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Activity 1:

Exercise 1 (Chapter 15)

How does Stanley describe his cot? (1)

- Scratchy and smelly

What was Mr. Sir chewing when he marched the boys out to the lake? (1)

- Sunflower seeds

What colour was the tube? (1)

- Gold

What could Stanley sometimes see in the morning? (2 details) (1)

- Distant hills or mountains

Who did Mr Pendanski have to go next and where are they? (2)

- To take water to Group E. About 200 yards away

What is the Warden wearing? (1)

- She wore a black cowboy hat and black cowboy boots which were studded with turquoise stones.

What did Stanley find surprising about the Warden? (1)

- That she was a woman.

How did Stanley walk towards the Warden? (1)

- Nervously

What 2 adverbs are used to describe the warden? (2)

- Gently
- Hard

What does the Warden feel that Mr Pendanski has done? (1)

- Questioned her authority

What does Mr Pendanski agree to do? (1)

- Fill the canteens

Activity 2:

Exercise 3: Making Notes (Chapter 15)

What did the boys have to do for the rest of the day and why are the boys nervous of the Warden?

What did the boys have to do for the rest of the day?
 Dig together
 Put the dirt into a wheel barrow
 Search through the dirt
 Dump the dirt away from the holes
 Search for anything interesting
 Dig holes that were 6 feet deep and wide
Why are the boys nervous of the Warden?
 They thought she put microphones everywhere
 They thought she put cameras everywhere
 They thought she was watching them all the time
 She knows all of their names

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