Parenting Tips

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7 - YOUR CHILDREN (Excerpt from“On children”) “Your children are not pour children They are the sons and daughters of Life's longing f Thep come through pou but not from po And though they are with pou, pet they belong not t You map give them pour love but not pour thoughts For thep bave their own thoughts. map bouse their bodies but not their souls For their souls dwell in the house of tomorrow Which you cannot visit, not even in pour oe You map strive to be like them, but seek not to make them like pou For life goes not backward nor tarries with pesterday.”” by Kablil Gibran Every child has a unique personality and so do you! Your relationship with your 7 child is unique. Do not compare it with others’. | Treasure the unique relationship and enjoy it. | Most of us do not have prior parenting experience, we learn to be parents on the job! So don’t be too harsh on yourself. Give yourself time to understand, observe, reflect and learn. Observe what triggers stress. Plan to eliminate triggers — for example, will packing the schoolbags the previous night and an easier menu in the mornings reduce the morning rush? Everybody in the world will have an advice on how you should raise your child. Learn to identify trust worthy and useful sources. You do not need to follow everybody's advice. Trust your doctor on medical issues and not what you read on the net! HaX=JaNl=enlel

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