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Concept - JDBC Difficulty Level 1

Create a table tbl_Account_<your employee id> with columns

number,acType,balance,noOfAccountHolders with appropriate data types. number is the
primary key and add unique constraint on number

Create a class Account with below attributes:

number - int

acType - String

balance - double

noOfAccountHolders - int

Create a default constructor which sets the default value as the value of the

Create a class AccountDAO.

Create a method insertAccount in the DAO class which will take Account object as
the input parameter and inserts the record into tbl_Account_<your employee id>.

Use Prepared Statement for insertion.

Create a method selectAvgBalance with no parameters in the AccountDAO class which

will return average of balance for all the records present.

Create AccountDemo with main method and test the above methods.

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