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On a cloudy evening, I was bored when I like someone or I get into a

so I decided to drop by me friend's relationship.
(Andres) house, it was friday and i
didn't see he it 1 week ago…

while I was walking, the path

seemed to be calmer of normally.
when suddenly, a girl appeared next
to me. and I did never seen that girl

Do you want to come in? The girl

asked. Yes, I answered. The girl
had a key in her hand. The she put
the key in, and we both got in the
house. Inside, the girl started
crying so me went to the kitchen to
get some water for her..

When I came back, the girl said that

she hadn’t wanted to die and
disappeared in front of me’s eyes...
While she was disappearing, I was
hearding to she said: “you have to
get away of Andres”

I was very scared and got out of

there. Eventually, my friend arrived
and After listening to story he said:
Caroline, she was my best friend
who was in love with me. She died
8 years ago and she always appears

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