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This file is to help adding ICC, here are the rules which we name the ICC,for


第一组数字 150521,代表校色的时间
The numbers 150521, means calibration date

第二组数字 6740-C,代表校色使用的墨水种类(水性都是 6740-C,油性有 ECO-C,ECO-E 和

The 6740-C,means ink type( water based is 6740-C, oil based includes ECO-C,ECO-
E and ECO-C1)

第三组数字 4C 或 5C,代表校色使用的颜色模式,4C 代表四色,5C 代表带白墨

The 4C or 5C means color mode. 4C means four colors, 5C means five colors

第四组数字 PP 或 VINYL,代表校色使用的材料,PP 是水性背胶,VINYL 是车贴

The PP or VINYL means the material, PP means water based PP, VINYL means self-
adhesive vinyl

第五组数字 DX5 或 DX7,代表校色使用的喷头种类,如果这里是 510 或 1020,代表精工喷

The DX5 or DX7,means printhead type. If it is 510 or 1020,means Seiko SPT heads

第六组数字 180 或 360,代表校色是精度模式,180 模式里 v720X360 是 4pass,360 模式里

v720X720 是 4pass。
The numbers 180 or 360, means resolution. In 180 mode v720X360 is 4 pass, in
360mode v720X720 is 4pass

180 模式对应的主板 A 程序是 20130814,360 模式对应的主板 A 程序是 20131218.

In 180 mode,the right firmware in mainboard A is 20130814, In 360 mode,the
right firmware in mainboard A is 20131218
标签上面的 FPGAV1 后面的数字代表程序编号。
The numbers after FPGAV1 in lable above shows the firmware version.

第七组数字 X2A,代表校色使用的机器类型
The X2A means machine model

The KQ means technician who make the ICC

Moreover, in maintop printer, I changed each driver to corresponding name:

油性快速 360 油性慢速 180,水性快速 360 和水性慢速 180,请各位同事添加曲线时,一

Oil based fast 360, oil based slow 180, water based fast 360 and water based
slow 180. Pls pay more attention while adding the ICC, don’t mix please.

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