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Time was passing by and I couldn’t stop thinking about the incredible speed at which the world and

way of doing business were changing. Although very fulfilled with my job (after all, I was getting paid to
analyze businesses), day after day I felt that I was falling behind. Also, after a few years working with
debt, I wanted to learn about how it is like to invest in equity.

After giving a lot of thought about how I could take advantage of my skillset to thrive in this new fast-
paced-tech world, and, more importantly, how could I help SMB succeed, I figured out that working with
Venture Capital would be a great fit (and so would be working with Private Equity or with Corporate
Development, for example, each of them with their nuances and specificities). After all, I’d be doing
what I liked the most (analyzing businesses and structuring deals) and would also be connected to this
(not-so) new ecosystem.

With that in mind, in mid 2016 I finally decided to quit the bank in order to get an MBA in a top business
school in the US. My preparation included not only essays, letters of recommendation and the GMAT
but also a year of internships and freelances in startups and in a fintech innovation hub. I wanted to
build the understanding of how a startup worked and see with my own eyes what I was digging into.

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