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Blast off!

Year 5
NASA needs your help. You have been invited to undertake building your own spacecraft to go travel around
the Solar System. NASA does not have a spacecraft that uses sustainability friendly materials and wants one.
NASA needs to minimise costs and make sure the craft lands safety on the Mars.

Your task is in group of 3, you have to create your own spacecraft using at least 4 recycled materials to create
the craft to make sure NASA gives your craft the tick of approval.

You must plan 2 to 3 designs of your spacecraft so then you can make a final design and create the ultimate
space vehicle.

Your spacecraft needs to have at least 4 different recycled materials. You must consider how the craft is going
to land safety, how 3 people will fit inside, and how the craft will carry all the equipment.

1. Research about different recycled materials and what types of features that needs to be on a
2. Research about spacecraft designs and what type of equipment is needed inside the spacecraft.
3. Create and label your 3 designs of your spacecraft.
4. Create the ultimate spacecraft.
5. Make a list of recycled materials you need to collect.
6. Construct, measure and build your spacecraft.
7. Continue to build your spacecraft adding final elements.
8. Present your spacecraft to the class.

There will be a self-assessment checklist to ensure you have included all of the requirements NASA are
looking for in your spacecraft. Be sure to check over the criteria before preparing your presentation.

At the end of the term, in your groups, you will have to create a presentation to the class on everything you
have done leading towards creating your spacecraft. You must include about why your spacecraft is
sustainable. After, the class will walk around the classroom to observe and comment on each other’s

You will have 8 lessons to complete your spacecraft. Extending lessons can go onto designing a digital

 1-2 - Researching
 3-5 – Planning, designing and gathering materials
 1 – Presentation

(Pixabay, 2014)

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