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Nama : Firstyani Nursikka Afiansyah

NIM : 1902026063

Kelas : HPI B3

Mata Kuliah : Bahasa Inggris II


• Page 25
A. Comprehension Check (Scanning)
1. B. a right thing
2. D. An-Nahl
3. A. argue
4. B. two points
5. D. soft word
B. Comprehension Check (Skimming)
1. C. Circumtances of dakwah addressee that need to be considered
2. C. missionaries should be mentally strong and understand the addressee condition
3. D. The Islamic missionaries must be tolerant and avoid anger, hate and discrimination
towards those who reject Islam.
4. B. Being tolerant as well as angry
5. A.
C. Vocabulary Building
a. Synomyms
1. b. dissemination
2. h. insensitive
3. a. intimidation
4. g. encourage
5. f. hatred
6. c. disapproval
7. e. warning
8. d. overstated
b. Vocabulary
1. We think that his statement is harsh as she just lost her family.
2. He claimed the police had used coercion, threats and promises to illegally obtain the
3. He exaggerated his movement so we could see them more clearly.
4. The most common parental admonition must surely be “Don’t stay out late”
5. They felt nothing but repugnance for the group’s violent history.
c. Vocabulary Expansion
1. Such a badly presented exhibition invite criticism.
2. The government is expected to issue a statement about the investigation to the
3. A good degree is a minimum required for many jobs.
4. Changes are being introduced to make the department operate more efficiently.
5. Test result provoke worries that the reactor could overheat.
d. Reference Check
1. His from “Thus, the Islamic missionary in his invitation to others is aware of never…”
is refers to the Islamic missionary.
2. They from “… the opponents of dakwah just because they reject Islam.” Is refers to
the opponents of dakwah.
3. They from “ They must be tolerant and avoid anger or hate even towards those who
reject Islam.” Is refers to the Islamic missionaries.
• Make a sentence with “Da’wah”
Being a goodly counsel by giving advices, guiding, and warning with peace and far away from
discriminate and hatred is one of the important aspects in Islamic da’wah.
• This is my list sentence that I use to describe dakwah:
1. Dakwah is invitation to wisdom.
2. Wisdom is a right thing that should be put at the right moment and the right time.
3. Islamic dakwah is an invitation to think, debate and argue without exercising any
pressure or coercion, the other words, dakwah should be in peace, non-aggression, and
respect the dignity.
4. Being a goodly counsel is one of the important aspects in Islamic dakwah.
5. Goodly counsel in Islamic dakwah means adopt a comprehensive method to convince
the addressee and saying only the best thing, they should be soft in their conversation
and say only what is true and dignified even in their discussions with unbelievers and
those who reject Islam.
• This is the highlight words of Islamic Banking text from my vocabulary
1. It does not allow the paying and receiving of riba’ (or excessive interest) and promotes
greater degree of fairness and equity in conduct of banking business. Fairness =
keadilan, equity = hak menurut keadilan, conduct = mengadakan.
2. The entrepreneur is provided with funds by the capital provider to conduct a business
activity. Entrepreneur = pengusaha, provided = disediakan, fund = dana, capital = modal.
3. The profit made are shared on an agreed ratio, while losses will be divided based on the
equity participation ratio. Agreed = sepakat, losses = kerugian, divided = terbagi.
• Page 33
A. Comprehension Check (Scanning)
1. A. Islamic law
2. C. commendable partnership
3. B. business partnership
4. D. the custodian and trustee of funds
5. B. interest-free-loan
B. Comprehension Check (Skimming)
1. B. Qur’an and Sunnah as the source of Islamic law
2. D. profits are shared according to the pre-determined profit sharing ratio
3. Islamic banking less promotes greater degree of fairness and equity in the conduct
of banking business
4. C. it is suggested that the borrower should, at his/her own preference, without
promising it, pay extra as a token of appreciation.
5. Paragraph 5

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