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Fear is an emotion we feel when we are in danger or think we are.

Our fears going since something

basic like fear of a spider or something complex like the fear of death. I was searching and found a
lot of lists with common phobias and their explanation, but I found some of the humans fears that
I think that are the worst and that we have ever experienced.

The first fear is losing freedom, the fear of losing freedom has always been present in the human
mind because, although it is not something we think of at every moment, it has given us moments
of deep thought and wonder what would happen if we lost the power to control our own lives.
This fear starts with mundane things, like that time I was locked in my room alone without the
possibility of leaving until I finished my homework, or our fear of getting married. But this leave a
question, is freedom the best thing for us? We have all seen people make bad decisions over and
over again, and wondered whether having someone else make their decisions for them would
make things better.

The second fear of the unknown. The fear of the unknown is easily explained: the mind tells us
that in order to move forward, we must know what is waiting for us there, because “if I know,
then I can control the situation, and if I don’t know, then I am not in control”. When we don’t like
what is different, this is simply because we can neither understand it, nor have a plan to control it
beforehand. Many of us, when we were kids, were afraid of the dark, mainly because we didn’t
know what might be hiding in there.

The third fear is death. The fear of death is related to the fear of the unknown; we don’t know for
sure what will happen to us when we leave this world. In fact, we are so interested in death that
we have even developed whole cultures and religious beliefs that have tried to give an explanation
to death since the beginning of time.

The fourth fear of failure. This fear it rules over all our actions and decisions. Everything we do,
and don’t do, things in order to avoid failure. Failure can be a lot of things; realizing you don’t live
your life the way you wanted to, not succeeding in your plans.

The main fear of failing comes with the disappointment that follows, that feeling that despite your
effort, nothing seemed to go as you wished it did, and it causes a feeling such that you might not
even want to try again.

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