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Natashia Marshall

November 18, 2014

Assignment 3

A trend that I’ve noticed in theatre is the ability of other actors to crossover into

different disciplines. By this I mean that, and this has probably been a trend for a long time,

actors are able to show their proficiency in other areas of the arts. Many theatre artists paint,

sing, play an instrument, compose, and write among other things. For me all of those things

have been an interest that I have never attempted to really pursue outside of doing theatre.

It seems to me that now is a time to continue to hone these skills as I may be able to

find work doing those when I cannot doing theatre. This encourages me to practice trumpet

once more, to continue to create visual art, and to continue to sing though I’ve not the

resources to take lessons. If I can continue trumpet, for example, perhaps I can audition into an

orchestra (which was a dream since middle school) and, if it is successful, support myself with

this other art form.

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