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Elise’s Five Year Plan 

(Career) 2020 
find representation 
(​ June-September) 
-​through showcase, if this does not happen I will find casting agency calls and 
audition or email performance reels to companies.  
-throughout this process I will be  
move to NYC (sublet) 
-Action: find a sublet during first year (fall) audition season and part of 
pilot season? (Looking for a sublet closer to Midtown) *thinking Upper West Side area. 
Planning to look into the FB groups to find something safe and affordable.  
intern at a theatre/casting agency 
- Action: Summer of 2020 want to definitely work towards grower a stronger 
relationship with the world of casting. I want to experience behind the table 
work and what goes into the process, hopefully could get a paid internship? Ask 
to be the reader in the room at agencies  
- get a promotion to musketeer for Red Bull Company  
Action: I currently work as a Marketer for Red Bull and would love to be 
promoted to do more work with them and make LOTS of money.  
-be seen in the audition room 10+ times by December 2020  
- find a vocal coach  
-Action: meeting other people at classes, auditions, etc and learning about the 
coaches in the city.  
-take at least one dance class a week (?)  
-Action: save money and keep in the loop by going with friends.  
-find a church home in NYC that's inviting and family-like 
Action: asking friends 
-start training for my personal training license  
-build back my Fitness YouTube channel  
Action: create ideas for content and reliable videos that people will be willing to 
click on.  
-visit family at least 2 times every 4 months 
-Action: save money for flights back to Kansas City  
-pay off ⅓ of student loans  
-Action: PRAYER AND PROPER BUDGETING. All in the hands of the Lord and 
- start writing a play  
Action: I want to have a voice and I want to see more work for women, people of 
color, and other minorities. I want to write 
- Run 2 5K’s  
- Action: TRAIN. Have a running plan 


(Career) 2021 
- book the national tour or broadway show Book of Morman  
- Action: get the libretto and learn the tracks I can play. Be totally 
prepared, present, and come in with something unique and different. 
- have my equity card  
- Action: work professionally, take mostly equity contracts and keep a 
spreadsheet with the amount of equity points to keep track.  
- get play reviewed professionally  
- Action: just having a pair of professional eyes read the play and give the 
play feedback.  
- being seen for new work opportunities  
Action: talking with agent about being sent it for workshops. 
- get represented by a film/tv agency  
- Action: to small film jobs to build up that resume and send film reel to 
- be a stronger dancer  
- Action: take classes at STEPS, BDC, and more. Enjoy and be willing to fail 
to succeed.  
- taking at least one dance class a week 
-Action: save money each month to set aside for dance classes.  
Year Two Goals  
- Have my personal training license 
- Work as a personal trainer at a gym 
- Become a Gymshark fitness Athlete  
- Move into an apartment with my boyfriend in NYC 
- Get a therapist in the city  
- Run at 10K 
- Do praise/worship at my church  
(Career) 2022 
- be on broadway at least once or twice  
Action: Being in either Book of Mormon, Lion King, or Ain’t Too Proud? 
Consistently being seen in the audition room, having a great attitude, staying 
persistent and fresh.  
- build a strong Instagram following (10.5K)  
- Putting Instagram handle in Broadway bio, engaging with fans, having a 
strong presence and theme, and consistently posting 
- work towards getting more film/tv/voiceover credits on resume  
- Action: actively searching for more film and TV casting calls. Becoming 
reliable to use.  
- reading of my play in my living room 
- Action: To introduce to people who don’t know theatre and get their 
Year Three Goals: 
- Start a personal training side business  
- Sustain my sponsorship with Gymshark  
- Have at least 150K subscribers to my Fitness Youtube Channel  
- Preach one sermon at church to youth  
- Run the NYC Marathon 
- Keep healthy mentally  
(Career) 2023 
- take a break from theatre work towards enough film credits to become a 
member of SAG-AFTRA 
- Action: going on film calls and fixating more time to film calls instead of 
broadway and theatre calls.  
- go in for more film auditions  
- Action: seek representation for film/tv and actively search in FB groups 
and online. Building connections with others  
- take on-camera acting classes in the city  
- Action: use the resources from online, asking friends/colleagues, and 
finding an on-camera school. 
- have a film/tv agent  
- Action: ask friends who their agents are for film/tv and send film reel in, 
go through offers and pick the best one.  
- actively improving (still taking dance classes, taking from voice specialist, and 
acting classes)  
- Action: Save enough money to still be able to live, by groceries, and go to 
classes without making excuses on why you can’t go.  
Year Four Goals:  
- Have a website for my own personal training workouts and recipe books 
to sell  
- Get engaged?  
- Making a sustainable money to live at means or a bit above 
- Getting closer to paying off all student loans and parent loans  
- Taking classes on money management and growing my skills  
(Career Goals) 2024 
- Building my career as a casting agent or something higher that pays in the 
- Action: Applying to casting agencies in NYC, being in the room behind 
the table for free when I’m not working to build connections.  
- Looking into working for Netflix 
- Action: learn more about the company and apply and know my facts. 
- Still auditioning-just not as frequently  
- Action: never will I give up my craft, continue to be in the room and learn 
the business.  
- Planning move to LA  
- Action: start looking a places with my finance.  
Year Five Goals: 
- Run another marathon  
- Keeping working on growing fitness side business and website  
- Possibly get married  
- Looking into moving to the West-Coast and exploring the film world  
- Making more money  
- Paying more student loan and parent loan debt off  

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