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When I found out that I was going to have my very first child with my wife

Verity, We knew it was going to be a life changing experience. Sharing the

exciting news with my family and friends was a moment I wanted to treasure

So what did he do?

“I decided to photograph the reactions of my friends and family when I told

them my good news, ‘I'm going to be a dad!,'” said Robinson.


I hear you have some interesting news? I want to know more! Where were you? What
happened? What did you say? How did you feel?

So what did you do?

Hi Karina

How´s it going? I didn’t replay you because I´ve seen busy

Yeah something amazing happened! I´m going to be a Dad. We were taking a trip me
and my girlfriend when I found out that I was going to have my very first child, We
knew it was going to be a life changing experience. Sharing the exciting news with my
family and friends was a moment I wanted to treasure forever.

I decided to photograph the reactions of my friends and family when I told them my
good news, ‘I'm going to be a dad!,' … and I Noticed all the different reactions.

It's generally considered a good idea to wait until the three month scan before telling
people you're going to have a baby, just to make sure everything is ok. I'm terrible at
keeping secrets, so after only a few weeks I told my boss at work that I was going to be
a dad and his reaction was so priceless that I instantly knew I had to capture the
reactions of my friends and family.
At the end It was a day I´ll never forget.
I´ll call you tomorrow because we have to keep talking about this. Talk soon
We hadn't been trying for a baby and I was 29, which for London is fairly
young to have a child, so I knew I'd get some good reactions.

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