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Title: Beyond Enhancement: Teaching English through Musical Arts Integration

Reference: Goering, C. and Strayhorn, N. (May 2016). Beyond Enhancement: Teaching English
through Musical Arts Integration. English Journal, Volume 105, Number 5

This article details the experiences of two teachers attempting to move music-enhanced
English curriculum-using music to teach- to music integration approach to teaching- students
creating music and advancing their knowledge in English.

As 21st century teachers, we should not only confine ourselves from the traditional
teaching. We should deviate from that practice and we should do something new since our
students are more participative during class discussions if there are activities especially
something new embedded to the lesson. Learning is even more meaningful when we include
other subjects in our discussion. With this, students will become more engaged and active in the
teaching-learning process, as a result the process will become highly interactive. Teachers as
innovative beings should be creative enough to think of some strategies to be utilized in
discussing a certain lesson. Strategies are big help on our part as teachers to let the students
participate and cooperate actively. Gone were the days of purely talking and writing, thus, we
should go with the flow. Further, using music in discussing a lesson can stimulate the critical
thinking of the students and it also caters to the interest of those musically inclined students.
Also, music can create calmness and reduces stress and pressure on the part of the students.
Therefore, in injecting different strategies to our lessons, we should make sure that these
strategies are appropriate and promote effective learning. Lastly, we should also bear in mind
that in utilizing different strategies, the content should not be sacrificed.

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