22 in 2003 investigating possible learning. The staff perceived the abilities of the VR students to
differences in skill level found that undergraduate students be higher than those who had traditional learning. However,
trained with DentSim were actually worse at some aspects staff perceptions of the VR students’ abilities were much higher
of cavity preparation than those trained on a traditional than their actual final overall ability. So, in some way, the staff
phantom head and recommended that novices should not may have overestimated the strength of the VR training. In-
use ‘‘virtual representations’’ for training exclusively. However, terestingly, a strong point of VR training was the observation
other small-scale studies have emerged with more encouraging that the students had correct hand and body posture, something
results, suggesting that students may learn fine motor skills this particular simulator (DentSim) alerted students to during
more quickly with VR simulation (DentSim) when compared training. They also felt that students with the VR training were
with traditional phantom head simulation.7,23,24 The most more apt at self-assessment, a concept which may be associated
likely reason for this positive effect may be in the ability to with continual feedback from the simulator. Other studies7,8
practice a greater number of preparations using VR simulators have indicated further positive outcomes from students using
than in the same practice time as with mannequins. This may a variety of simulators over differing periods, suggesting that
indicate the improved efficiency of motor skill learning when overall perceptions of VR in dental education seem to be positive.
VR simulators are used and so make the process potentially Surveys demonstrate that students are relatively com-
more cost-effective. This increase in time efficiency does not fortable with simulator technology, even when not completely
seem to affect quality. computer literate.24 Virtual-reality simulators may be used as
A 2004 study found that although computer simulators a predictive tool to screen for students who may struggle to
seem to reduce the number of staff-student interactions, the gain motor skill competency within a restricted curriculum.27
quality of resultant preparations showed no difference to the Virtual-reality simulation also provides identical clinical sim-
control group using noncomputer simulations.25 Another ulations for all students, allowing standardization for grading if
study showed that dental students using computerized sim- used for assessment purposes. Students are able to replicate
ulation were also found to learn procedures faster than those procedures they may find difficult, allowing more individual-
using ‘‘older, traditional, preclinical’’ laboratory equipment yet ized learning, and as such, the provision of reproducible, un-
still maintain or have superior skill levels.7 On the contrary, not biased criticism can occur.
only was the study of Quinn et al22 negative with regard to
performance outcomes, but also a questionnaire with the same Haptic-Enhanced VR Simulation
study group was less than positive with 95% of the students The trend toward haptic-enhanced VR simulation came
preferring conventional techniques because of ‘‘excessive criti- in the late 1970s from the areas of flight simulation28 and
cal feedback,’’ ‘‘lack of personal contact,’’ and ‘‘technical hard- computer gaming as a result of a desire to improve realism
ware difficulties’’ experienced with the computer-supported via heightened sensory feedback. Cross-disciplinary applied
simulators. This suggests that not all students will embrace new research has indicated the importance of haptics for speed29
and accuracy30 in psychomotor skill development and for
practice in perilous conditions.31 It is in the field of surgery,
however, that the use of haptics has gained a niche foothold
to replicate surgical conditions for skills training. Because
surgical techniques have become more intricate and less inva-
sive, patient demands for less radical and intrusive procedures
have also increased. A greater number of surgical procedures are
being performed laparoscopically, which is heavily dependent
on sensory perception rather than a direct line of sight; hence,
appropriate training is essential before attempting such com-
plex procedures.
Studies of haptics in surgery have been generally en-
couraging. The review of Van Der Meijden et al32 found that
haptics were of benefit in robotic-assisted surgery but not
when used with VR simulators. It seemed that there was a lack
of evidence to substantiate the claim that haptic simulators
were superior to nonhaptic but the addition of haptics was
seen to reduce surgical errors and could be deemed as im-
portant in the early phase of psychomotor skill acquisition and
development.32 Sewell et al33 suggested that haptic training
FIGURE 4. Unrealistic simulation where a ‘‘floating’’ piece of allows a student to start further along the learning curve when
tooth remains on the image. brought into reality. Bethea et al34 noted that practice using

4 The Use of Simulation in Dental Education Simulation in Healthcare

Copyright © 2015 by the Society for Simulation in Healthcare. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
FIGURE 5. Simodont VR haptic units in use at the University of Hong Kong.

a haptic knot-tying simulator increased the number of suc- tomographic images for individualized treatment planning and
cessful sutures. Strom et al35 found that haptic-trained residents practice before the actual clinical procedure.
were able to perform diathermy tasks significantly better than Within dentistry, limited evidence-based practical research
nonYhaptic-trained practitioners. Panait et al36 observed su- has been performed to validate the use of haptic-enhanced
perior precision, speed of task completion, and fewer technical VR simulators for clinical education. One small-scale study
errors with haptic-based simulators and concluded that their performed by Bakker et al39 took 3 groups of students, trained
extra expense was justified. one group on a haptic simulator, one group using traditional
phantom head, and a third control group. Those who were
Haptic-Enhanced VR in Dentistry
trained on either haptic or phantom head (compared with the
The restoration of teeth is an extremely tactile process
control group) had better final skills, as expected, but there was
with differences in sensation between drilling enamel and
no increased skill level for those who had trained on the haptic
dentine. Heightened sensitivity is also required to perceive
units. Overall, the numbers in this study were low, and repli-
when dental pulpal (nerve) tissue has been involved. With
cation of such a study with a larger sample size would be of value.
the use of the technology from the aeronautical industry and
Gal et al40 found that both staff and students believed that
surgical fields, prototype dental haptic simulators began to
haptic simulators would be a useful addition to the teaching
be constructed, leading to the implementation of the first
facilities, with students more positively disposed than staff;
dental haptic simulator in dental schools in the early 2000s.5,6
however, both groups suggested improvements to make the
This recent development has excited many dental educators
sensation more convincing. Students noted that it would allow
who see potential applications for a device that not only aims
them to perform tasks in their own time rather than being
to realistically replicate the clinical situation but also can identify
dictated to by dental school timetables, whereas staff saw the
and pinpoint errors in skill learning.
potential for evaluating the entire process of the preparation
Dental haptic-enhanced VR simulators are now being
used to assess periodontal disease, prepare for implant and
maxillofacial surgery, and restore 3D simulated teeth. The
Simodont (MOOG, the Netherlands) was developed partially
using technology from the aircraft simulation industry and has
the ability to simulate removal of caries (dental decay) and the
finishing of restorations. Figure 5 shows the Simodont sim-
ulator units in use at the University of Hong Kong, with Figure
6 illustrating a tooth preparation exercise. Another system,
PerioSim (University of Illinois at Chicago, Collage of Den-
tistry, Chicago, IL), allows students to experience differences
in tactile sensation when treating periodontal (gum) disease
and removing dental calculus (tartar). A staff perception survey
indicated positive opinions of the device and its potential in
evaluating student performance.37 In 2011, a team from Osaka
University, Japan, developed the Bone Navi,38 a haptic simulator
with sound and virtual vibration when drilling bone for im-
proved realism. The Bone Navi can use the patient computed FIGURE 6. A haptic tooth preparation exercise.

Vol. 00, Number 00, Month 2015 * 2015 Society for Simulation in Healthcare 5

Copyright © 2015 by the Society for Simulation in Healthcare. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
rather than just the outcome. Other studies of undergraduate Future Research in VR Simulations in Dental Education
dental student perceptions of haptic simulators have also been Virtual-reality and haptic-enhanced VR simulations in
positive.40,41 dentistry are still in its infancy, but increasing interest in its
future direction and development is apparent. In terms of
technological advancements, further development of haptic
FUTURE NEEDS AND DIRECTION units with improvements in sensory feedback, real-time sim-
Global Trends ulation, ergonomics, and recording of the procedure would be
Education systems and trends are constantly changing beneficial. Expansion of software to increase the number of
with new concepts and technology. Distance learning is com- dental procedures available would also be advantageous. Many
monplace and has influenced the medical field with staff research questions have yet to be answered both to direct these
members or specialists able to analyze preparations performed technological developments and to establish a wider acceptance
by students and provide an expert opinion from remote lo- of simulation in dental education. An evidence base is lacking as
cations. In supporting face-to-face delivery of undergraduate to the effectiveness of VR or haptic simulations compared with
clinical surgical skill development, the notion of blended learn- the traditional phantom head techniques. Studies to date show
ing is not uncommon.42 Programs on some units not only are some promise, indicating that the introduction of haptic units
able to provide skill-based exercises but also can simulate virtual may assist in improving realism to a level where the transfer of
patients to support more holistic approaches to patient treat- skills can occur from the simulation laboratory to the dental
ment planning. In an era of globally competitive staffing for clinic; however, these are mainly small-scale studies, and the
dental facilities, recruitment of academic staff is increasingly benefits have yet to be proven. Further studies need to be
difficult.43Y45 Virtual-reality simulation may be beneficial in this conducted comparing the effectiveness of skill acquisition
work force context, especially if the simulators themselves are between various VR simulation units with that of traditional
able to provide timely and useful feedback. techniques. Larger-scale studies in dental education may be
More broadly, in terms of the relationship between ac- problematic given the curriculum constraints and generally
ademia and industry, the OECD1 [Organization for Economic small size of cohorts.
Co-operation and Development] has suggested increased in- Research questions that should to be considered might
tegration to support and enable collaborations. This concept be how many hours of simulation training is sufficient for
is already being embraced in dental education, and it is such the majority of students to reach the required competency?
developments that can provide innovative knowledge and Would fewer training hours be acceptable on a simulator if
equipment. One example is the knowledge transfer between it were more efficient? Where do simulators fit in in a dental
the flight simulator company, MOOG, in collaboration with curriculumVis it best for them to be used extensively at the
a Dutch dental school, ACTA, to create a haptic simulator start or to be used as the first step when learning a new
for dentistry, Simodont. Education in general has to evolve as procedure? Do some particular students respond better to
we are living in an era of continuous technological develop- simulation training than others? Further research is required
ment. Publications1,46 suggest global changes in the future of into these areas before the majority of the dental teaching
higher education with greater global migration of students for population will embrace VR simulation training.
educational purposes; more cross-continental collaborations;
increased urbanization placing more stress on tertiary estab- CONCLUSIONS
lishments; increased demands on educational standards by Simulation in dentistry is an evolving and exciting sphere.
stakeholders, including parents; and continued rapid tech- For further integration into dental curricula and use as a po-
nological development. Additional to these forces of change tential examination and licensing tool, additional development
are the increasing calls for accountability by governments and of hardware and software is required. If this is possible, the
professional bodies for maintaining and advancing educational opportunities are extensive and varied, allowing dental schools
and professional standards. In responding to these forces of to be able to encourage learning of a variety of procedures not
change, the education sector has recognized the need to become just to a limited level of preclinical competency but closer to in
more flexible, efficient, and evidence based. Virtual-reality vivo proficiency. Such advancements would be beneficial to the
simulation technologies and haptic simulation, in particular, general public in improving the boundaries for standards of
are providing one avenue of opportunity where such demands care. Crossover of information between the dental sphere and
can be met. other health care disciplines in the development of simulations
The use of VR simulation in licensing and examination has been limited. Dentistry can learn from advances in surgical
has been considered by a number of health care professions research in this area and vice versa, as both fields encompass fine
but has not been extensively applied to date because of a motor skill development and clinical decision making. If further
perceived lack of technical sophistication.47 The aim of efforts can be made to advance simulation technologies through
simulation for examination or licensing differs from training research collaborations across specialties, there is no reason why
in that the aim is not to improve skill level but for gate- VR simulation cannot become an integral and beneficial part of
keeping, ensuring a candidate has achieved a certain level of modern dental curricula.
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