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A.Look at the following dialogues. Describe the situations in

which the following exchanges would make sense.

1. A: Would you like a cigarette?

B: No, thanks.
A: It’s OK. I’ve got plenty more.
B: I don’t smoke.

2. A: It’s raining, isn’t it?

B: Yes, it is.
A: I’d better go and get my raincoat then.
B: Could you get mine as well, please?

3. A: It’s two o’clock.

B: Don’t worry. I’m nearly ready.
A: It’ll take us at least fifteen minutes to get there.
B: Do you ever stop worrying?

4. A: It’s nearly seven.

B: Yes, I know. I’m just going to ring him now.
5. A: The grass needs cutting.
B: It’s nearly ten o’clock.
A: He’ll wait.
B: Like last week and the week before.
A: The Robinsons are coming tomorrow.
B: It’s starting to rain now anyway.

B.Analyze each utterance as in the following example from

number 1 in the exercise before. Do the same for the other

Type purpose

1. A: Interrrogative offer
B: declarative declining offer

C. The imperative sentence, Do it now can be interpreted in

different ways according to the situation. It could be
interpreted as any one of: command, advice, appeal,
instruction or warning.
1. Match each of the following mini-dialogues with one of the
five functions above.
a) A: What do you think?
B: Do it now. Then it will be dry when we come back.

b)A: Do it now. There is somebody coming.

c) A: Do it now.
B: Yes, sir.

d)A: Do it now, please. I want to go home.

e)A: You need to turn it over very quickly. Do it now.

2. List the set of conditions which you think must prevail for
the sentence to be interpreted as each of the five speech
acts listed above.
Eg. Command
a) A in authority over B.
b)B accepts authority of A
c) A wants B to do something
D.What implications for teaching does your analysis of the
exchanges in the situations reveal?

(from: Bolitho, R and Tomlinson, B. (1995) Discover English pp.50-

53. Oxford.Heinemann.)

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