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A structural framework for sustainable processes

in ergonomics

Irem Sarbat & Seren Ozmehmet Tasan

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framework for sustainable processes in ergonomics, Ergonomics, 63:3, 346-366, DOI:

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Published online: 18 Jul 2019.

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2020, VOL. 63, NO. 3, 346–366


A structural framework for sustainable processes in ergonomics

Irem Sarbat and Seren Ozmehmet Tasan
Department of Industrial Engineering, Dokuz Eylul University, Izmir, Turkey


Considering today’s globalised world, new concepts that assist ergonomics are needed to pro- Received 22 October 2018
vide human well-being. Accordingly, the sustainability concept is used in this study to satisfy Accepted 27 June 2019
the needs of stakeholders, put environmentally-friendly and cost-effective interventions into
practice and provide ergonomically well-designed and easily managed processes that are more
Sustainability indicators;
flexible, adaptable and human-sensitive. To achieve this, a practical and easily adaptable frame- ergonomic indicators;
work, which integrates ergonomics and sustainability by presenting the relations between fun- integration;
damental elements of ergonomics and sustainability dimensions (SDs), is proposed. Within this relation; framework
base framework, ergonomic indicators (EIs) and sub-dimensions proposed for the classification
of EIs are structured for ergonomics under a sustainability point-of-view. The sub-dimensions
proposed in this study, which have direct or indirect relations to humans, are ‘Loss’,
‘Investment’, ‘Conditions’, ‘Contribution’, ‘Self-Development’, and ‘Satisfaction’. This structural
framework, which can be easily used by ergonomists or managers, ensures a good starting
point for providing sustainable processes in ergonomics.

Practitioner summary: This study proposes a structural framework to present the relations
between ergonomics and sustainability. In the context of ergonomics, fundamental elements of
ergonomics are chosen, while three dimensions of sustainability and proposed sub-dimensions
are used in the context of sustainability. The adapted ergonomic indicators are also classified
within these sub-dimensions.
Abbreviations: SDs: sustainability dimensions; SIs: sustainability indicators; EIs: ergo-
nomic indicators

1. Introduction standards, giving importance to ecology and preserv-

ing profitability are the aims of the organisations.
In today’s rapidly changing world, it is getting harder
Under today’s complicated circumstances, however, it
to provide better living conditions for people. One of
can be denoted that money is one of the most
the main reasons why it is difficult to overcome this
prominent output that is tried to be gained, and, unfor-
situation is the changes taking place in every part of
life such as income level, purchasing power and tech- tunately, working conditions may be ignored during
nology. Increased responsibilities and efforts against production and consumption conversions.
the challenges of time management are other import- Furthermore, during this profit-making process, compa-
ant factors in conducting lives by considering all these nies generally are not attentive enough to their
factors. From a global point of view, Zink (2011), employees’ needs. These insufficient attitudes can be
Siemieniuch, Sinclair, and Henshaw (2015), and seen clearly in health and safety issues. About this,
Reiman and V€ayrynen (2018) state that megatrends Haslam et al. (2016) denote that the deserved priority
(i.e. globalisation, food and energy security, digitalisa- of health and safety is not given by many organisations
tion, demographic development, community security although there is an explicit need for the management
and safety, market dynamics, change of values and of them. It is not difficult to say that giving importance
technological progress) affect society, organisations to people’s lives has been decreased in today’s global-
and individuals broadly. ising world by considering all these profit-oriented
From an organisation’s point of view, Krykun (2016) organisations. Actually, providing for human well-being
indicates that enhancing quality of life and living becomes more challenging today.

CONTACT Irem Sarbat Faculty of Engineering, Department of Industrial Engineering, Tinaztepe Campus, Dokuz Eylul
University, 35397, Buca, Izmir, Turkey
ß 2019 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group

Ergonomics is a discipline that works for providing design more flexible, traceable, controllable, and man-
human well-being both physically and mentally. Wilson ageable processes. Moreover, sustainability can help
(2000) denotes that the well-being of individuals, ergonomics for indicating the processes in an eco-
organisations and national economies are provided by nomic, ecological, and social way.
ergonomics, and, this aim can be achieved with the To accomplish all these, firstly, the relations
help of theory as well as practice, models and methods. between ergonomics and sustainability should be pre-
Nevertheless, the physical, cognitive, social, organisa- sented suitably. In this regard, key dimensions, sub-
tional and environmental aspects of the work and its dimensions, and indicators to present the relations
positive or negative potential impacts on the employ- between ergonomics and sustainability should be
ees should be regarded for a successful application of defined precisely. Later, all of them should be
ergonomics (Scott, Kogi, and McPhee 2010). In other arranged within a framework to be easily understood
words, ergonomics tries to propose solutions for pro- and performed by the whole stakeholders in the
viding human well-being under challenging living con- related processes. Although there exist many frame-
ditions. Unfortunately, handling these conditions and works and their adaptations to the various areas in
trying to prevent them with only ergonomics may not the literature to measure sustainability, it has been
provide sufficient and sustainable solutions. noticed that there is a lack of research addressing
Nevertheless, ergonomics has not reached its ergonomics and sustainability together within a struc-
potential for associating with tasks, products, jobs, tural framework, where new dimensions, sub-dimen-
technology, organisations and environment interacting sions, and indicators are proposed for ergonomics
with human’s abilities, needs, and limitations (Dirkse under a sustainability point-of-view. This research gap,
van Schalkwyk and Steenkamp 2017). By starting from which is the development of such a structural frame-
this, it can be stated that proposing more permanent work to assist in providing sustainable processes in
solutions against ergonomically improperly designed ergonomics, is the starting point of this study.
processes can be possible with the help of concepts In this study, a structural framework for the integra-
such as sustainability. tion of ergonomics and sustainability is proposed to fill
Bolis, Brunoro, and Sznelwar (2014b) consider that this research gap. The proposed framework comprises
the aims of ergonomics are somehow related to sus- dimensions, sub-dimensions, and indicators, which are
tainability. Zink (2014) remarks on the necessity of sus- proposed and gathered to present the relations
tainability for developing assessments and designs between ergonomics and sustainability. The fundamen-
related to work systems, because, it is dangerous for tal aim of this study is to propose a practical and easily
sustainability to become only a vogue term. Miller et al. adaptable framework for the organisations to facilitate
(2014) state that sustainability searches for the answer for having processes that satisfy the needs of the stake-
to the question about how various communities at dif- holders and put environmentally friendly as well as
ferent scales envision and maintain social and natural cost-effective interventions into practice. To achieve
well-being. In addition to these studies, Johnston et al. this aim, firstly, more flexible, traceable, and measurable
(2007) suggest that defining sustainability to be more processes should be provided. It is proposed in this
associated with the human environment is essential. study that this base framework, which is composed of
Recently, the necessity of considering sustainability ergonomics, sustainability, and the potential integration
for the processes, which human is one of the main of these two, can accomplish this aim by assisting to
drivers, has been occurred. Siemieniuch, Sinclair, and the periodic control and management of the processes.
Henshaw (2015) denote that manufacturing processes The paper is organised as follows. The motivation
may be fundamental to sustainability. Moreover, ergo- and scope are discussed in Section 2. Immediately
nomics has an essential role in sustainability due to after, sustainability is introduced in Section 3.
the increasing roles of people in manufacturing proc- Sustainability indicators (SIs) and the review of the
esses such as design, knowledge, control, strategy, relevant literature are also summarised in this section.
and resilience (Siemieniuch, Sinclair, and Henshaw The proposed framework is presented in Section 4
2015). Brown and Legg (2011) also suggest that many with the research on new sub-dimensions for EIs.
systems should be redesigned to achieve sustainabil- Additionally, the selection of SIs, the adaptation of SIs
ity, and ergonomics may help for this redesign. Hence, to ergonomics, and classifications of EIs by using the
it can be stated that considering ergonomics within a proposed sub-dimensions are also presented in this
sustainability point-of-view can give a chance to the section. After all, the proposed framework is presented
stakeholders (e.g. ergonomists and managers) to in this section with the relations presented between

ergonomics and sustainability. Finally, the paper ends framework at the base level, a concept to support
with discussions and conclusions in Section 5. ergonomics is needed.
Sustainability can be a useful concept to address
this issue. Hansmann, Mieg, and Frischknecht (2012)
2. Motivation and scope state that economic, ecological, and social aspects are
Designing a well-operated process is a challenging considered as three fundamental dimensions of sus-
issue nearly in all areas. Defining key elements, deter- tainability, which is defined as an integrative concept.
mining the potential relations between them, and pre- There are many models in the relevant literature to
senting all in a developed framework can be hard express sustainability and its dimensions. Thatcher
work when complicated conditions are considered. (2014) presents the main models in this area as three
According to many disciplines’ point-of-view, regula- pillars model (also called the three circles model or
tion and periodic evaluation of the process is as the Triple Bottom Line), prism model (sometimes
important as its design. These issues are also remark- called the four pillars model), nested circles of sustain-
able in ergonomics. ability (also egg of well-being model or concentric
In today’s conditions, the management of the bet- circles model), and two-tiered sustainability equilibria
ter perpetual process in ergonomics to provide human model of sustainable development. These models
well-being has been challenging given many internal acknowledge that the coordination of a complex set
and external influences. These influences constitute of interrelating factors is needed for the achievement
ergonomic risk factors such as awkward postures, of sustainable development (Thatcher 2014).
Considering ergonomics and its fundamental ele-
heavy loads, repetitive movements, physical workload,
ments, a kind of model, which represents the intersec-
monotonous work, time pressure, job stress, lack of
tions between SDs, is needed for the framework
management’s support, and job dissatisfaction. It is
proposed in this study. The reason for selecting the
likely that these risk factors give some physical and
three dimensions of sustainability, which is based on
mental harm to people in the long term. On the other
the three circles model (i.e., overlapping circles), is the
hand, these potential harms can cause economic and
ability to represent these intersections basically and
ecological effects directly or indirectly. Therefore, a
practically. Consequently, the most important decision
structural framework to be developed should have a
should be how and on which way sustainability can
holistic point-of-view to prevent potential ergonomic
contribute to ergonomically well-designed processes.
risk factors as well as to enable ergonomically well-
As Zink, Steimle, and Fischer (2008) underline, sus-
designed processes. tainable development has an anthropocentric view,
According to the existing efforts in ergonomics, it
and, it considers not only the environment but also
can be stated that a kind of structural framework is human needs. Brown and Legg (2011) also denote the
needed. This framework should meet the needs of the intersection of ergonomics and sustainable develop-
employee, who is located in the intersection of job/ ment by pointing out the aims for each: Sustainable
task, workplace & equipment, and work organisation, development aims to optimise the relationship
while outside economic and social influences are also between the ecosystem, economic system, and social
considered. Scott, Kogi, and McPhee (2010) define this system while ergonomics aims to optimise the rela-
relation by presenting fundamental elements of ergo- tionship between humans and other elements of the
nomics (i.e. job/task, workplace & equipment, work system. It can be stated that human is located in the
organisation, and employee) and their interactions intersection of ergonomics and sustainability.
each other. It should be noted that an ergonomically Accordingly, considering models that centre human
well-designed process should be within an employee’s can be a good starting point to develop the frame-
individual capabilities and limitations as well as the work. To do this, firstly, the interactions between
satisfaction of social needs and aspirations. humans and other elements of the system should be
The main point is whether these efforts, that is, defined and classified properly. The design of a pro-
consideration of only fundamental elements of ergo- cess to provide human well-being can be easier and
nomics, are sufficient or not to develop an ergonomic- effective in this way.
ally well-designed process. Furthermore, the relations According to Carayon et al. (2015), ‘human perform-
between fundamental elements of ergonomics and ance within these complex work systems can only be
the economic and social influences outside require a properly understood as human interactions within the
more structural framework. To develop such a broader context of work’. These human interactions

within the broader work context consist of elements setting, task, interface, contextual, temporal and spa-
and environments, which are both tangible (technol- tial, and co-operation. In this model, the human is at
ogy, physical environment) and intangible (psycho- the centre of all these interaction elements proposed.
social culture, work practices and procedures) Wilson (2000) points out that, logistics interactions
(Carayon et al. 2015). Hence, it can be stated that consider the supply chain, and setting interactions
there are many ergonomics models, which examine consider the environment, while contextual interac-
the role of the human in work systems, considering tions are related to society, finance, politics, and inter-
the related tangible and intangible elements. Carayon face interactions are related to hardware and software.
(2006) and Carayon et al. (2015) compile these models, From this point of view, it can be denoted that logis-
and, some of these models are summarised as follows. tics and setting interactions can be associated with
Psychodynamics of work (Dejours 1980, 2009) focuses the ecological dimension of sustainability. Additionally,
on the relationship between work organisation and contextual and interface interactions can be counted
mental health of an employee. This model aims to within the scope of the economic dimension of sus-
improve working conditions for a better relation tainability. By considering its interaction elements pre-
between employees and their work. Activity-related sented, it can be stated that Wilson (2000)’s
ergonomics or ergonomic work analysis (EWA) interacting systems model for ergonomics can be
(Montmollin 1981, 1988; Wisner 1995; Daniellou 2004, given as an example of a potential relation between
2006) is related to real work to improve the ways to ergonomics and sustainability.
work while problems are solved and health, quality, As it is well-known, work systems can be stated as
and productivity are supported. This model considers sociotechnical systems because of their human-centric
human capacities and limits in terms of physiology structure (Carayon 2009; Reiman and V€ayrynen 2018).
and anthropology, and, it aims to transform the work Carayon et al. (2015) define the sociotechnical system
based on employee activities. Model of Work System as ‘synergistic combination of humans, machines, envi-
(Smith and Sainfort 1989; Carayon and Smith 2000; ronments, work activities and organisational structures
Carayon 2009) has a systemic approach to provide and processes that comprise a given enterprise’. By
employee’s well-being and safety. This model aims a considering these definitions, it can be stated that
balanced work system by considering its elements human has the centre position in ergonomics proc-
(task, organisation, tools and technologies, physical esses. Thus, the relations between fundamental ele-
environment, and individual). Moray (2000) aims a sys- ments of ergonomics under the sustainability domain
tems approach to ergonomics by considering different can be used to develop a structural framework by
systems levels that include individual, team, group, using many other potential elements and their poten-
organisation, and management behaviours, legal and tial interactions. It can be stated that this framework
regulatory rules, and, cultural and societal pressures. should be sensitive to the needs of human, environ-
Hendrick and Kleiner’s macro-ergonomics approach ment, and economy. Through this viewpoint, all the
(Hendrick and Kleiner 2001; Kleiner 2008) deals with required descriptions should be made step-by-step,
work design in terms of macro-ergonomics by consid- while the relations and interactions should be pre-
ering personnel and technological sub-systems, task sented within a framework.
and organisational design, and, internal and external
environments. Human-Systems Integration (Booher
3. Key concept for well-designed processes in
2003) looks at ergonomics from the view of a user-
ergonomics: Sustainability
centred approach to design and deploy complex sys-
tems. In this model, human-system performance is the The modern history of ergonomics arises from World
most important design criterion that includes technical War II (Wilson 2000). Based on associations, scientific
and organisational system design by using ergonom- journals, and thousands of studies, it can be stated
ics, training, manpower, survivability, personnel, health that more than seventy years of history mentioned
hazards, and safety as main elements. Wilson (2000) may cause ergonomics to reach maturity. However,
discusses the role of ergonomics, which provides a technologies, advanced information systems, and
holistic approach for understanding complex interact- quick transformation processes of today’s global world
ing systems including humans. Consequently, Wilson cause various challenges also for ergonomics. One of
(2000) proposes an interacting systems model for these challenges is providing and preserving the con-
ergonomics, in which the interaction elements are div- tinuity of the processes for better jobs, workplaces,
ided into eight classes namely organisation, logistics, and even living conditions. Fundamentally, defining

ergonomic risks by using ergonomic risk assessment Besides assessing ergonomics risks by using these
methods can be an effective way to overcome methods, following a structural framework defined
this challenge. clearly can be another effective way to overcome the
Today, there are many ergonomic risk assessment challenges that emerge in providing and preserving
methods and their applications. Dempsey, McGorry, the continuity of the processes. Although there are
and Maynard (2005) highlight that ergonomic risk several ergonomic risk assessment methods, studies
assessment methods have been developed to analyse that discuss developing a structural framework to
tasks, equipment, and environment, and method manage all processes of a work organisation within a
selection is a key step in ergonomics assessment proc- holistic point of view is needed. It can be stated that
esses. To select one of these methods, Takala et al. when such structural frameworks are developed and
(2010) propose four criteria, that is, the aims of the implemented properly, the ergonomic risks in the rele-
method’s usage, the characteristics of the work that is vant processes can be identified easily.
assessed, the person who uses the method, and the
resources that are ready to collect and analyse data. 3.1. A brief look to sustainability for an
Ergonomic risk assessment methods are usually ergonomically well-designed process
classified into three categories as subjective judge-
ments (e.g. questionnaires and self-reports), systematic In the modern sense, Lange-Morales, Thatcher, and
observation and direct measurement (van der Beek Garcıa-Acosta (2014) define sustainability as the man-
and Frings-Dresen 1998; Burdorf and van der Beek agement of scarce resources that are for the current
and future generations’ usage. Since sustainability was
1999; Li and Buckle 1999; David 2005; Dempsey,
firstly mentioned in the Middle Ages, it has been
McGorry, and Maynard 2005; Chiasson et al. 2012).
spread on the international scale, and this spread has
Some of the prominent studies that propose an ergo-
occurred through the concept of sustainable develop-
nomic risk assessment method are stated as follows
ment mainly in the last four decades (Bolis, Brunoro,
by considering these three categories; Nordic
and Sznelwar 2014a). As it is widely known, World
Musculoskeletal Discomfort Questionnaire (Kuorinka
Commission on Environment and Development
et al. 1987), Cornell Musculoskeletal Discomfort
(WCED) defines sustainable development as
Questionnaire (Hedge, Morimoto, and Mccrobie 1999),
‘development that meets the needs of the present
Dutch Musculoskeletal Discomfort Questionnaire
without compromising the ability of future genera-
(Hildebrandt et al. 2001), Copenhagen Psychosocial
tions to meet their own needs’ (WCED 1987). With
Questionnaire (COPSOQ) (Kristensen et al. 2005) in the
clarification by this definition, it can be stated that
category of subjective judgements; Ovako Working
when economic, ecological, and social well-being is
Posture Analysing System (OWAS) (Karhu, Kansi, and
simultaneously achieved, providing a truly sustainable
Kuorinka 1977), Rapid Upper Limb Assessment (RULA) form of progress is possible (WCED 1987; Johnston
(McAtamney and Corlett 1993), NIOSH Lifting Equation et al. 2007).
(Waters et al. 1993), Plan fo €r Identifiering av Johnston et al. (2007) state that sustainability pro-
Belastningsfaktorer (PLIBEL) (Kemmlert 1995), Rapid vides all people of the world to live and work healthy,
Entire Body Assessment (REBA) (McAtamney and fulfilling, and economically ensured in the absence of
Hignett 1995; Hignett and McAtamney 2000), The jeopardising the planet and the future welfare and
Strain Index (Moore and Garg 1995), Occupational destroying the environment. In parallel, Thatcher
Repetitive Actions (OCRA) (Occhipinti and Colombini (2012) underlines that sustainable development is
1996; Colombini 1998; Occhipinti 1998), Quick interested in the continuation of the economic viabil-
Exposure Checklist (QEC) (Li and Buckle 1998; David ity, environment, and social networks of people as a
et al. 2008), Task Recording and Analysis on Computer whole (i.e. the entire system) rather than refer to the
(TRAC) (van der Beek, van Gaalen, and Frings-Dresen continued use of a product over a long period of
1992), Portable Ergonomic Observation (PEO) time. From this point of view, sustainability can be
(Fransson-Hall et al. 1995), Posture, Activity, Tools and presented as one of the prominent concepts for the
Handling (PATH) (Buchholz et al. 1996) in the category development of a structural framework also
of systematic observation; and Electromyography in ergonomics.
(EMG) (Wells et al. 1997), Lumbar Motion Monitor According to Martin, Legg, and Brown (2013), an
(LMM) (Marras et al. 1992) in the category of direct effective design should accomplish all standards,
measurement. which are related to ergonomics, environment,

Figure 1. Elements of an effective design under sustainability domain (visualized from Martin, Legg, and Brown 2013).

production, quality and occupational health, while this 3.2. Measuring sustainability: The indicators
design satisfies the needs of all stakeholders (Figure from literature
1). It can be denoted that building such a structure
Since the late 1980s, many proposals have been made
can be possible with a sustainability concept.
on how sustainability should be measured. These pro-
Accordingly, the framework to be developed for pro-
posals consist of several definitions and classifications,
viding sustainable processes in ergonomics is desired
indicating many indicators or indices. Instead of calcu-
to have a holistic point-of-view as in Figure 1.
lating the values of indicators or indices for once, cal-
Pavlovic-Veselinovic (2014) supports this issue by
culating them for longer periods and comparing them
defining the interest and engagement in sustainability
with previous periods is more effective for understand-
issues as a real need for a holistic, integrated and sys-
temic approach rather than a desire by ergonomists to ing and managing the progress of organisations
be ‘trendy’. From this viewpoint, it can be stated that towards sustainability. Mayer (2008) states that,
managing the whole complex transformation proc- although indices generally present a static overview of
esses of a work organisation becomes easier by using a system, if they are calculated periodically, they can
such a framework. The main point is to determine specify whether the system is becoming more or less
which main areas the framework should contain. sustainable and can find out the most responsible fac-
It should be stated that sustainable processes do not tors for driving the system. Additionally, Ness et al.
only work for the environment but also protect and (2007) highlight that the tracking of long-term sustain-
maintain human well-being. For having such sustain- ability trends from a retrospective point of view is
able-designed processes and providing their continuity, possible by using indicators and indices calculated
besides, the processes should be managed within an continuously, therefore, short-term projections and
efficiently operated and periodically reviewed manner. decisions for the future can be made by understand-
Dul et al. (2012) denote that performance (e.g. product- ing these trends.
ivity, efficiency, effectiveness, quality, innovativeness, Despite the existence of many indicators and stud-
flexibility, (systems) safety and security, reliability, and ies about how sustainability can be measured, the
sustainability) and well-being (e.g. health and safety, unchanging point is the development of a framework
satisfaction, pleasure, learning, and personal develop- that is accepted by all. Regarding this issue, Joung
ment) can be achieved by fitting the environment to et al. (2012) denote that instead of using individual
the human and, human factors/ergonomics (HFE) spe- indicators, combining them with regards to three
cialists can balance these two system outcomes and dimensions of sustainability and evaluating them
the other ones. To achieve these aims, WCED summa- together bring more practical consequences to meas-
rises the needs for the pursuit of sustainable develop- ure sustainability. According to Azapagic and Perdan
ment in their report with regards to political, economic, (2000), the main goal of SIs is to provide stakeholders
social, production, technological, international, and with the required information of a system to use SIs in
administrative systems (WCED 1987). strategy devising for more sustainable development,

Table 1. The publicly available indicator sets compiled by Joung et al. (2012) (summarised in a table from Joung et al. 2012).
Sustainability Dimensions Developed for
Number of Indicators/
No Indicator Set Categories Economic Ecological Social Companies Regions/Countries
1 Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) 70 indicators    
2 Dow Jones Sustainability Indexes (DJSI) 12 categories    
3 2005 Environmental Sustainability Indicators (ESI) 68 indicators  
4 Environment Performance Index (EPfI) 19 indicators  
5 United Nations-Indicators of Sustainable 96 indicators    
Development (UN-CSD)
6 Organisation for Economic Cooperation and 46 indicators    
Development (OECD) Core Environmental
Indicators (CEI)
7 Ford Product Sustainability Index (Ford PSI) 8 indicators    
8 International Organisation for Standardisation 3 categories  
(ISO) Environment Performance Evaluation (EPE)
Standard (ISO 14031)
9 Environmental Pressure Indicators for European 60 indicators  
Union (EPrI)
10 Japan National Institute of Science and 71 indicators  
Technology Policy (NISTEP)
11 European Environmental Agency Core Set of 37 indicators  
Indicators (EEA-CSI)

considering all dimensions of sustainability. Mori and energy (Searcy, Karapetrovic, and McCartney 2005; La
Christodoulou (2012) present the following aims of Rovere et al. 2010; Bu €yu €zkan and Karabulut 2017),
€ ko
sustainability. Firstly, economic, ecological, and social biofuel (Efroymson and Dale 2015), chemical (Krajnc
dimensions of sustainability should be considered; sec- and Glavic 2005; Jia et al. 2016), steel (Singh et al.
ondly, the equity between current and future genera- 2007; Arena and Azzone 2010; Long et al. 2016), food
tions and nature should be maintained; and, lastly, (Gerbens-Leenes, Moll, and Schoot Uiterkamp 2003;
healthy conditions related to these two aims should Maxime, Marcotte, and Arcand 2006), and retailing
be maintained in the long term (Mori and (Erol et al. 2009). Additionally, there are some general-
Christodoulou 2012). Hence, it can be stated that the ised frameworks (Azapagic and Perdan 2000; Veleva
efforts made for achieving these aims can also provide et al. 2001; Ness et al. 2007; Streimikiene, _
managing and controlling the related processes and Girdzijauskas, and Stoskus 2009; Ahmed and
increasing sustainability performance. Sundaram 2012; Roca and Searcy 2012; Chardine-
Under these circumstances, many companies/organ- Baumann and Botta-Genoulaz 2014), which are pro-
isations prefer using a generalised and useful frame- posed to be used in the industries for more sustain-
work to measure their current state in terms of able practices.
sustainability. Using a standardised form of SIs is also Nearly, all these prominent studies classified above
essential to present and benchmark the measurement prefer using all three dimensions of sustainability.
results on a general basis. In this regard, Joung et al. However, some studies prefer using other different
(2012) compile some of the publicly available indicator dimensions. Joung et al. (2012) propose a framework
sets (Table 1). This table summarises these indicator with using not only three dimensions of sustainability
sets in terms of the number of indicators/categories but also technological advancement and performance
included, the SDs involved, and for whom the indica- management as dimensions. La Rovere et al. (2010)
tor sets are developed. Each of the indicator sets is use technological dimension in addition to three
classified in a framework within itself to measure sus- dimensions of sustainability. On the other hand,
tainability in many processes. Docekalova and Kocmanova (2016) consider corporate
On the other hand, there are some prominent stud- governance as a dimension as well as economic, eco-
ies that propose a framework to measure sustainability logical, and social dimensions of sustainability.
in various application areas such as production/manu- Similarly, Singh et al. (2007) select organisational gov-
facturing (Veleva and Ellenbecker 2001; Krajnc and ernance and technical aspects as fourth and fifth
Glavic 2003; Labuschagne, Brent, and van Erck 2005; dimensions. Contrary to all these studies, Maxime,
Tseng, Divinagracia, and Divinagracia 2009; Joung Marcotte, and Arcand (2006)’s, and Efroymson and
et al. 2012; Docekalova and Kocmanova 2016; Helleno, Dale (2015)’s studies concentrate on only one dimen-
de Moraes, and Simon 2017; Sangwan, Bhakar, and sion of sustainability (i.e., ecological) while Arena and
Digalwar 2018), mining and minerals (Azapagic 2004), Azzone (2010) use ecological and social dimensions.

It is summarised from all the studies discussed sustainable development. Consequently, Radjiyev et al.
above that various SIs can be used for obtaining (2015) propose an interconnection map that denotes
proper and efficient results to measure sustainability. the relations between sorted categories of ergonomics
During these efforts, many potential relations between and sustainable development. Siemieniuch, Sinclair,
ergonomics and sustainability can be established. and Henshaw (2015) present the potential effects of
These relations can be presented through the adapta- global drivers (i.e., population demographics, transpor-
tion of SIs to ergonomics, after the definitions of pro- tation, energy security, food security, community
posed sub-dimensions and the selection of SIs security and safety, emissions and global climate,
are made. resource depletion, and, globalisation of economic
and social activity) while the role of sustainability
engineering to decrease the potential effects of these
4. Presentation of the relations between
global drivers is discussed. Siemieniuch, Sinclair, and
ergonomics and sustainability: The
Henshaw (2015) also examine new manufacturing
proposed framework
paradigms from a systems ergonomics perspective.
Since early 1990s, frequently since 2010, many authors Reiman and V€ayrynen (2018) present a comprehensive
have discussed ergonomics and role of the human in review of holistic well-being defined as a combination
terms of sustainability and sustainable development. of well-being in both work and non-work domains.
These studies are divided into three categories under Reiman and V€ayrynen (2018) discuss sustainability by
ergonomics and sustainability point-of-views to including this to the balanced work systems and bal-
express their contributions and differences: Reviews, anced organisation theory while new insights and
discussions, and foresights (Moray 1995; Martin, Legg, research challenges are also pointed out. Thatcher
and Brown 2013; Radjiyev et al. 2015; Siemieniuch, et al. (2018) present a State of Science article, which
Sinclair, and Henshaw 2015; Reiman and V€ayrynen evaluates what ergonomics discipline has achieved in
2018; Thatcher et al. 2018), system design and key ele- addressing the global challenges urged by Moray’s
ments (Fischer and Zink 2012; Hanson 2013; Thatcher International Ergonomics Association (IEA) keynote
2013; Zink 2014; Demirel, Zhang, and Duffy 2016; address in 1993. Thatcher et al. (2018) also state their
Thatcher and Yeow 2016), interactions and general own set of predictions and suggestions for priorities
principles (Zink and Fischer 2013; Bolis, Brunoro, and and practices that are required to facilitate a sustain-
Sznelwar 2014a; Lange-Morales, Thatcher, and Garcıa- able future for humanity.
Acosta 2014). These prominent studies are briefly sum- Fischer and Zink (2012) discuss sustainability in
marised below by considering the pro- terms of system theory, and they propose a concep-
posed categories. tual model of a sustainable work system that consists
Moray (1995) discusses the role and future of ergo- of balanced management of human, social, ecological,
nomics to solve major ecological and social problems and economic capital. Hanson (2013) focuses on the
in the 21st century such as water, food, energy, pollu- design of sustainable systems and presents some of
tion and waste, urbanisation, violence and terrorism, the challenges and opportunities related to environ-
health and medicine. According to Moray (1995), to mental sustainability for the professionals who work in
cope with these problems, human behaviour and the ergonomics area. Furthermore, Hanson (2013)
human interactions with other humans and with the presents some of the areas for these professionals to
environment must be included in any solving proc- contribute such as works in green industries, the
esses and procedures, and, in fact, this reflects the designs of products and systems that are environmen-
purpose of ergonomics. Martin, Legg, and Brown tally-friendly, and understanding of behavioural
(2013) present a comprehensive literature review on changes related to environmental choices. Thatcher
ergonomics, sustainability, and design to explore the (2013) points out the coherent structure of the aims
contributions of ergonomics to sustainability and sus- of ergonomics and the aims of design for environmen-
tainable design. In this study, Martin, Legg, and Brown tal sustainability. In this regard, Thatcher (2013) pro-
(2013) find out that despite the congruent aims of poses a conceptualisation of the term ‘green
ergonomics and sustainability, there is a limited contri- ergonomics’ to define ergonomics interventions with a
bution of ergonomics to sustainability and sustainable pro-nature emphasis, and, he presents bi-directional
design. Radjiyev et al. (2015) present a systematic sur- relationships between human systems and nature
vey that comprises research trends and convergent within comprehensive research. Zink (2014) defines
areas about the potential roles of ergonomics in some of the key issues by presenting a systems

approach for the design of sustainable work systems Ryan and Wilson (2013) point out possible opportu-
within an ergonomic point-of-view. Zink (2014) also nities for ergonomic evaluations in the sustainability
remarks about the potential contradictions about the concept. According to Ryan and Wilson (2013), these
economic, ecological, and social aims of sustainability opportunities may put into practice in various areas
while sustainable work systems are considered. such as information collection, organisational proc-
According to Zink (2014), new concepts have to be esses understanding, behaviours and organisational
developed while ergonomics can contribute some culture understanding, support for the development
existing ones. Demirel, Zhang, and Duffy (2016) use of methodologies, tools and interfaces against differ-
digital human modelling approach for the integration ent kinds of risks. Hence, different new areas, such as
of human into sustainability. Accordingly, Demirel, those proposed by Ryan and Wilson (2013), can be
Zhang, and Duffy (2016) develop two conceptual proposed as potential dimensions for the integration
digital human modelling toolkits (i.e., Air Quality Index of ergonomics and sustainability. In this direction, the
Assessment and Metabolic Energy Expenditure) to proposal of the new sub-dimensions for ergonomics
evaluate health risks and employee’s performance. under a sustainability point-of-view as well as EIs
Thatcher and Yeow (2016) discuss sustainable systems adapted from the selected SIs is given below through
in human factors and ergonomics in detail by consid- this section as the scientific contribution of this study
ering which system requires sustaining and what to the relevant literature.
length of time is considered sustainable.
Zink and Fischer (2013) reveal the interactions of 4.1. Introduction of the dimensions for
sustainability and ergonomics, and they examine the sustainability indicators
necessity of sustainability as a new approach for ergo-
nomics. Zink and Fischer (2013) also present some of It can be easily noticed from the relevant literature
the general principles for the design of work systems that many studies classify SIs by using various dimen-
that include sustainability. Bolis, Brunoro, and sions. Moreover, some studies consider these dimen-
Sznelwar (2014a) identify the relationships between sions at more than one level. On the other hand, it
work and the themes of sustainability (i.e., sustainable can be stated that indicators constitute the last level
development and corporate sustainability) through an of these dimensions. Before the relevant literature is
extensive bibliographic analysis. Bolis, Brunoro, and presented, a hierarchical scheme is depicted to pro-
Sznelwar (2014a) also discuss in which position and vide clarity in dimensions, sub-dimensions, and indi-
on which way ergonomics can contribute to sustain- cators (Figure 2).
ability at work. Lange-Morales, Thatcher, and Garcıa- In this hierarchical scheme, Level 1 comprises three
Acosta (2014) present an extensive analysis of ergoe- dimensions of sustainability presented as the main
cology and green ergonomics by outlining the princi- dimensions in this depiction. Other dimensions that
ples, purposes, and application areas to address the differ from the three dimensions of sustainability are
contribution of ergonomics perspective to sustainabil- also presented at this level. If there any sub-dimen-
ity. Lange-Morales, Thatcher, and Garcıa-Acosta (2014) sions after Level 1, they can be presented in Level 2,
also suggest a set of sustainability values (i.e. respect Level 3, Level 4, … , Level m-1, respectively. The indi-
for the Earth, respect for human rights, respect for cators are in the last level of this structure (i.e., Level
ethical decision-making, respect for transparency and m), and they are depicted as I1, I2, … , In. The follow-
ing parts of this paper are presented by considering
openness, appreciation of complexity, and respect for
these definitions.
diversity) and discuss the results of these values in
terms of both theories and practices of ergonomics.
4.1.1. The dimensions proposed in the relevant studies
All of these prominent studies present that sustain-
ability has undeniable importance for ergonomics. Besides various framework proposals, some studies
Meyer, Eweje, and Tappin (2017) reinforce this issue in have chosen the way of measuring sustainability by
their review article revealing that ergonomics and sus- using the frameworks that are presented by different
tainability share the same principles, but there is a organisations. For example, Azapagic (2004) proposes
lack of empirical information to prove the potential a framework that is compatible with Global Reporting
between ergonomics and sustainability. Nevertheless, Initiative (GRI) while sector-specific indicators are also
there are ongoing discussions and new framework presented in this framework. Additionally, Joung et al.
proposals on ways in which sustainability is most (2012) use the categorisation of SIs, which is proposed
beneficial when adapted to ergonomics. by the National Institute of Standards and Technology

Figure 2. A hierarchical representation of sustainability dimensions, sub-dimensions, and indicators.

(NIST). Moreover, there are other studies, such as ‘Water’. On the other hand, Docekalova and
Veleva and Ellenbecker (2001), which are based on the Kocmanova (2016) propose ‘Corporate governance’ as
framework of Lowell Centre for Sustainable an additional dimension to economic, ecological, and
Production (LCSP). social dimensions in Level 1.
It can be stated that the prominent studies in this Rather than proposing new SDs, some studies (i.e., the
area use different SDs and sub-dimensions whether studies presented in ‘Main Dimensions’ in Level 1) prefer
they use such frameworks proposed by these organi- using a framework based on three dimensions of sustain-
sations or not. Accordingly, some of these studies use ability. Each dimension is elaborated in Level 2 by defin-
three dimensions of sustainability in Level 1, while ing sub-dimensions. For example, Chardine-Baumann and
other ones focus on different dimensions in this level. Botta-Genoulaz (2014) propose ‘Reliability’,
Based on this division in Level 1, the prominent stud- ‘Responsiveness’, ‘Flexibility’, ‘Financial performance’, and
ies are presented in Figure 3 by using the hierarchical ‘Quality’ as sub-dimensions of economic dimension, while
scheme given in Figure 2. Details for these studies ‘Environmental management’, ‘Use of resources’,
and their proposed sub-dimensions are summarised ‘Pollution’, ‘Dangerousness’, and ‘Natural environment’
respectively after Figure 3. are proposed as sub-dimensions of ecological dimension,
As shown in Figure 3, it can be stated that some and ‘Work conditions’, ‘Human rights’, ‘Societal commit-
studies (i.e., the studies presented in ‘Other Dimensions’ ment’, ‘Customers issues’, and ‘Business practices’ are
in Level 1) propose their framework within a broader proposed as sub-dimensions of the social dimension of
perspective than three dimensions of sustainability. sustainability. As another example, Bu €yu €zkan and
Roca and Searcy (2012), and Docekalova and Karabulut (2017) propose sub-dimensions of ‘Business
Kocmanova (2016) can be given as examples to these continuity’, ‘Costs’, ‘Financial performance’, and ‘Product
studies. Roca and Searcy (2012) present an alternative performance’ for economic dimension, ‘Pollutants’,
way to classify the indicators apart from three dimen- ‘Resource efficiency’, ‘Biodiversity and ecological impacts’,
sions of sustainability by dividing the dimensions into and ‘Environmental management’ for ecological dimen-
fifteen categories in Level 1 namely ‘Interaction with sion, and ‘Employment’, ‘Life quality and society’,
community’, ‘Emissions and effluents’, ‘Employees’, ‘Product stewardship’, and ‘Social governance’ for social
‘Energy’, ‘Financial’, ‘Health and safety’, ‘Management’, dimension of sustainability. In addition to these studies,
‘Operations’, ‘Purchasing’, ‘Research and development’, Helleno et al. (2017) propose ‘Cost management’,
‘Reclamation’, ‘Satisfaction’, ‘Service’, ‘Waste’, and ‘Corporative management’, ‘Operational efficiency’,

Figure 3. The presentation of the dimensions of the relevant studies in literature by using the hierarchical scheme.

‘Products’, ‘Operating results’, ‘Suppliers’, ‘Customers’, and Due to its practical and easily adaptable structure,
‘Infrastructure’ as sub-dimensions of economic dimension, in this study, three dimensions of sustainability are
while ‘Environmental management’, ‘Environmental used in Level 1 (Figure 4). In most publications, indica-
aspects’, ‘Responsibility’, ‘Consumption’, ‘Product lifecycle’, tors are developed considering economic, ecological,
and ‘Recycling’ are proposed as sub-dimensions of the and social dimensions of sustainability (Roca and
ecological dimension of sustainability. For social dimen- Searcy 2012). What distinguishes this study from the
sions of sustainability, Helleno et al. (2017) propose prominent studies in sustainability as well as in ergo-
‘Economic’, ‘Satisfaction level’, ‘Quality and health’, nomics is the sub-dimensions, which are proposed for
‘Human resources’, and ‘Community’ as sub-dimensions. ergonomics under a sustainability point-of-view.
To propose the sub-dimensions in Level 2,
employee, work design, and workplace design are
4.1.2. The dimensions proposed in this study considered together, referring to the fundamental ele-
ments of ergonomics in Scott, Kogi, and McPhee
The studies presented so far propose SIs within a (2010)’s study. Fundamentally, this framework consid-
framework that has various dimensions to measure ers the human as the focal point. Hence, the sub-
sustainability, and generally, these studies focus on a dimensions proposed in this study should relate to a
specific industry/work area. On the other hand, some human directly or indirectly under a sustainability
new dimensions or sub-dimensions in ergonomics point of view. Additionally, in this framework, the sub-
under a sustainability point-of-view are needed to stantial amount of the presented EIs is related to
classify EIs adapted from SIs. humans, the needs of humans, the issues that humans

Figure 4. The sustainability sub-dimensions proposed for ergonomics to construct the structural framework.

affect, or the works that affect humans. Therefore, sub-dimensions of this structural framework in terms
these indicators can be classified according to these of economic and social dimensions, sick leave can be
sub-dimensions. given as an example. The factors in the workplace,
Dirkse van Schalkwyk and Steenkamp (2017) define which are harmful to human’s health, are defined as
good ergonomics programmes as cost-effective; the environmental, task, technological, organisational
because these ergonomically well-designed processes and individual factors (Smith and Sainfort 1989). It can
help for reducing injuries and incidents, quality and be stated that an ergonomically improperly designed
safety errors, and absenteeism, while they provide job process has many of these factors, and they can cause
enrichment and enable increasing motivation, job sat- sick leave. In this context, Pavlovic-Veselinovic (2014)
isfaction, and productivity. By starting from these denotes that the impact of an ergonomically designed
well-summarised benefits of ergonomics, it can be process on an employee’s health is an incontestable
highlighted that this structural framework has such a fact, and, ergonomics practices can reduce the costs,
viewpoint during the formation process of its sub- which are related to human stress, injury, or low prod-
dimensions. Therefore, presenting the relations uctivity. On the other hand, it is inevitable that one of
between ergonomics and sustainability can be the main causes of sick leave is musculoskeletal or
achieved basically by using this framework. It can be mental disorders (Westgaard and Winkel 2011). Sick
stated that the sub-dimensions in Figure 4 are related leave threatens the welfare of individuals, companies,
to these benefits of ergonomics directly or indirectly and society, while the performance and industrial
under a sustainability point-of-view while the necessity competitiveness of the various organisations are also
of the central position of humans is also kept affected due to the costs related to absenteeism,
into mind. labour turnover, reduced productivity, and the quality
To expand on the underlying meaning of the view- of life of the employees (Marras 2000; Westgaard and
point that is considered during the formation of the Winkel 2011; Meyer, Eweje, and Tappin 2017). In brief,

it can be stated that the costs related to ergonomic- sub-dimensions for ergonomics under the sustainabil-
ally improperly designed processes has a cumulative ity domain. In Level 2, two sub-dimensions are pro-
effect from the individual to the social level, therefore posed under each dimension of Level 1 for this base
it should not be ignored by the organisations. Some framework. Short descriptions of these sub-dimensions
precautions can be taken by making some invest- are also given in Figure 4. These descriptions should
ments for these losses in the ergonomically improperly be considered to select the related SIs, which are used
designed processes to improve the working condi- as theoretical background for the adaptation of EIs.
tions. These improvement efforts may also help for When Figure 4 is examined, it can be easily noticed
enhancing the satisfaction, motivation, and self-devel- that there are some similarities between ‘Self-
opment of the employees. Development’ sub-dimension and ‘Investment’ sub-
In addition to all these issues related to economic dimension. Both of them consider training and personal
and social dimensions of sustainability, the interaction development in ergonomics. However, the main differ-
and impression of ecology during the formation of the entiation here is the focus points of these sub-dimen-
sub-dimensions of this structural framework can be sions. ‘Investment’ sub-dimension is proposed to
implied in a similar manner. Turker (2009) states that measure sustainability in an economical way while ‘Self-
an organisation is responsible for not only avoiding Development’ does this in a social way. The hierarchical
environmental harm but also protecting and improv- structure of this framework (i.e., dividing the framework
ing the natural environment. Pavlovic-Veselinovic into levels) comes into prominence in explaining this
(2014) supports this statement by defining environ- differentiation between the sub-dimensions.
mental sustainability as the ability of natural capital to
remain intact. Hence, it would be appropriate for the
4.2. Adaptation of the selected sustainability
issues covered by the ecological dimension of sustain-
indicators to ergonomics
ability to include the conditions related to working or
living areas and the contributions to environmental After structuring SDs and sub-dimensions for Level 1
issues in order to preserve the environment within the and Level 2, SIs that are classified under each sub-
scope of sustainability. dimension should be selected from the prominent
In summary, it can be stated that the sustainability studies in the relevant literature to propose EIs. The
sub-dimensions in Figure 4 are proposed by consider- main criterion for this selection lies behind similar
ing the main issues such as cost, performance, quality, issues with the formation of the sub-dimensions in
safety, and motivation, which are implied so far. It Level 2: Human, work design, and workplace design. It
should be highlighted that the proposed sub-dimen- should be noted that these selected SIs are the fre-
sions in this structural framework are also coincident quently encountered indicators in the prominent stud-
with the benefits of ergonomics (please see Dirkse van ies in this area. In this regard, the selected SIs and
Schalkwyk and Steenkamp 2017) given before. As their references are listed in the following figures
Pavlovic-Veselinovic (2014) stresses, ergonomics and below by considering the sub-dimensions proposed.
environmental protection complement each other, The adapted versions of these indicators to ergonom-
and, they have an enormous impact on the well- ics are also presented in these figures.
being, health, and welfare of individuals and society The proposed EIs, which are classified within the
together with occupational health and safety. economic dimension of sustainability, are presented in
Additionally, Pavlovic-Veselinovic (2014) states that Figure 5. There are four EIs in ‘Loss’ sub-dimension,
ergonomically designed processes and workplaces while three EIs are proposed in ‘Investment’ sub-
provide producing quality products with minimum dimension. In here, losses of time, money, and
rejection and less use of raw materials, achieving high employee’s health are considered in terms of acci-
productivity, maintaining health and safety at work dents, injuries, medical treatments, and occupational
with less medical costs and absenteeism, and having diseases for ‘Loss’ sub-dimension. On the other hand,
high satisfaction with work. All of these issues affect ‘Investment’ sub-dimension considers the investments
the balance between the costs and profits of the com- for workplaces, training, and personal development in
panies and also the country’s economy (Pavlovic- terms of ergonomics interventions and environment,
Veselinovic 2014). health, and safety (EHS) issues.
As presented in Figure 4, SDs are structured within The proposed EIs, which are classified within the
two levels. Level 1 represents the three dimensions of ecological dimension of sustainability, are presented in
sustainability, while Level 2 consists of the proposed Figure 6. There are three EIs in ‘Conditions’ sub-

Figure 5. The adapted ergonomic indicators for ‘Loss’ and ‘Investment’ sub-dimensions of ‘Economic’ dimension.

Figure 6. The adapted ergonomic indicators for ‘Conditions’ and ‘Contribution’ sub-dimensions of ‘Ecological’ dimension.

dimension, while two EIs are proposed in ‘Contribution’ ergonomically designed processes in terms of charities,
sub-dimension. In here, ‘Conditions’ sub-dimension volunteers, and recycling are considered for
denotes to physical conditions of a workplace in terms ‘Contribution’ sub-dimension.
of time and complaints from employees and commu- The proposed EIs, which are classified within the
nity, while contributions to EHS issues and social dimension of sustainability, are presented in

Figure 7. The adapted ergonomic indicators for ‘Self-Development’ and ‘Satisfaction’ sub-dimensions of the ‘Social’ dimension.

Figure 7. There are three EIs in ‘Self-Development’ economic, ecological, and social dimensions of sustain-
sub-dimension, while two EIs are proposed in ability in Level 1. Since the fourth one, i.e., employee,
‘Satisfaction’ sub-dimension. In here, ‘Self- is located in the intersection of the other three ele-
Development’ sub-dimension is related to efforts for ments, it is not presented in this proposed framework
the development of an employee in terms of EHS separately (Figure 8).
trainings, suggested improvements, and time. On the The proposed structural framework presented in
other hand, the satisfaction of an employee is consid- Figure 8 consists of four parts, respectively; the funda-
ered in terms of working conditions or employee’s mental elements of ergonomics presented by Scott,
work for ‘Satisfaction’ sub-dimension. Kogi, and McPhee (2010), the main dimensions of sus-
tainability in Level 1, the proposed sub-dimensions of
sustainability in Level 2, and EIs adapted from the
4.3. Integration of ergonomics and sustainability:
selected SIs. EIs here are classified according to these
The framework
proposed sub-dimensions in Level 2.
The efforts made so far (i.e. selection of SIs and adap- In this framework, the relations between ergonom-
tation of EIs) constitute the sustainability part of this ics and sustainability are presented between all funda-
framework. However, potential integration between mental elements of ergonomics and all SDs (Figure 8).
ergonomics and sustainability should be presented The base structure of this framework is the reason of
more clearly. To present the relations between ergo- this holistic presentation of the relations. Nevertheless,
nomics and sustainability, i.e., to constitute this frame- it is thought that it would be more convenient to
work, the fundamental elements of ergonomics (i.e. identify the strength of these relations (i.e., strong or
job/task, workplace & equipment, work organisation weak) according to the type of the processes or
and employee) mentioned in the motivation and organisations that this framework is implemented. It is
scope of this study are used. In this framework, it is noted that these relations can also be identified and
proposed that the first three of the fundamental ele- examined by using multivariate statistical analysis
ments of ergonomics are associated with the methods such as Structural Equation Modelling.

Figure 8. The proposed structural framework for the integration of ergonomics and sustainability.

Consequently, it is proposed with this structural to determine which area is needed to be improved by
framework that various organisations can measure sus- considering the results of the periodic measurement
tainability in ergonomics at the base level. of sustainability.
It can be noticed from the relevant literature that
there are many organisations, which try to adapt SIs
5. Discussions and conclusion
to their processes systematically. By starting from this
Thanks to its multi-disciplinary structure, ergonomics easily adaptable structure of SIs, it is stated that SIs
has tried to provide human well-being for decades. can also be adapted to ergonomics. Additionally, these
While doing this, the providing of organisations’ well- indicators can be classified into some new dimensions
being has become another important focus point in or sub-dimensions in ergonomics under a sustainabil-
response to today’s rapid changing living conditions ity point of view. Therefore, it is thought that better
and needs. In fact, well-operated processes can serve perpetual conditions are more likely to be provided
this aim. Nevertheless, reviewing the processes and with using sustainability in ergonomics.
providing their continuity are crucial as well as having Under these circumstances, the sustainability con-
well-operated processes. In this regard, it can be cept is discussed in this study to support ergonomics.
stated that existing advanced approaches work for the It can be stated that identifying relations between
well-being of all stakeholders as well as organisations. ergonomics and sustainability is not difficult due to
Unfortunately, these efforts are not sufficient anymore the central position of humans in ergonomics and the
to have well-designed and effectively managed proc- implicit and explicit effects of humans over the three
esses in ergonomics. dimensions of sustainability. These potential relations
It is pointed out that the concept called sustainabil- can be presented with the help of SIs, their adapted
ity, which has been frequently encountered in today’s forms to ergonomics (i.e., EIs), and classifications of
globalising world, can help ergonomics to achieve this these adapted forms into new sub-dimensions.
aim. The latest practices show that organisations can Accordingly, the focus point of this study is research
try to meet society’s needs with a sustainability point on contribution, effect, and adaptation of the sustain-
of view. Sustainability uses various indicators to do ability concept to ergonomics by developing a prac-
this. These indicators, depending on what type of tical and easily adaptable framework to provide
processes or organisations they are used for, can be sustainable processes in ergonomics.
ecological, technological, economic, managerial, social, By considering all these issues, the integration of
etc. It is highlighted that these indicators can facilitate ergonomics and sustainability is presented in this

study through a proposed structural framework that Scientific and Technological Research Council of
presents the relations between fundamental elements Turkey (TUBITAK).
of ergonomics and SDs. It is highlighted that this
framework ignores the surrounding systems of Disclosure statement
humans by concerning all dimensions of sustainability.
No potential conflict of interest was reported by the authors.
In this regard, three dimensions of sustainability are
used to constitute this framework for Level 1 while
sub-dimensions for ergonomics under a sustainability Funding
point-of-view are proposed for Level 2 and proposed This work was funded by the Scientific and Technological
EIs adapted from the selected SIs are classified in Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK) [2211-A National
these sub-dimensions. This framework can be used by Scholarship for Ph.D. Students].
the ergonomists or managers, who are responsible for
having more traceable, manageable and ergonomically ORCID
well-designed processes in organisations.
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