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1) Head, Tail , number of rows, number of columns

2) Change the names of the columns

3) Structure of data- str()
4) Summary – summary()
5) Access 3row of birth rate column
6) Access Birth rate column
7) Covert the income group column into factors in the given data frame and check the levels of
the factor.
8) Access 1 to 10 rows
9) Access only 4th and 100th row
10) Multiply the birth rate column with internet users column and store it in a new column in
the existing data frame
11) Remove the above column created
12) Write a code to filter the data frame and display only internet users above 2%
13) Write a code to filter the data frame and display only internet users above 2 and birth rate
above 40
14) Write a code to show only the countries data with High income
15) Try finding all information of the country Malta
1) Create a List consisting of a vector of 5 numbers, a matrix of 4 numbers, a logical
variable, and a list of 2 numeric values and one character
2) Name the elements of the list
3) Access the 2nd element using its name
4) Add a new element to the list
5) Delete the new element
6) Update an element from the list


1) Write an R code to check eligibility for voting using if else condition

2) Write a code such that if marks are greater than 75 , R prints - First Class with distinction,
if marks are greater than 60- R prints – First Class and if marks are greater than or equal
to 45 – R prints second class and in all other cases R prints fail
3) If A=7 , write a code using if else condition to print odd or even depending on A being
divisible by 2.
4) The bank balances of two customers are given below
A- 4000Rs
B- 6000Rs
Write a code for each of the above customer - using if else condition to debit 500Rs
from the balance if balance is less than 5000Rs.

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