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k Mainul Hassan,1631782030,24

Rajiv Ashrafi

ENG 105

Being a man is the toughest challenge in today’s world

The cultural stereotype in today’s world is that it is great to be a man. Being a man, I am

always expected to be perfect, flawless and to exceed expectations. To have solutions to all the

problems. We need to carry a burden of expectations on our shoulders about what society

deems as success. “Men suck” has become a million dollars phrase nowadays. When men are in

troubles, asking for help is considered a shame to many people. Gender norms often hurt both

sides, but men often suffer from not feeling able to talk about their problems. Being a man

nowadays is harder in this cruel world..

I’ve spent my share of time taking guys to the woodshed for a well-deserved written

spanking about their occasional clueless behavior towards women—but there are always two

sides to a story. Women are on a straight trajectory of ascension and recognition. They have

proven without a doubt that they can do anything guys can do, with the exception of peeing

while standing. Men on the other hand are being bombarded with a frenzy of perspectives

about how they should look, feel, and behave. It’s called pressure. Things have gotten way too

complicated on the “manning up” front, and these days it can be tough being male in general,
and especially being a Guy’s Guy. (Mann, 2018, Para 1 & 2). It has become a common

phenomena in today’s world that guys are always being judged harshly on every aspects. It is

bringing down a lot of guy’s confidence level and they are not being able to give their best. So,

this bring frustration to their life.

Being a man is harder today than it has ever been. Because the rules for masculinity have

changed. Being a man is about acceptance, understanding, kindness and empathy. It’s about

admitting fault, apologizing, and searching for a better way. Being a man is about lending your

voice to people, and fighting for what is right, not what is right for you.(Barbush,J.;2018,Para

2).It’s definitely not easy being a man in today’s near feminazi world. In the American culture,

and others, many men have difficulty expressing emotion due to toxic masculinity. Toxic

masculinity refers to actions that discourage displays of emotion—other than anger—in men

while also encouraging behavior that will deem the male “dominant” in a given situation. Even

as children, young boys who express feelings are compared to girls in a negative context.


Though it’s difficult for men in a lot of perspectives but it’s also easy for them in

accomplishing a lot of things than woman. Men so often get the advantage for the natural

instinct they have got which woman don’t.

The world is now a difficult place to live for men ever than before. It’s hard to survive in

this competitive cruel world with a thousands of expectations that we have on men. As a result

they are being so frustrated and a lot of men nowadays think the world is the toughest place to

Works cited

Mann, R(2018,April 19). Why It’s Tough Being a Guy.The good men project. Retrieved from

 Montero, H.A(2018,Dec 5) Depression in Men: The Cycle of Toxic Masculinity. Psycom.

Retrieved from


Barbush, J.(2018,Jan 30).Being a man is easy. Athena talks. Retrieved from

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