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Patrishia Nicole Ty Navarro


Lesson 1 . College Vision and Mission , Department

Goals , Objectives and Core Values

1.explain the meaning and implication of school's vision ,

and mission to students life, institution, administration
and other stakeholders and
2.discuss the meaning and implication of department's
goals , objectives, and core values.

• The implification of having a vision and mision in

our school and for me as a student they give clarity and
direction for us as well. A vision and mission helps
people understand how you hope others will view you ,
and describes some of your highest priorities. Vision
statements outline a school objectives , and mission
statements indicate how the school aims to achieve that
vision. Vision and missions statements are often reliable
representations of what our school stands for, helping
keep the values of the school to how it operates. Our
department core values help communicate in our school
story its mission, standard and desired outcomes.
Stablishing this ideals provides the foundation for
building the type of atmosphere you want to foster.
Well-stablish goals , objectives and core values can help
strengthens our school community .

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