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Get to know you questions

If you could magically have one item

If you had a time machine, where and
you own with you any time you want
when would you go?
it, what would it be?

Where was the setting of the last

When have you felt underdressed?
dream you had?

If you had to participate in one

I could not live without _______.
extreme sport, what would it be?

What is one customer loyalty card you What would you name your first (or
own? next) child?

If you could only wear one color for

I respect ________ (name of person).
the rest of your life, what would it be?

How many slices of pizza can you eat What was the most recent movie
in one sitting? you've seen?

What place would you never be caught

Outdoor malls or indoor malls?
dead in?

If you could have chosen your own If money wasn't an object, what would
name, what would it be? you buy for your room or house?

If you had to travel one mile

What's one thing you would change
rollerskating, rollerblading, or
about yourself?
skateboarding, which would it be?

What's the farthest you've traveled in

What are you afraid of?
one day?

If you could choose a 100 dollar If you were part of a fairy tale, which
shopping spree to any store, which stereotypical character would you be?
store would it be? (knight, fairy, witch, etc.)

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If you had to do one or the other,
What's one of your most comforting
would you rather sing a song in front
comfort foods?
of a crowd or deliver a speech?

What's one thing about you that Do you have any reoccurring
makes you proud of yourself? dreams? What about?

If you could be any Disney character, How many times do you check your
who would you be? email (or facebook or twitter) a day?

Have you ever walked out of a movie

Would you rather live in the
or wanted to walk out of a movie?
mountains or by the sea?
Which one?

What is (or was) your favorite Where was the prettiest sunset
exhibit at the zoo? you've ever seen?

If you could learn to cook any one dish

Which sport are you best at?
perfectly, what would it be?

If you had to give yourself a nickname, How many outfits did you wear
what would it be? yesterday?

What was the best Halloween

What color is your bedspread?
costume you ever had?

If you could have one thing grow on

What color is your toothbrush?
trees, what would it be?

What's your favorite meal of the day?

Are you a daytime napper?
What's your least favorite?

If you were taking a trip, would you What's your least favorite article of
prefer to fly or drive? clothing to wear?

What is the view like out your What's one thing on your Christmas or
bedroom window? birthday wish list this year?

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What is your least favorite household If you could be any mythological
chore? creature, what would you be and why?

What would you want to do for your

Have you ever read a "for Dummies"
next birthday if you could do
book? Which one?
If you could repaint one room in your
How do you feel about the circus? house, what room would it be and
what color would you paint it?

How do you feel about shopping for About how many pairs of shoes do you
clothes? own?

If you could choose to be one If you could only wear one shirt from
character from Harry Potter, who your closet for a week, which shirt
would you be? would it be and why?

If someone made a movie about your If you could be any animal, what
life, what genre would it be? would it be?

What was your first favorite book, or a Do you untie your laces when you take
favorite book when you were a child? off your tennis shoes?

On a scale of 1 to 10, how much do you

Where have you gone and felt the most
like your handwriting? (1 being hate
out of place?
it, 10 being love it)

What would be your absolute dream

What's your favorite season and why?

One of my talents is ______. When have you felt overdressed?

If your life were a movie, what song or

About how many times do you wear a
type of music would play during the
pair of jeans before washing them?
opening credits?
What's one thing you're interested in
If you could change one thing about
that most people who know you might
the world, what would it be?
not know?

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What's something good that happened
What's your favorite dessert?
to you today?

Do you know your love language? How recently ago did you floss your
What is it? teeth?

If you could live one day in the life of What was the last song you listened
any profession, what would it be? to?

On a scale of 1 to 10, how messy is

What one invention would you
your room right now? (with 10 being
un-invent if you could?
super clean and 1 being a pigsty)
On a scale of 1 to 10, how good are you
What do you need more of right now? at keeping a secret? (with 1 being
awful and 10 being awesome)

What something about tomorrow that What's one thing you admire about the
you're excited for? person to your right?

If you could have any animal for a pet,

What was the most recent TV show
what would it be and what would you
you watched?
name it?

What was the most recent book you've If you had to write a book, what would
read? it be about?

If you could have any superpower, Is there any food you never ever get
what would it be? sick of? What?

If you were applying for a job, what

My worst feature is _____.
would your references say about you?

Do you consider yourself more of an What is one song you know all the
introvert or an extrovert? words to?

What's your favorite article of clothing

What are you grateful for right now?
you own?

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