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-Narrator: Once upon a time in the hot summer day or around London, a girl named

Alice sat perched on a tree listening to his older sister read aloud from a history book. In fact-it

was idly weaving a string for your cat; Diana was huddled next to her on the low branch resistant.

-Alice’s Sister: (Reading a history book) "La Niña, La Pinta and Santa Maria, after a two-

month sailing uncharted seas in the glorious morning of October 12, discovered the New
World Christopher Columbus, this event deeply moved to Europe, giving Columbus the global ... "
(The camera zooms out showing Alicia playing with Diana in the tree by a crown of daisies)
-Alice: Hmmm ... I'm hearing.
-Alice’s Sister: "By giving Columbus the glory of the immortal feat that was richly rewarded by the
Crown of Spain, the Catholic kings ..."
(Alice laughs like margaritas fall on the face of his sister)
-Alice's Sister: Alice. Do you want to pay attention to your history class?
-Alice: Oh, that boring! How I can care if this book has no pictures?
-Alice's Sister: But occurrences. The best books in this world do not have pictures.
-Alice: In this world, maybe, but in my world, books would be pure drawings.
-Alice's Sister: Do you world? Ha! What nonsense. We follow with the class.
-Alice: Nonsense?
-Alice's Sister: Listen to the class.
-Alice: (To her cat) that, nonsense, Diana. Yes I did my world everything would be nonsense. Because
everything would be what is not. And then the other way around which is, and what would not be
whether it would be. Do you understand?
-Diana: (Meow)
Alice: In my world, you don't say "meow. " Say "Yes, girl Alice"
-Diana: (Meow)
-Alice: No "meow" You'd be a little person.
-Alice: Oh, Diana. If it's just a rabbit dress, and with a watch!
-White Rabbit: I know I'm late. I go, I go, and I’m going!

-Alice: That's weird. Why you may be late to a rabbit? (Runs to him) Mr. Rabbit!
-White Rabbit: You see, you see. There are already more than three. I'm, I'm what's up? Goodbye. I go, I
go, I go
-Alice: And curious who knows ... (falls to the hole).
(Alice falls into the rabbit hole and apron acts as a parachute)
-Alice: After that, shooting from a ladder is not ... is not any joke.
-Passepartout: Ouch!
-Alice: Oh! Ah! Pardon me...
-Passepartout: Do not worry, although you squeezed my nose.
-Alice: I was chasing a…
-Passepartout: Can I be useful?
-Alice: (Looking through the hole Passepartout) Yes there is! I have to go.
-Passepartout: No, you're too big. Impassable.
-Alice: You will say impossible.
-Passepartout: No, impassable. Nothing is impossible.
-Passepartout: Read the instructions, all you directly address the direction you want to address.
-Alice: Better make sure, because if you take a bottle labeled "Poison", most likely is that you do some
damage. If not more.
-Alice: (Drink from the bottle of "Drink Me") Hmm ... tastes like chocolate. (Suddenly decreases in size,
takes another sip) Cherry. (Decreases in size, another sip) Banana. (decreases considerably in size and
Alicia does not support the weight of the bottle) peach. (He shrugs and drops the bottle) Oh, my God!
(By not supporting the bottle, the label is placed on it) What do you do?
-Passepartout: (Laughs) A little more and you disappear!
-Alice: (Runs to the Passepartout) But look! In this size I can get!
(She'll open the door, but Passepartout away)
-Passepartout: No, it's useless. (Laughs) I forgot to tell you. I'm tightly closed.
-Alice: Oh, no!
-Passepartout (Stop laughing) Of course, you will have the key and it ...
-Alice: What key?
-Passepartout: Come on, do you not have forgotten up there?!
(At the table magically appears a key)
-Alice: The key!
White Rabbit: But, Mary! What are you doing here?
Alice: Mary?
White Rabbit: Do not do anything, you're standing there ... No, no! Go get me my gloves! Soon! Now!
It's late!
Alice: But late for what? That's what I wanted...
White Rabbit: My gloves!
(Blowing the trumpet)
White Rabbit: Now! Did not you hear?!
-Alice: Oh, what cries! And you only need to send me Diana.
-Alice: Ah, but what nonsense. The flowers do not talk.
-The Rose: Of course we talked about, dear.
-Orchid: If someone is worthy of our attention.
-Daisy: We release the tongue.
-Daisy: Hey, what kind of garden you are coming from?
-Alice: I do not come from any garden.
-Daisy: Oh, what the better is a flower of the field?
-The Rose: Tell us what species or genus is coming from say, dear?
-Alice: Well, I guess I'm the kind ... human. Alice
-Daisy: Have you ever seen a cocoon Alice like this?
-Orchid: Well think about it or to bud or without him.
-Daisy: Right. And look, what corolla. What a peculiar color.
-Orchid: (Sniffing to Alice) And neither has aroma.
-Daisy: (Lifts Dress Alicia, to see what is inside) Oh! And look at those stems.
-The rose: (Alicia hit to Daisy) very rickety, I think.
-Little Rose: Well I like.
-The Rose: You shut up, Little Rose!
-Alice: So teach us things beautiful flowers, it is they who must learn good manners.
-Caterpillar: Who ... are ... you?
-Alice: Yeah ... and ... and do not know, sir. I've changed so many times that I do not know.
-Caterpillar: I will not know, explain yourself.
-Alice: It could not explain, sir, because I am no longer me.
-Caterpillar: Have you involved?
-Alice: I can’t explain more clearly, neither do they understand me.
-Caterpillar: Who are you?
-Caterpillar: Recite.
-Alice: Hey. Yes sir. The cheerful little bird to learn to sing...
-Caterpillar: Stop. That is not correcticting. Says: The little crocodile to learn their songs use the Nile
waters with their musical notes. With hypo ... with hypo ... claws with hypocritical modesty put to the
tender minnows indicate where to enter.
-Alice: Well, I've never heard reciting it that way.
-Caterpillar: I know. I've improved a lot.
(The caterpillar has called to Alice frustrated to end the conversation)
-Alice: ... What do you want?
-Caterpillar: Do not get angry.
-Alice: Is that all?
-Caterpillar: No. "Exactly what do you care?
-Alice: Accurate ... accurate ... it is just that. I like a bit more.
-Caterpillar: Why?
-Alice: Hey you is that ten inches high is nothing.
-Caterpillar: (Suddenly angry) Nothing. That is "exactly" my height. It is an ideal height. Ideal.
-Alice: I do not shout. That I am not a “worm"!
-Caterpillar: By the way, I have some tips to give you. One side will make you grow.
-Alice: One side of what?
-Caterpillar: And the other will make you smaller.
-Alice: "The other side of what?
-Alice: (After eating the mushroom) I'm tired of being so small.
(Suddenly grows without control)
-Alice: Ay-ay-ay-ay-ay-ay-ay-ay!

-Bird in the tree: A snake! Help! Help! A snake!

-Alice: Wait do not panic.
-Bird in the tree: Out! Out! Out! Snake! Help!
-Alice: I'm not a snake.
-Bird in the tree: What? Are not you? So what are you?
-Alice: I'm a girl.
-Bird in the tree: Girl? Small?
-Alice: Yes I am, well before I was little.
-Bird in the tree: And you tell me who do not eat eggs? Answers!
-Alice: If as like, but...
-Bird in the tree: Ah! I knew it! I knew it! Snake! Snakeeeeeeeeeee!
-Alice: Oh! Do not be outrageous!

-Cheshire's Cat: The gray day and the moon / Let-ma-be and obscured the sun / I froze with cold light /
in the moderates too.
-Alice: But where will that voice? I do not see anyone.
-Cheshire’s Cat: Looking for something?
-Alice: (Turns and sees a smiling cat talking to her) Hey! No, no, no ... Not only was...
-Cheshire's Cat: It does not matter. Wait a minute.
(Two eye-popping and tunes his mouth, and it's totally)
-Cheshire's Cats: Second verse.
-Cheshire's Cats: The day and the moon gray / burnt and obscured the sun
-Alice: But if you're just a cat.
-Cheshire's Cats: A Cheshire cat.
(Starts to disappear)
-Cheshire's Cat: It was freezing cold with light.
-Alice: No wait a minute! Please do not go!
-Cheshire's Cat: Third stanza. In your honor.
-Alice: No, no. Not anymore. Thanks. I just want to know which path I take.
-Cheshire's Cat: It depends where you want to go.
-Alice: That does not matter whether you tell me.
-Cheshire's Cat: So really no matter which path you choose.
-The Hare, Hatter and Dormouse: (Singing) By day, two cups of tea, no happy birthday to you, to you!
-Alicia: (Applauds)
-Hare and Hatter: (Desperate): No place, no place is no place you do not sit.
-Alice: But why not, if there are many empty places.
-Hare: A but we must not sit down without being invited
-Crazy Hatter: Of course it is lack of education, very bad bad manners, ha!
-Dormouse: very rude!
-Alice: Excuse me but I really liked and sang like to know...
-Hare: You think you sing well?
-Crazy Hatter: There is but such a charming girl (Pour the tea) should be no excuse nerves serve anyone
ever see a cup of tea.
-Hare: Yes, if you take some tea
-Alice: Excuse me for interrupting his birthday party
-Hare: Birthday party? this is not a birthday party.
-Crazy Hatter: This is a no-birthday party!
-Alice: No birthday? Forgive but do not understand.
-Hare: April has 30 days Look, um, not if you look, um ... (whispering) She do not know which is a no-
-Crazy Hatter: jujujum ... What a fool!, hahaha ... I illustrate.
-Crazy Hatter: It is well known that you have a birthday. But the other 364 days are your non-birthday.
-Hare: It is precisely when we celebrate here!
-Alice: (cheerful) So today is also my birthday no.!
-Hare: In that time (singing) Happy, happy no-birthday to you to you!
-Crazy Hatter: That you can have a very good, and blow the light!
-Crazy Hatter: "We need more clean cups!
-Hare: To seek cups! (Singing) Clean, cleanse and clean the cups of tea.
-Alice: But I have not had any tea, and cleanse the cups!
-Hare: If you have not taken anything, is no more no less, and more is better than less.
-Crazy Hatter: Well, that scares you, go! tell us.
-Hare: Start at the beginning
-Crazy Hatter: And when you finish talking, you shut up.
-Alice: Look, it all started when I was with Diana...
-Hare: Interesting ... (exasperated) Who is Diana?!
-Alice: Diana is my cat...
-Dormouse: (Scared) Cat?! Cat! cat! Cat! Cat!
-Hatter and Hare: Catch him!, quiet!, catch him!
-Hare: (Excited) spread with a little jelly in the nose.
-Alice: (following the orders will spread to the nose pull dormouse)
-Crazy Hatter: (Sigh) God! These are the things that break me!.
-Hare: Have you seen what you've done!
-Alice: I did not think that ...
-Hare: There is the problem, if you don’t think you do not speak!
-Alice: Well, I was with D-I-A-N ...
-Crazy Hatter: Tea!
-Hare: (Cut a cup) half cup only please.
-White Rabbit: (Running) That evening is I go, I go, I'm going!
-Hare: As you are not going to be late, if this watch is two days late!
-Crazy Hatter: I repair (putting a salt shaker in the eye) Well, let's see. The problem is that you have
many wheels.
-White Rabbit: Oh my poor watch!
-Crazy Hatter: Butter, butter is clearly needed; BUTTER! This will fix it.
-Hare: Tea!
-Crazy Hatter: Of course, as I did not think tea
-Hare: Sugar!
-Crazy Hatter: Only two spoons, two spoons!
-White Rabbit: (Pleading) Please!
-Crazy Hatter: Jelly! I forgot the jelly!
-Hare: Mustard!
-Crazy Hatter: Mustard clear ... MUSTARD! no, no, no no it was sandwich.
-Crazy Hatter: Lemon, and ... Lemon cures everything!
(The clock starts to bounce and roll)
-Crazy Hatter: What happened!
-Hare: He's gone crazy!
-Alice: What horror!
-White Rabbit: My watch!
-Hare: This crazy! This crazy! In the insane should be treated with care (pulls out a mallet and beat the
-Crazy Hatter: Two days late, was what I had.
-White Rabbit: That's my poor clock was a gift from my non-birthday.
-Hare and Crazy Hatter. In this case, (singing) Happy, Happy non-birthday!
(They throw the rabbit and Alice follows him)

-Passepartout: Oh! I'm still closed.

-Alice: But the queen, I pursued.
-Passepartout: But you're out.
-Alice: What?
-Passepartout: Go through the eye of my mouth.
-Alice: But if I am. I'm asleep.
-Queen of hearts: Do not get away! Off with his head!
-Alice: (Scared) Alicia awake! Please wake up!
-Queen of hearts: Off with his head!
(The gang is coming up and the screen fades in multicolor, until Alicia shown sleeping on the tree)
-Alicia: Alicia! Alicia!
-Alice's sister (voice changing) Alicia! Alicia! Alicia! Since you're not sleeping! Repeat the lesson!
(Last lines)
-Alice: The little crocodile to sing their songs using the waters of the Ni ...
-Alice's Sister: Alice! But what else are you talking about?
-Alice: Oh. Sorry, but Mr. Don Caterpillar said ...
-Alice's Sister: Mr. Don Caterpillar? Oh, how she is! Alice ... Ah, no, it's useless. Come it's time to

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