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Computer forensics is also called digital forensic. It is the method of extracting data and
information to be present in court as digital evidence to help from the existence of something
that might help to prosecute or indict someone. It indicates the word “computer” but it does not
mean it will only focus on traditional desktop computer like what we always think. It can be also
mean from mobile phones or tablets.

The focus of computer forensics is to carry out an organized and comprehensive

investigation while keeping up the documented chain of evidence to discover what was
precisely occurred on the computing devices and who was responsible for it. This kind of
investigation techniques is not only convenient for solving cybercrimes for example child
pornography or hacking, but it can also help to solve other crimes such as drug smuggling,
robbery cases, terrorism, tax evasion, extortion, and murder.

People use technologies every day. It is part of the everyday life of a person especially
to those who live in urban area. People are very wise when it comes to the needs and
obsession, they will do everything just to get what they want in an easy way. Using a technology
is one of the easiest ways to deceive a person because the deceived person cannot know who
really the culprit is. Crimes are not only happening in the streets no more instead it can be
happen on online too.

Since technology is more like a murder mystery than catching the bad guy in the act, a
new discipline of forensics needed to be put into place. The crime on computer are always
happening and sadly in increasing very quickly. These cyber criminals are not just criminals who
want to perform a crime without expertizing this zone or without a concrete plan, they are
professionals. They are motivated because of financial gain and targeted espionage.
Cybercrimes can affect anyone; it might be individuals or businesses. For individuals, criminals
are more likely to scam the person. Like they sent a link about positive recruit and if this person
bites, he/she will get lured by this scammer and they will ask for money which the targeted
person will do so then after sending the money the scammer will just diminish like there’s
nothing happened. Sadly, you cannot find this person by yourself because their identity is being
protected so it is the time that you needed to ask for some help to our computer forensic
analyst. Also, cyber bullying is one of this and there are a lot of cases. The other person who
owns a social media will comment and post about the other person with negative and foul full
words. And for businesses, cyber criminals are more likely to hack the system of the company.
They will get the files which are very important to the company’s reputation and succession.
Criminals in this kind of matter are asking for ransom from the hacked company.

Computer forensics can help create a timeline of the when and how the computer was
compromised tracing used software and vulnerabilities exploited. Also, it can help the
investigators to track and get information from the criminal unlike way back they doing it
manually. It such a big helps because many cases are successfully solved with the help of
computer but at the same time more opportunity to organize a crime. However, people must be
very careful on what will they post on social media because it is commonly started there. Cyber
criminals are finding their targets through online.

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