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Variant 1

Task 6. Using Google Drive to work with Google Docs

Fill the sample text paragraphs and format it as shown below into the new Google Docs. Set
properly paragraph align also. Create mathematic equations using Equations editor. Create and
customize table. For type ordinary paragraph of the text use Font name - Times New Roman and
Font size – 13 pt and line-to-line spacing - 1,5

Steps to Hypothesis Testing

Hypothesis testing is used to establish whether the differences exhibited by random samples
can be inferred to the populations from which the samples originated.

Compute the Test Statistic

Standard error of the sample mean

Task 7. Medical professionals observations and examination results

1. Emergency Department physician Examination:
Vital Signs:
Height Weight Temp: RR BP Pulse

63 inches 115lbs 37 C 16 110/62 82 BPM

Patient photo: (pic1-patient.jpg)

Task 8. Drugs to search information about it

a) Buspar
b) COVID-19 vaccine – status of development / trial / adoption
c) (non-drugs search) Data file (csv/excel) with COVID-19 daily (!)
statistic during 2020 year for the following country: USA
Attention! Document with answer must be well-structured. Citations are
strongly required. Too many pages (in compare to task will decrease mark(!)
Variant 2
Task 6. Using Google Drive to work with Google Docs
Fill the sample text paragraphs and format it as shown below into the new Google Docs. Set
properly paragraph align also. Create mathematic equations using Equations editor. Create and
customize table. For type ordinary paragraph of the text use Font name - Arial and Font size – 12 pt
and line-to-line spacing - 1,15

Hypothesis Testing
The chain of reasoning and systematic steps used in hypothesis testing that are outlined in this
section are the backbone of every statistical test regardless of whether one writes out each step in a
classroom setting or uses statistical software to conduct statistical tests on variables stored in a
The four possible outcomes in hypothesis testing

Note. Alpha = probability of making a Type I error

Set the Rejection Criteria
Determine the "degrees of freedom"

Task 7. Medical professionals observations and examination results

2. Dermatology Examination
Skin: soft dry skin, no lesions. Nailbeds pink with no cyanosis or clubbing. Hair fine, scalp without
lesions. Area with possible pathology shown on photo.

Task 8. Drugs to search information about it

a) Avelox
b) COVID-19 vaccine – status of development / trial / adoption
c) (non-drugs search) Data file (csv/excel) with COVID-19 daily (!)
statistic during 2020 year for the following country: Ukraine
Attention! Document with answer must be well-structured. Citations are
strongly required. Too many pages (in compare to task will decrease mark(!)
Variant 3
Task 6. Using Google Drive to work with Google Docs
Fill the sample text paragraphs and format it as shown below into the new Google Docs. Set
properly paragraph align also. Create mathematic equations using Equations editor. Create and
customize table. For type ordinary paragraph of the text use Font name - Courier New and Font size
– 11 pt and line-to-line spacing - 1,5

Hypothesis Testing
The chain of reasoning and systematic steps used in hypothesis testing that are outlined in this
section are the backbone of every statistical test regardless of whether one writes out each step in a
classroom setting or uses statistical software to conduct statistical tests on variables stored in a
The four possible outcomes in hypothesis testing

Note. Alpha = probability of making a Type I error

Compute the Test Statistic
Standard error of the difference between two sample means

Test statistic

Task 7. Medical professionals observations and examination results

3. Ophthalmology Examination
Eyes: Visual acuity 20/20 without corrective lenses. Pupils equal, round and reactive to light,
Extraocular movements intact. Conjunctiva pink with no redness or exudates. Eyelids without lesions.
Sclera without icterus. Fundi‐ discs sharp. Vessels without hemmorrages or exudates.
Photo is added. (pic3-ophthaimology.jpg)

Task 8. Drugs to search information about it

a) Allopurinol
b) COVID-19 vaccine – status of development / trial / adoption
c) (non-drugs search) Data file (csv/excel) with COVID-19 daily (!)
statistic during 2020 year for the following country: France
Attention! Document with answer must be well-structured. Citations are
strongly required. Too many pages (in compare to task will decrease mark(!)
Variant 4
Task 6. Using Google Drive to work with Google Docs
Fill the sample text paragraphs and format it as shown below into the new Google Docs. Set
properly paragraph align also. Create mathematic equations using Equations editor. Create and
customize table. For type ordinary paragraph of the text use Font name - Times New Roman and
Font size – 13 pt and line-to-line spacing - 1,15

Steps to Hypothesis Testing

Hypothesis testing is used to establish whether the differences exhibited by random samples
can be inferred to the populations from which the samples originated.

Compute the Test Statistic

Standard error of the difference between two sample means

Task 7. Medical professionals observations and examination results

4. Ear, Nose, Throat (ENT) Examination
Ears: Hearing grossly intact. External auditory canals patent, free of cerumen, auricles without
lesions, tympanic membranes intact with visable landmarks. Nares patent and‐mucus membranes
moist without erythema or exudates. No sinus pain to palpation.
Mouth: Dentition without lesions. Lips dry and chapped. Gums, tongue and mucosa without lesions.
Tonsils slightly enlarged but not erythematous and without exudates. Pharynx clear.
Photo is added. (pic4-ear.jpg)

Task 8. Drugs to search information about it

a) Erythromycin
b) COVID-19 vaccine – status of development / trial / adoption
c) (non-drugs search) Data file (csv/excel) with COVID-19 daily (!)
statistic during 2020 year for the following country: Spain
Attention! Document with answer must be well-structured. Citations are
strongly required. Too many pages (in compare to task will decrease mark(!)
Variant 5
Task 6. Using Google Drive to work with Google Docs
Fill the sample text paragraphs and format it as shown below into the new Google Docs. Set
properly paragraph align also. Create mathematic equations using Equations editor. Create and
customize table. For type ordinary paragraph of the text use Font name - Arial and Font size – 12 pt
and line-to-line spacing - 1,5

Hypothesis Testing
The chain of reasoning and systematic steps used in hypothesis testing that are outlined in this
section are the backbone of every statistical test regardless of whether one writes out each step in a
classroom setting or uses statistical software to conduct statistical tests on variables stored in a
The four possible outcomes in hypothesis testing

Note. Alpha = probability of making a Type I error

Compute the Test Statistic
Standard error of the difference between two sample means

Task 7. Medical professionals observations and examination results

5. Pulmonology Examination:
Chest symmetrical expansion. No deformaties on posterior chest wall . Lungs clear to auscultation
and percussion, without adventitious sounds.
X-ray image is added. (pic5-chest.jpg)

Task 8. Drugs to search information about it

a) Claritin
b) COVID-19 vaccine – status of development / trial / adoption
c) (non-drugs search) Data file (csv/excel) with COVID-19 daily (!)
statistic during 2020 year for the following country: Italy
Attention! Document with answer must be well-structured. Citations are
strongly required. Too many pages (in compare to task will decrease mark(!)
Variant 6
Task 6. Using Google Drive to work with Google Docs
Fill the sample text paragraphs and format it as shown below into the new Google Docs. Set
properly paragraph align also. Create mathematic equations using Equations editor. Create and
customize table. For type ordinary paragraph of the text use Font name - Courier New and Font size
– 11 pt and line-to-line spacing - 1,15

Hypothesis Testing
The chain of reasoning and systematic steps used in hypothesis testing that are outlined in this
section are the backbone of every statistical test regardless of whether one writes out each step in a
classroom setting or uses statistical software to conduct statistical tests on variables stored in a
The four possible outcomes in hypothesis testing

Note. Alpha = probability of making a Type I error

Set the Rejection Criteria
Determine the "degrees of freedom"

Task 7. Medical professionals observations and examination results

6. CardioVascular Examination:
No JVD. No deformaties on anterior chest wall . PMI at 5 th intercostals space, midclavicular line.
Heart sounds‐RRR, Normal S1 and single S2. No S3, S4, rubs, or murmurs. Carotids 2+ bilateral y
without bruits.
ECG is added. (pic6-ecg.jpg)

Task 8. Drugs to search information about it

a) Triamcinolone
b) COVID-19 vaccine – status of development / trial / adoption
c) (non-drugs search) Data file (csv/excel) with COVID-19 daily (!)
statistic during 2020 year for the following country: Great Britain
Attention! Document with answer must be well-structured. Citations are
strongly required. Too many pages (in compare to task will decrease mark(!)
Variant 7
Task 6. Using Google Drive to work with Google Docs
Fill the sample text paragraphs and format it as shown below into the new Google Docs. Set
properly paragraph align also. Create mathematic equations using Equations editor. Create and
customize table. For type ordinary paragraph of the text use Font name - Times New Roman and
Font size – 13 pt and line-to-line spacing - 1,5

Steps to Hypothesis Testing

Hypothesis testing is used to establish whether the differences exhibited by random samples
can be inferred to the populations from which the samples originated.

Compute the Test Statistic

Standard error of the difference between two sample means

Task 7. Medical professionals observations and examination results

7. Abdominal Examination:
No scars, inspection unremarkable. Bowel sounds normoactive No pain to superficial or deep
palpation. Liver span 7 cm at the midclavicular line. Spleen not palpated. GU exam not performed
Ultrasound image is added. (pic7-abdominal_ultrasound.jpg)

Task 8. Drugs to search information about it

a) Lopressor
b) COVID-19 vaccine – status of development / trial / adoption
c) (non-drugs search) Data file (csv/excel) with COVID-19 daily (!)
statistic during 2020 year for the following country: Germany
Attention! Document with answer must be well-structured. Citations are
strongly required. Too many pages (in compare to task will decrease mark(!)
Variant 8
Task 6. Using Google Drive to work with Google Docs
Fill the sample text paragraphs and format it as shown below into the new Google Docs. Set
properly paragraph align also. Create mathematic equations using Equations editor. Create and
customize table. For type ordinary paragraph of the text use Font name - Arial and Font size – 12 pt
and line-to-line spacing - 1,15

Hypothesis Testing
The chain of reasoning and systematic steps used in hypothesis testing that are outlined in this
section are the backbone of every statistical test regardless of whether one writes out each step in a
classroom setting or uses statistical software to conduct statistical tests on variables stored in a
The four possible outcomes in hypothesis testing

Note. Alpha = probability of making a Type I error

Set the Rejection Criteria
Determine the "degrees of freedom"

Task 7. Medical professionals observations and examination results

8. Musculoskeletal Examination:
Ful range of motion. no pain, edema, or deformity. Pulses full and equal. No cyanosis, clubbing, or
edema. Neck: Full range of motion. Thyroid not palpable. Trachea at midline. No lymphadenopathy.
X-ray image is added. (pic8-orthopedy.jpg)

Task 8. Drugs to search information about it

a) Azithromycin
b) COVID-19 vaccine – status of development / trial / adoption
c) (non-drugs search) Data file (csv/excel) with COVID-19 daily (!)
statistic during 2020 year for the following country: India
Attention! Document with answer must be well-structured. Citations are
strongly required. Too many pages (in compare to task will decrease mark(!)
Variant 9
Task 6. Using Google Drive to work with Google Docs
Fill the sample text paragraphs and format it as shown below into the new Google Docs. Set
properly paragraph align also. Create mathematic equations using Equations editor. Create and
customize table. For type ordinary paragraph of the text use Font name - Courier New and Font size
– 11 pt and line-to-line spacing - 1,5

Steps to Hypothesis Testing

Hypothesis testing is used to establish whether the differences exhibited by random samples
can be inferred to the populations from which the samples originated.

Compute the Test Statistic

Standard error of the sample mean

Task 7. Medical professionals observations and examination results

9. Neurology Examination :
Cranial nerves I‐VI intact, Muscle bulk is appropriate in upper and lower extremities. Motor strength
is 5/5 in upper and lower extremities bilateral y. Sensation intact to light touch, temperature, and
pinprick. DTRs 2+ in biceps, triceps, quadriceps and ankles. Gait ful without impairment.
Coordination‐able to do rapid alternating movements well and finger to nose test well with eyes open
and closed. Babinski responses downgoing bilateral y. Romberg negative.
EEG image added. (pic9-eeg.jpg)

Task 8. Drugs to search information about it

a) Actonel
b) COVID-19 vaccine – status of development / trial / adoption
c) (non-drugs search) Data file (csv/excel) with COVID-19 daily (!)
statistic during 2020 year for the following country: Japan
Attention! Document with answer must be well-structured. Citations are
strongly required. Too many pages (in compare to task will decrease mark(!)
Variant 10
Task 6. Using Google Drive to work with Google Docs
Fill the sample text paragraphs and format it as shown below into the new Google Docs. Set
properly paragraph align also. Create mathematic equations using Equations editor. Create and
customize table. For type ordinary paragraph of the text use Font name - Times New Roman and
Font size – 13 pt and line-to-line spacing - 1,15

Hypothesis Testing
The chain of reasoning and systematic steps used in hypothesis testing that are outlined in this
section are the backbone of every statistical test regardless of whether one writes out each step in a
classroom setting or uses statistical software to conduct statistical tests on variables stored in a
The four possible outcomes in hypothesis testing

Note. Alpha = probability of making a Type I error

Compute the Test Statistic
Standard error of the difference between two sample means

Test statistic

Task 7. Medical professionals observations and examination results

10. Genitourinary (GU) Examination:
Age menarche: 12. regular menses. G0,P0. Currently on no contraceptives. Has used condoms in
the past. Denies dysmenorrhea, menorrhagia, metrorrhagia, dyspareunia, pelvic pain, sexual
dysfunction (although currently has no sexual partner), discharge, STD, breast masses, pain, or
tenderness, No dysuria, frequency, nocturia, hematuria, urgency incontinence or polyuria.
Mammography image is added. (pic10-mammogram.jpg)

Task 8. Drugs to search information about it

a) Atarax
b) COVID-19 vaccine – status of development / trial / adoption
c) (non-drugs search) Data file (csv/excel) with COVID-19 daily (!)
statistic during 2020 year for the following country: South Korea
Attention! Document with answer must be well-structured. Citations are
strongly required. Too many pages (in compare to task will decrease mark(!)
Variant 11
Task 6. Using Google Drive to work with Google Docs
Fill the sample text paragraphs and format it as shown below into the new Google Docs. Set
properly paragraph align also. Create mathematic equations using Equations editor. Create and
customize table. For type ordinary paragraph of the text use Font name - Arial and Font size – 12 pt
and line-to-line spacing - 1,5

Steps to Hypothesis Testing

Hypothesis testing is used to establish whether the differences exhibited by random samples
can be inferred to the populations from which the samples originated.

Compute the Test Statistic

Standard error of the sample mean

Task 7. Medical professionals observations and examination results

11. Gastrointestinal (GI) Examination:
Positive for decreased appetite. Neg for n/v, hematemesis, melena, dysphagia, heartburn, flatulence,
abdominal pain, jaundice, change in bowel habits, diarrhea, constipation, hematochezia, or rectal
Ultrasound image is added. (pic11-gastro_ultrasound.jpg)

Task 8. Drugs to search information about it

a) Temazepam
b) COVID-19 vaccine – status of development / trial / adoption
c) (non-drugs search) Data file (csv/excel) with COVID-19 daily (!)
statistic during 2020 year for the following country: Brasil
Attention! Document with answer must be well-structured. Citations are
strongly required. Too many pages (in compare to task will decrease mark(!)
Variant 12
Task 6. Using Google Drive to work with Google Docs
Fill the sample text paragraphs and format it as shown below into the new Google Docs. Set
properly paragraph align also. Create mathematic equations using Equations editor. Create and
customize table. For type ordinary paragraph of the text use Font name - Courier New and Font size
– 11 pt and line-to-line spacing - 1,15

Steps to Hypothesis Testing

Hypothesis testing is used to establish whether the differences exhibited by random samples
can be inferred to the populations from which the samples originated.

Set the Rejection Criteria

Determine the "degrees of freedom"

Task 7. Medical professionals observations and examination results

12. Dentistry Examination:
Observed the 17-19 tooth carious inactive lesion. Note the dark, shiny, smooth, nonporous surface.
Intraoral camera image is added. (pic12-carious.jpg)

Task 8. Drugs to search information about it

a) Zofran
b) COVID-19 vaccine – status of development / trial / adoption
c) (non-drugs search) Data file (csv/excel) with COVID-19 daily (!)
statistic during 2020 year for the following country:Turkey
Variant 13
Task 6. Using Google Drive to work with Google Docs
Fill the sample text paragraphs and format it as shown below into the new Google Docs. Set
properly paragraph align also. Create mathematic equations using Equations editor. Create and
customize table. For type ordinary paragraph of the text use Font name - Courier New and Font size
– 12 pt and line-to-line spacing - 1,15

Hypothesis Testing
The chain of reasoning and systematic steps used in hypothesis testing that are outlined in this
section are the backbone of every statistical test regardless of whether one writes out each step in a
classroom setting or uses statistical software to conduct statistical tests on variables stored in a
The four possible outcomes in hypothesis testing

Note. Alpha = probability of making a Type I error

Calculating and Assessment of the Skewness and Kurtosis

the Moment Coefficient of Kurtosis, denoted by statisticians as g4, is defined in dimensionless
form as:

Task 7. Medical professionals observations and examination results

13. Mental Health Assessment:
Upon the mental state examination, Lucy exhibited sullen appearance and limited facial expression.
Although articulate, she spoke slowly and softly throughout the interview. Clearly, Lucy has a
depressed affect. (pic13-mental_health.jpg)

Task 8. Drugs to search information about it

a) Naprosyn
b) COVID-19 vaccine – status of development / trial / adoption
c) (non-drugs search) Data file (csv/excel) with COVID-19 daily (!)
statistic during 2020 year for the following country: Egypt
Attention! Document with answer must be well-structured. Citations are
strongly required. Too many pages (in compare to task will decrease mark(!)
Variant 14
Task 6. Using Google Drive to work with Google Docs
Fill the sample text paragraphs and format it as shown below into the new Google Docs. Set
properly paragraph align also. Create mathematic equations using Equations editor. Create and
customize table. For type ordinary paragraph of the text use Font name - Times New Roman and
Font size – 14 pt and line-to-line spacing - 1,5

Hypothesis Testing
When conducting statistical tests with computer software, the exact probability of a Type I
error is calculated. It is presented in several formats but is most commonly reported as "p <" or
"Sig." or "Signif." or "Significance."
The four possible significance outcomes

Compute the Test Statistic

Weighted Mean: When two or more means are combined to develop an aggregate mean, the
influence of each mean must be weighted by the number of cases in its subgroup:

Sample Standard Deviation:

Task 7. Medical professionals observations and examination results

14. Mammography Examination:
The breasts are heterogeneously dense. This may lower the sensitivity of mammography. No
significant masses, calcifications, or other abnormalities are present. There is no significant change
from the prior exam. (pic14-mammogram.jpg)

Task 8. Drugs to search information about it

a) Robaxin
b) COVID-19 vaccine – status of development / trial / adoption
c) (non-drugs search) Data file (csv/excel) with COVID-19 daily (!)
statistic during 2020 year for the following country: Nigeria

Attention! Document with answer must be well-structured. Citations are

strongly required. Too many pages (in compare to task will decrease mark(!)

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