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Didactics of English

Phase 1 Terminology of Language Teaching

Elaborado por:

Daniela Murillo Martínez

Código: 1001204596

Grupo: 7

Tutora: Viviana Esperanza Yepes

Septiembre 2020- Bogotá

Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia. UNAD

Escuelas de Ciencias en La Educación ECEDU

Licenciatura en Lenguas Extranjeras con énfasis en inglés.

Step 1. My concept of Didactics of English
Is the science of teaching and learning of the English language,
literature, the relation between studying and teaching, as well as
studying and learning, is developed, instruction is conceived of as
dealing with all different ways in which the didactics help students to
reach or develop certain insights or a certain degree of competence,
the notion of “Teaching as success” again implies that teaching
always leads to learning, the point is that while somebody may be
engaged in a teaching process without success, it makes less sense to
say that someone has learned something unsuccessfully; finally,
teaching is seen as normative behavior. Teaching is here regarded as
a generic term “It designates a family of activities: training and
instruction are primary members and indoctrinating and conditioning
are near relatives.

Step 2: Terminology and the Glossary

• L1: We also know it as the mother tongue, which is the first
language that an individual learns.
Example: My L1 is Spanish.

• L2: It is the second language that an individual learns,

normally called a foreign language.
Example: Very soon my L2 will be English.

• EFL: It is teaching English as a foreign language.

Example: In 3 years I will teach my students EFL

• ESL: It means English as a second language.

Example: My second language will be ESL.

• ESP: stands for English for Specific Purposes and English for
Special Purposes.
Example: ESP is used for business.
• EST: English for science and technology.
Example: NASA uses EST

• EAP: English for Academic Purposes.

Example: The EAP is used in colleges and universities.

• CBI: Content-based instruction.

Example: Content-based instruction (CBI) focuses on content rather
than language.

• CLIL: Content and Foreign Languages Integrated Learning

Example: Learning is interactive and autonomous and focused on
processes and tasks

• STT: student talk time

Example: To improve fluency you should speak 80% in class.

• TTT: teacher talk time

Example: Teachers speak a little less English since students must be
able to understand and participate.

• FES: Speak fluent English.

Example: My English teacher speaks perfectly fluent.

• LES: limited English speaker

Example: I am currently a LES girl

• CLL: Advocates for language learning in the community

Example: language teaching in which students work as a team to
develop aspects of a language they would like to learn.
• CLT: Teaching of communicative languages.
Example: teaching a second language and foreign languages whose
ultimate goal is to learn to communicate.

Step 3: Screenshot of a chat

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