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Class Subject Exam Marks Date Time
7 Biology Term-1 80 15/09/2017 2 hours 4
Answers to this paper must be written on the paper provided separately.
You will not be allowed to write during the first 15 minutes.
This time is to be spent in reading the question paper.
The time given at the head of this paper is the time allotted for writing the answers.
The question paper consists of 2 sheets printed on both the sides.
SECTION I (40 marks)
Attempt all the questions

Question 1
a. Name the following. [Write only the answer.] [5]
i. The scientist who coined the term ‘cell’.
ii. The type of joint present at the elbow joint.
iii. A firm but elastic, skeletal connective tissue.
iv. The only flying mammal.
v. The parenchyma cells that contain chlorophyll.

b. State whether the given statements are True or False. Correct the false statements
by changing the underlined word/words: [5]
i. Apodanthes is a partial parasitic plant.
ii. Cardiac muscles are voluntary muscles.
iii. Centrosome is present only in animal cells.
iv. The joints found between the skull bones are immovable joints.
v. Extensor muscles straighten bones at the joints.

c. Select the odd one from each of the following sets given below. Give reasons for
your answer. [5]
i. Chloroplast, Chromoplast, Leucoplast, Tonoplast
ii. Skull, Backbone, Ribcage, Hip girdle
iii. Blooming of bud, Growing of root, Growing of shoot, Clinging of tendril
iv. Potassium, Calcium, Magnesium, Iron
v. Pitcher plant, Dodder, Sundew, Bladderwort

d. Match the following. [Write answers as: vi – 7] [5]

(Note: Each answer to be written only once.)
Column A Column B
i. Three pairs of jointed legs 1. Thigmonasty
ii. Ball and socket joint 2. Fishes
iii. Myotomes 3. Insects
iv. Bone marrow 4. Neck
v. Mimosa 5. Shoulder
6. RBCs

Question 1
e. Correlate the given terms. [Write only the answer.] [5]
i. First 7 pairs of ribs : True ribs :: Last 2 pairs of ribs : ___________
ii. Long bone in the thigh: _______ :: Long bone in the upper arm : humerus
iii. Collar bone : Clavicle :: Brain case : _________
iv. First vertebra of backbone : _________ :: Second vertebra of backbone : axis
v. Amoeba : pseudopodia :: Paramecium : ___________

f. Write the technical term for the following: [Write only the answer.] [5]
i. Shoulder blade ii. Knee bone iii. Breast bone
iv. Ankle bones v. Wrist bones

g. Write the full form of the following: [5]

i. ATP ii. RNA iii. ER
iv. DNA v. MIS

h. Define the following terms: [5]

i. Synapse ii. Photolysis iii. Saprophytes
iv. Hydrotropism v. Biotic community

SECTION II (40 marks)

Attempt any four questions from this Section

Question 2
a. Give scientific reasons for the following statements: [5]
i. Cell membrane is a selectively permeable membrane.
ii. Lysosomes are called ‘suicide bags’ of the cell.
iii. WBCs are called ‘soldiers of body’.
iv. Nucleus is called control centre of the cell.
v. All aquatic animals have streamlined bodies.

b. Observe the experimental set-up given below carefully. Answer the questions
that follow. [5]
[Write only the answers.]

i. Identify the aquatic plant used

in the experimental set-up.

ii. Identify the gas evolved.

iii. Label parts 1 and 2.

iv. What do you conclude from this


Question 3
a. Distinguish between the given terms based on the specified parameters: [10]
i. Striated muscles and Non-striated muscles ( Structure & Location)
ii. Parenchyma and Sclerenchyma ( Cell wall & Intercellular spaces )
iii. Ligaments and Tendons( Structure & Function )
iv. Movement and Locomotion ( Definition & Occurrence)
v. Tropic movements & Nastic movements ( Direction of stimulus & Speed )

Question 4
a. Answer the following: [10]
i. Why are the biceps and triceps antagonistic pairs of muscles?
ii. Why does our body need new cells?
iii. How do the hollow bones and forelimbs of a bird enable it to fly?
iv. State two functions of ribs.
v. Leguminous plants and Rhizobium bacteria have a symbiotic relationship.
Explain this statement.

Question 5
a. Observe the diagram given alongside carefully. Answer the questions that follow. [5]
[Write only the answers.]

i. Identify this unicellular organism.

ii. What is the tail-like/ whip-like structure called? State its use.

iii. This organism displays distinct features of both animal cell

as well plant cell. State the features. (one each)

b. Observe the experimental set-up given below carefully. Answer the questions that
follow. [5]
[Write only the answers.]

i. Identify the instrument.

ii. What is its role in the experiment?

iii. What do you conclude from

this experiment?

iv. What would be the changes in the

plant if the instrument does not work?

Question 6
a. Observe the diagram given below carefully. Answer the questions that follow. [5]
[Write only the answer.]

i. Identify the physiological / biological process depicted in the diagram.

ii. State the significance of this process.
iii. Write the chemical reaction of the given physiological/biological process.
iv. Complete the sentences by selecting the appropriate words from the brackets.
[Write only the answers.]
__1__ (Xylem/Phloem) provides water to every cell in the leaf, while __2__ (Xylem/Phloem)
helps in the translocation of food from leaf to other parts of plant.

b. Observe the diagram given alongside carefully. Answer the questions that follow. [5]
[Write the answer in the format given below the questions.]

i. Name the different sections of the vertebral column.

ii. State the number of vertebrae in each section.

Name of the section of No. of

S.No. Region
vertebral column vertebrae

1 Neck
2 Chest
3 Belly
4 Hip
5 Tail

Class Subject Exam Marks Date Time No. of printed
7 Biology Term-1 MCQ 10 /09/2017 10 minutes 2

Choose the correct answer and mark your answer with a HB pencil on the answer sheet
provided to you by shading the correct options. Each question carries half a mark.

1) The tissue that is NOT an animal tissue is __________.

a) Meristematic tissue b) Skeletal tissue
c) Epithelial tissue d) Contractile tissue

2) The ______ are called the ‘powerhouse’ of the cell.

a) ribosomes b) plastids c) centrosomes d) mitochondria

3) The organ that does NOT belong to the respiratory system is ________.
a) Nose b) Trachea c) Oesophagus d) Lungs

4) The smallest cells in the human body are _________.

a) nerve cells b)muscle cells c) white blood cells d) red blood cells
5) Immovable joints are present in _________.
a) chest b) vertebrae c) skull d) ankle
6) Vascular bundles of plants are formed of ___________.
a) xylem tissue alone b) xylem and phloem tissues
c) xylem, phloem, cambium d) Sclerenchyma and Chlorenchyma

7) In _________ cells, nucleus is absent.

a) parenchyma b) sclerenchyma c) collenchyma d) nerve cells

8) Blood is a fluid _________.

a) connective tissue b) epithelial tissue
c) supportive tissue d) conducting tissue

9) Meristematic tissues have _________.

a) cells that continuously divide b) cells that do not divide
c) cells that are highly specialised d) cells that have cell wall thickened at corners

10) A cell organelle that is associated with secretion and storage is _________.
a) Nucleus b) Golgi complex c) Lysosome d) Cell membrane

11) A cell organelle which is surrounded by two membranes is __________.
a) Nucleus b) Lysosome c) Vacuole d) Golgi complex

12) The non-living covering around plasma membrane in a plant cell is ___________.
a) Cell sap b) Cell wall c) Tonoplast d) Xylem

13) The animals that are NOT aquatic mammals ___________.

a) Dolphins b) Porpoises c) Tortoises d) Whales

14) Earthworm crawl with the help of _____.

a) pseudopodia b) cilia c) flagellum d) setae

15) The smallest bone in human body is __________.

a) Malleus b) Incus c) Stapes d) Femur

16) The layer that is NOT a part of biosphere is _________.

a) Hydrosphere b) Lithosphere c) Atmosphere d) Hemisphere

17) The dye/stain that is NOT used for staining thin sections of plant/animal cells is _____.
a) Iodine solution b) Saffranine c) Lignin d) Methylene blue

18) The level of organization in Amoeba is _________.

a) cellular level b) tissue level
c) organ level d) molecular level

19) The organism that shows looping movement is _________.

a) Fish b) Earthworm c) Hydra d) Cockroach

20) The growth response to touch in plants is called________.

a) thigmonasty b) hydrotropism c) photonasty d) thigmotropism



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