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Name: Iman Nur Anaqi bin Ishak

Class: PSV 2

Tutorial 2: 16/9/2020

Question: Based on the sentences (positive form) you have written during lectures last week,
form their negative and question forms. Refer to the following tables for you to display your


1. Do they play volleyball?

They do not play volleyball.
2. Are they playing volleyball?
They are not playing volleyball.
3. Have not they played volleyball when the time I come?
They have not played volleyball when the time I come.
4. Have not they been playing volleyball for 2 hours?
They have not been playing volleyball for 2 hours.
5. Did they play volleyball yesterday?
They did not play volleyball yesterday.
6. Were they playing volleyball all day long?
They were not playing volleyball all day long.
7. Had not they played volleyball when the time I come?
They had not played volleyball when the time I come.
8. Had not they been playing volleyball for 3 months?
They had not been playing volleyball for 3 months.
9. Will they play volleyball later?
They will not play volleyball later.
10. Will they be playing volleyball at 5 o’clock?
They will not be playing volleyball at 5 o’clock.
11. Won’t they have played volleyball when the time I come?
They will not have played when the time I come.
12. Won’t not they have been playing volleyball when the time I come?
They will not have been playing volleyball when the time I come.

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