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Tejana, Hazel L.


1. What is Practical Relativism?

Relativism is the philosophical position that all points of view are equally valid and that all truth
is relative to the individual. I also read about relativism that it is the idea that moral principles are
based on your culture (such as where and when you live, your education, your age, and your
level of wealth) and therefore subject to individual choice. Taken to an extreme, a moral
relativist believes there are no rules governing right and wrong. It seems that what is really
meant by the moral relativists is that all points of view are true except for the views that teach
moral absolutes, an absolute God, or absolute right and wrong.

2. What is Practical Atheism?

Practical atheism is the view that one should live their life with disregard towards a god.
practical atheism was considered by some people to be associated with moral failure, willful
ignorance, and impiety. Those considered practical atheists were said to behave as though God,
ethics, and social responsibility did not exist. A definition of practical atheism from the French
Catholic philosopher Étienne Borne says that "Practical atheism is not the denial of the existence
of God, but complete godlessness of action; it is a moral evil, implying not the denial of the
absolute validity of the moral law but simply rebellion against that law."

3. What is cafeteria Catholic?

A cafeteria Catholic is typically defined as one who picks and chooses what Catholic teaching he
wants to believe or in other words these are Catholics who believe most of what the Catholic
Church teaches, but they ignore some teachings they have problems with (like artificial
contraception for example), picking and choosing what to believe, like in the buffet line of a
cafeteria. The term is a reference to cafeteria style dining, in which people pick and choose the
foods they want. The implication is that a cafeteria Catholic simply picks aspects of Catholic
doctrine which appeal the most, rather than taking the whole package.

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