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API Name /api/tagging (POST)

Calling Application  Green , Yellow ,Black , Red  
This API initiates tagging process. Based on the status
the tagging process will decide which API to process
Functionality out. Tagging api internally calls update status and get
the status and it might be red /yellow/green/black
and the based on the status it return to tagging api.
1) This API takes taggingRequest and globalTrackingId
API Steps
as input parameters.
2)  Based on orderID and globalTrackingId it generates
  GetStatusResponse object.
3)  Based on status of GetStatusResponse this api
  determines green, yellow, red and black service.
4)  Prepares FraudRequest object taking input from
  GetStatusResponse object.
5)  Process the order with passing input as
  globalTrackingId, url, FraudRequest.
Records Created
Records/Tables updated
Status Column Value Changes



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