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Shameem Khursheed
Principal - St. Patrick’s College

True learning is a life-long process. But to continuously achieve it, (However,) our children must
find it enjoyable and rewarding to learn, so they can develop a sustained level of motivation
necessary for long-term achievement.

Lack of motivation is a significant barrier to academic success that exhibits itself through
feelings of frustration and annoyance. Students’ experience hinders productivity and well-being
in the long run. Several factors influence the motivational level in learning, such as the ability to
believe in the effort, the unawareness of the worth and characteristic of the academic tasks.

Until we are not aware of the motivational resources, the process cannot develop in a proper
way. Therefore, few underlying resources for teachers and students may help to enhance the
level of learning motivation.


1. Support of Administrator.

The role of the administrator in an institution is important as teachers and students. It is the role
of the administrator to make the teacher feel at ease and help them with their academic and
personal issues.

2. Library Resources.

The school library can be very helpful for the teachers to prepare their class lessons and also to
improve their content knowledge. In this way teachers’ motivation level will be enhanced and
can refer the students for readings.

3. Implementation of Technology.

In this new era, educational technology is very essential for physical hardware, software, and
educational theoretic to promote learning motivation and also improving performance by
creating, using, and managing modern technology resources in education

4. Encouragement Reward for the Teachers.

Motivation cannot only be made verbally but also through appreciation letters and awards for
their teaching, academic result, or even positive personalities in the classroom. This can be
awarded on the annual award distribution ceremony; it provides the teachers’ encouragement in
their following field to do better in the future.
5. Academic and Professional development opportunities.

Encouragement for further studies should be highly considered. The institute should offer
professional development for the teachers, which could include workshops, educational
conferences or specialized training in their specific field and further academic studies.

6. Encourage in Decision making.

Many teachers would love to be involved in decisions if you gave them the opportunity. Being
left out of an important decision that affects them is the easiest way for a teacher to lose
motivation. During the daily morning, meetings encourage the teachers to speak about their
difficulties that can be solved collectively among one another without being judged.

7. Learning Communities.

Consider creating professional learning communities within your school to create a more formal
structure for collaboration. Having your teachers work together can significantly impact their
motivation on the students.

8. Teachers’ feedback to students.

In every class, there are some students who struggle in adapting what the teacher is saying or
explaining and feel frustrated or let down on themselves. In such situations, it is important that
the teachers help the students to figure out where they went wrong and how to improve it.
Reckoning a way to their problems and motivate them to work hard.


1. Students Guidance and Counseling.

While guidance and counseling from a teacher’s professional counselor is essential to keep the
students on task and motivated, allowing students to have some choice and control over what
happens in the classroom is actually one of the greatest ways to keep them engaged.

2. Set Goals and Objectives.

If the objectives of the class aren’t defined clearly it can be frustrating for the students to
complete an assignment. They need to know what is expected of them in order to stay motivated
to study. So to achieve that, the teacher should lay out the rules, expectations, and objectives at
the beginning of the academic year, so that the students are well aware.

3. Create a good environment.

As a result of various researches, it has been discovered that until we shall not create a learning
environment in the class, the students will not be motivated to learn and participate in the class.
Classes must be well equipped with the required technology to possess it.

4. Learning through experiment.

Every student has various ways to grasp a certain topic, not all students respond to it in the same
way. Hands-on experience can be the best for some, others might like to work in silence. A
classroom is a great place for learning, but sitting at a desk day in and day out can make school
start to seem a bit dull for some students.

5. Assigned responsibilities to the students.

Assigning students’ classroom tasks is a great way to build a community and to give students a
sense of motivation. Most students will see classroom jobs as a privilege rather than a burden
and will work hard to ensure that they, and other students, are meeting expectations. It can also
be useful to allow students to take turns leading activities or helping out so that each feels
important and valued.

6. Formation of students groups.

While not all students will jump at the chance to work in groups, many will find it fun to try to
solve problems, do experiments, and work on projects with other students. The social interaction
can get them excited about things in the classroom and students can motivate one another to
reach a goal. Teachers need to ensure that groups are balanced and fair, however, so that some
students aren’t doing more work than others.

7. Students Appraisal.

There is no other form of motivation that works quite as well as encouragement. Even as adults
we crave recognition and praise, and students at any age are no exception. Students, even the
best ones, can become frustrated and demotivated when they feel like they’re struggling or not
getting the recognition that other students are. Teachers can give students a bounty of motivation
by rewarding success publicly, giving praise for a job well done, and sharing exemplary work.

8. Use different materials.

Observed that students prefer audiovisual aids rather than reading it from books, visuals grasp
their attention immediately making them pay more attention to it. Visual like flashcards,
infographics, quizzes. There are also various educational sites that offer online lectures, quizzes,
games or videos. Teachers can use these resources which are beneficial for the whole class.

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