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Before starting, hope is the feeling of expecting and wanting for a particular thing to happen or it
can be the feeling of trust. Hope is something that we got deeply inside and a thing that we hold
on to so much that we come to believe that it is someone who gives us strength to move on and
not let us break down before any obstacle that doesn't allow us to improve in our lives. No one
can say that they have never had hope to have progress in their problems. This a big thing that
we can choose to have it or not in our complications because nobody can’t force your mind and
throw away your hope. Nowadays, people have hope on very different situations like: in getting
good grades, in achieving their dreams,in getting out of money problems,in God, etc. But, how
can a person prevent forgetting about having hope in a terrible situation in which that person
may lose one of their family members/friends or in another similar situation?

An advice to these people that doesnt know how to find hope in these situations, a really good tip
is to talk to someone that understands you and is close to you, and i say it from personal
experiences. This person will help you see the circumstance in another point of view and will
also help you go through it. In my case, it’s my cousin,who is someone i consider open minded,
fantastic and generous. She always comfort me by telling me that everything is going to be just
fine andthat i need to think positive if i don't want to suffer more by stressing, getting nervous,
having trust issues just because of these complications that are harming my life. So the best
thing that you could is fight against your difficulties with positivity.

Another tip is to spend a lot of time with the person you think you’re gonna lose. One of my
biggest regrets of all is that I didn’t hang out much with my grandfather and when I started
doing that, it was too late. He was too sick to continue a conversation with someone and too sick
to not even move his face or his body. After I started hanging out with him more, I realized that
my hope in him recovering was growing and growing. What I’m trying to say with all this is that
if you’re going through a terrible situation like this in which you are afraid you might lose this
person you are very close to, you should see it in another perspective and spend time with this
someone to let them know that you are gonna be with them when is the time to let them go.

My last advice for the person that wants to confront or face these kind of difficulties is to pray or
meditate. I don’t know if the person reading this is Christian but if you are, you should start
doing it. Praying not only had helped me to move on but also it had helped to go through it all.
In other words, you need to find peace within yourself with the help of God or with what you
believe. But don’t forget that you also have to take care of yourself in the progress.

In conclusion, hope can be damaged and when it is, it affects more than one person. This should
be the last thing we lose in hard times. Hope is something that in this case, it’s hard to find
motivation again. It’s also a right to have it in our lives because I feel like it can support us and
not let us be taken away to a place of darkness and lose ourselves. When a person loses hope
they should remind themselves that they should be patient, be positive and believe in themselves

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