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Q1. The giving tree: Read the comprehension and answer the questions-
a) Determine the Tone and the Mood of the piece. Explain why you are
categorizing it into that particular Tone or Mood.
b) If you were the boy in the giving tree what would you do and why?
c) Which is the literary device prominently used in the piece?
d) “We unlearn as we grow”, explain in context to the poem.

Q2. The world is too much for us:

a) Explain sordid boon mentioned by the poet in your own words. Which 9is
the literary device used in the line.
b) With reference to the poem, how is man out of tune with nature? And
what would the poet rather be?
c) Explain the mood and theme of the poem.

Q3. The little prince:

a) How does the little prince finally realize that his flower was indeed the
special one?
b) If you were the little prince would you finally leave Earth and your
beloved friend to go back to your planet? What quality does the little
prince exhibit in making the choice of returning?
c) Explain in detail the Mood of the story.

Q4. Write an article on :

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