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Basic Productivity Tools (BPT)

Lesson Idea Name: Observations & Explanations of Moon Phases

Content Area: Earth Science and Space Science
Grade Level(s): 4th Grade
Content Standard Addressed:
S4E2.b Develop a model based on observations to describe the repeating pattern of the phases of the moon
(new, crescent, quarter, gibbous, and full)
ELAGSE2SL5 With guidance and support, create audio recordings of stories or poems; add drawings or other
visual displays to stories or recounts of experiences when appropriate to clarify ideas, thoughts and feelings

Technology Standard Addressed: 1. Creativity and Innovation

Selected Technology Tool: Microsoft PowerPoint

URL(s) to support the lesson (if applicable):

Bloom’s Taxonomy Level(s):

☐ Remembering ☐ Understanding ☐ Applying ☒ Analyzing ☐ Evaluating ☐ Creating

Levels of Technology Integration:

☐ Infusion Level: Students may work at a higher Bloom’s Level, but they do not have any “Voice or Choice”
during the activity and most of the decisions are made by the teacher.

☒ Integration Level: We would like to see ALL lessons/activities reach this level. The project is student-
driven. Students have “Voice and Choice” in the activities, selecting the topic of study and determining the
technology tool to demonstrate mastery of the standard. The teacher becomes more of a facilitator.
☐ Expansion Level: The projects created are shared outside of the classroom, publishing student work and
promoting authorship. This could be reached by showcasing the project on the school’s morning
newscast, posting the project to the classroom blog, or publishing via an outside source.

Universal Design for Learning (UDL):

The Universal Design for Learning has multiple principles including providing multiple means of
representation, providing multiple means of action and expression, and providing multiple means of
engagement. I chose to use PowerPoint as my productivity tool, and this tool allows for multiple means of
representation through the audio, visuals, and subtitles provided in the PowerPoint e-book I created. This
part of the lesson addresses the visual and auditory learners in the class. I also activate the students’ prior
knowledge when I ask them if they are able to name any phases of the moon or explain where the light of the
moon comes from. I provide multiple means of engagement in this lesson because we have discussions as a
class and in groups, and students are engaged as they brainstorm and create their own e-book. I address
multiple means of action and expression by having students express their knowledge through discussions, the
creation of their own e-book, and by organizing the moon phase cards I provide. This tool enhances the
learning experience for my students because my students gather information in a fun way through the
PowerPoint e-book than if I just explained the moon phases or had them read a paper book.

Lesson idea implementation:

To start off the lesson, I will ask my students if they are able to name any phases of the moon. I will allow my
students to discuss ideas with a buddy and tell them that they will have an opportunity to share their ideas
with the class. As we discuss as a class, I will explain that we are only ever able to see half of the moon at once
SBooker, 2020
Basic Productivity Tools (BPT)
and the idea that we can only see half of it might help them make the connection of why two of the moon
phases have “quarter” in the name even though it appears as though half of the moon is bright. I will also
have students talk to their peers about where the light from the moon comes from. I will explain that the
students are going to listen to an e-book about the phases of the moon and that they will be creating their
own e-book to show what they learned.

This lesson will take 2-3 days depending on how long students have science each day. The first day will involve
students viewing my e-book and brainstorming ideas for their own. The second and third day will involve the
student creating their own e-book about the moon phases. Students will utilize resources in the classroom
such as the e-book I created for them along with any posters that display moon phases. Students will collect
images of the moon phases as well as images of the sun and Earth to incorporate into their PowerPoint. I will
assess my students through the creation of their PowerPoints by noticing whether or not the students
accurately placed photos of the sun, Earth, and moon in correct positions for the corresponding moon phase.
I will provide feedback to each student to confirm whether or not each student understands the moon phases
through short meetings with each student as I walk around the room. The final product, the e-books each
student creates, helps push the lesson towards a higher level of learning because students have a couple
choices when it comes to the creation of their e-book. The task does not allow a ton of differentiation for
each student, but each student has the opportunity to show off some creativity, and each product will look
different. They get to choose how to model the moon phases with images and audio. I will conclude the
lesson by having the students lead discussions (in groups) about what they have learned the past couple days
and ask them to use the moon phase cards I provided to display the order of the moon phases.

Reflective Practice:
I feel that having the students create their own product through PowerPoint deepens their understanding of
the moon phases and the positions of the sun and the Earth. When students create their own product like
this, they really have to analyze the information rather than just know and remember it. The lesson reaches a
higher level of Bloom’s Taxonomy when students analyze. The lesson also provides other ways for students to
demonstrate their knowledge. I think another fun way to extend the lesson could be done by assigning roles
to each student such as sun, Earth, and moon. I could have the students demonstrate different moon phases
by having them position themselves in order to create that moon phase. Other technology tools such as
simulations could also further the students’ understanding of this topic. PhET is a great resource that could be
incorporated into the lesson and address the ISTE Standard: 3. Research and Information Fluency.

SBooker, 2020

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