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Scout activity

Scout activity to from an identity wherestudent formed in such away as to

be more empathetic and a self-aware. Therefore in this activity must be based on
educational things. It last for two days namely Saturday and Sunday 14-15 may
2019 which located in cibodas
I do a lot of activites such as setting up atent,going up to waterfall,making
a bonfire and performing art at night,then doing night screams,after that we rest.
There was a problem when we went up to the waterfall namely rain, and
we took shelter until the rain stopped, and the problem when we want to do
performing arts activities there are stray dogs and we wait until the dog leave
Funding was obtained from all 10 th grades participants who spent
aproxymately 15 million to rent a place,rent a vehicle,buy catering,insurance,and
rent sleeping bag.
4.000.000 for rent a place
500.000×10=5.000.000 for a rent vehicle
2.500.000 for a catering
2.000.000 for insurance
1.500.000 for rent sleeping bag
Total: 15.000.000 there is no leftover
The conclucion of this activity is to make student more independent
and increase a sense of emphaty to all living things
We, the entire committee, would like to thank you for the
participation that has supported this event so that it went smoothly
wassalamualaikum wr.wb

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