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Cute & Cozy Suit Chest measurement 3-0 mos 15-17 ins [48-43 em] 6-12 mos 17-19 7 [44-48 | Finished chest 3-0 mos 27 ins = [68,5 em | 6-12 mos al [78.5 ‘| Materials: Patons Melody (100 go Size 3-Gmos 6-12 mos a 5 balls Size 10mm (15. 15) knitting needles or size needed to obtain tension. One st holder. 14 ins [35 cml zipper. Tension: 9 sts and 14 rows = 4 ins (10 cm] in stacking st. Instructions: The fistrctions are wotten fur smaller size. if changes are necessary for flanger size the instructions will be writien hus € J. Left Leg: Cast on 26 (30) sts. Ist row: (RS). “Kl. M1. R11 (13). M1. Kl, Rep from * once more. 30 (34) sts. Cont in stacking st until werk [rom beg measures 8 ins [20.5 em] ending with RS facing for next tow. Break yarn. Leave sts on a spare needle, Right Leg: Work as given for Lefi Leg. Do not break yarn. Knit across 30 (34) sts from Right Leg. Turn. Cast en 1 st. Turn. Knit across 30 (34) sts from Lefl Leg, 61 (699 sts. Cont even until work from beg measures 19 (21) ins (48 (53.9) cm) ending with RS facing for next row. Divide for armhole: Next row: (RS). K15 (17), Turn, Leave rem sts on a spare needle. Cont even until work from beg measures 21 (23) ing [53.5 (58.5) cm] ending with wrong side facing for next row. Neck shaping: Next row: Purl to last 3 sts. Turn. Leave rem 3 sts on a safety pin (neck edge), Dee 1 st at neck edge on next 2 rows. 10 (12) sts. Cont even until work from beg measures 23 (25) in [58.5 (63.5) cm) ending with RS facing for next row. Cast off. With RS of work facing join varn to rem sts and knit across 31 (35) sts. Tuwen. Leave rem sts on a spare needle Cont even until work from beg measures same length as Right Frent to shoulder. Next row: Cast off 10 (12) sts, K11, Cast off rem LO (12) sts, Leave centre 11 ste on a holder. With RS of work facing join varn ta rem 15 (17) sts and knit to encl of row, Cont even until work from beg measures 21 (23) ins [53.5 ($8.5) cm) ending vith BS facing for next row. Leaflet #928-456 Neck shaping: Next row: Knit to last 3 sts. Turn. Leave rem 3 sts ona safety pin (neck edge). Dec 1 stat neck edge on next 2 res. 10 (12) sts Cont even until work from beg measures same length as Right Front to shoulder. Cast off, Right Sleeve: Cast on 11 (12) sts, Work 8 rows in stocking st (mitt flap). Break yarn. Leave sts on a spare needle, Cast on 11 (12) sts. Knit across 11 (12) sts from spare needle, 22 (24) sts “Cont ine 1 st each end of needle on next and fallawing 8th row. 26 (28) sts, Cont even until Sleeve from join with mit flap measures 6 (7) ins 115 (18) cml, ending with RS facing for next row. Cast off." Left Sleeve: Cast on 11 (12) ats, Work 8 rows in stocking st (mitt flap). Next row: Knit. Turn. Cast on 11 (12) ats, 22 (24) sts. Work from "to "as given for Right Sleeve. Finishing: Sew sleeve seam. Fold min Map towards front of Sleeve and sew in position, Fold francs of Body to centre. Sew insearn and botom of legs, Sew shoulder scams. Sew in sleeves. Hood: With RS of work Facing and bep at right frank neck edge, 3 from safety pin. Pick up and knit 9 sts up right front neck edge. Knit across 11 sts from back st holder inc 6 sts evenly across. Pick up and knit 9 sts down left front neck eles, K3 from safety pin, 41 sts, Bep with a purl row, work 5 rows in stocking at. Next row: K20, M1. Kl. M1. K20, 43 sts. Beg with a purl row work 5 rows in stocking st. Next row: K21, M1. K1. M1, K21. 45% sts, Cont ine every 6th row, as before, until Hood from pick up row measures 744 08%) ins [19 (21.5) cm] ending with RS facing for next row. Cast off, Fold hood in half and sew centre tap seam. Sew in zipper under front edges. Twisted cord: (make 2), Cut 2 strands of yarn 24 ins [61 cml long. With both strands tog hold one end and with someone holding other end, twist strands te the right until they begin to curl. Fold the 2 ends tog anc tie ina knot, the strancls will now twist themselves tog. Attach cords to Bunting Bag at neck edge as illustrated. Abbreviations: mm = millimetrets); cm = centimetrets), ints) = inches); = gram(s); sits) = stitch(es); ine = increase; dec = decrease; K = knit: P = purl; tag = together, Ml = make one st by picking: up horizontal loop lying before nexr st and knitting inte back of loop, beg = beginning; alt = alternate: rem = remaining, RS = right side. th COATS CANADA ONG, 1906 AWN AVE, TORONTO OMTARICO MGB TAH 4 Wy. COaspabons.coe La) Printed in Canada

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