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Dear Editor of the Clarion Call,

I am writing to you today regarding the previous story you published surrounding the newly elected
prime minister of Finland, Sanna Marin who just so happens to be a female. I am just informing you
that I completely agree with your argument – a woman, especially of her young age of 34 is not prime
minister material. She under no circumstances, is qualified to lead a country. A woman should be in
the home, supporting her husband’s decisions and tending to his needs. I do not understand what was
going through their heads when electing her. Finland has had quite a remarkable past, with its
organised crime rates being the lowest in the world, along with having incredible security and police
force. Why did they decide to elect her of all people? I don’t understand what went through their ill

Kindest regards,

William Smith Sr – Burnside SA


To the letter of the Editor of the Clarion call,

The Black lives matter movement is a joke. They're allowed to live in our countries – isn’t that
enough? These protests are a feeding ground for the deadly Corona Virus, and on top of that are not
necessary for society. I thought of all newspapers, the Clarion call would be demonstrating how these
protests are unnecessary and a joke of a movement – especially one which has no importance for
anyone that matters in society. Please focus more on this issue in your newspapers, I enjoy reading it
and feel as though you are being too nice to people who don’t deserve anything more than what
they’ve already got. Hope you can address the real issue of the black lives matter movement – the
people who are supporting it and can't wait to see how you and your team can address this problem
that has harmed so much of the world.

Thank you,

Mary Johnson – Springfield SA


Finally, someone else who agrees with JK Rowling’s post. It’s her opinion, and honestly, one that
needs to be voiced more. With someone of her power, she is demonstrating care for the greater
community by voicing crucial opinions needed in a rather broken society where these ideas of people
changing genders are normal. What Rowling said is in no way anything offensive, and as she said in
her post “It isn’t hate to speak the truth”.

Harold March – Toorak Gardens SA

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