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Colombia’s problems

The main problem in Colombia is inequality between societies, the gap is more open every day,
well, the rich are getting richer and the poor are getting poorer.

For the poor, opportunities are scarcer, as education or health, although there are public schools
and hospitals, accessibility to them is very difficult, well, there isn't much money and the little that
comes home It is used for food or for essential services.

On the other hand, unemployment in Colombia has increased considerably in recent times and
violence is becoming more frequent.

All these problems have a solution, from home you can do your homework and contribute so that
things in Colombia improve, tolerance, respect are essential for daily living and end the violence,
well, many young people they are attacked or killed for lack of sorority and respect.

Putting yourself in the place of another is vital to know that overwhelms him , which saddens him
and so he can help, there is no better way to help others to give him his space and understand his
actions and his way of thinking, well, we are all different and not everyone has the same ideals and

On the part of the government corruption is deeply rooted, every day we see in the news as
senators or important deputies they keep the people's money and the only solution for this is
loyalty and respect for others. Make people's money reached the people and be used in access to
free education free and support existing universities or colleges and that money doesn't stay in
your pockets of the richest opening the gap.

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