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UNIVERSITY GWALIOR + MP = INDIA SUBSECT —7 Patrotogy TOPIC — oraGnosTrc ANALYSIS OF COPD Or Sulewitted toy : Mossaile musbtaq, BSNHMNS 19937. TT Crsonie bstavetive pu®menary disease — rT —eEereowreeee—e—e— nn?M§*$(<(E_{ {ES Crnenic ebstauetive putmenanry disease, commenty referred te as COPD, is a group ef proqressive Sung diseases. The mest common are ewplysema and chronic bronchitis, Many peepte with COPO Lave woth of these conditions, Evplysema slerty destacys aia sacs in your Bonga, whieh interferes with outward ata Few. Brenebitis causes ing&ammatien and narrowing of the bronchia® tubes, which aows| wes to wild up. The top eavse of COPO is tobacco smeuing, Long-term euposurc Ko chemiead ianitants can arse Coad to COPD, Tt’s a disease that vsvay tanes a Yong time te deveep. Trese’s ne erre gor COPO, wt treatment can hetp ease. symptews, Sewer the chance of comptications, and generarty improve qvarity of Sige. Medications, supptementa exgen therapy and svajery are some forms of treatment. Untreated, COPD can ead to a faster progression of disease, heart probdems, and worsening respiaatory infections. T's estimated that abevt to wikion peopte in the Uri-ted States have COPO. As many as bat? are unaware that they have it. OTGNOSTIC EVALUATIONS COPD csaalty Te fiat diagnosed on the basis ef a medica® Listoay which discloses many of the symptoms of COPD and a plysica® examination whieh discteses signs of COPO. Doe-ton may ask whether patient smeke or have had contact with ung irritants, such as secondhand smoke, ain peWution, chewica® fumes, orn dust. Ove-ter viR® examine. and use a stethoscope te Ysten for wheering or ether abnoamat chest sounds, Other tests +e diagnose COPO inode chest Xray, computerized -Lemegraphy (CAT on oT sean) of the chest, tests of ng gonetion (rewenary gone-tien tests) and the measurement of carbon diexide and oxyjen Seveks in the eed, Tre goXtowing tests and anadysis are used te diagnose cOPRO 1. Lung Fonction Tests Lung function tests weasure low much ale person can bacathe mand at how gaat he/she can breathe aia art, and how wel Runge deviver oxygen te bead, There ane four components to pu®menany gunetion testing Spinemetay postborencheditater spiremetay, Sung vetumes, and Aiggusion capacity, In the imitia® evatlation ae four components are often performed, Periedica&ty, an individuad camponent, meat commory spirometry, 1s performed to assess progression of disease and te deter-wine the effectiveness of medication Sj L, Chest x ray ov chest CT seam These tests create, pictures of the stavetores imide chest, such as heart, dongs, and Rood vesse®s. The pictures can show signs of COPO. They aso may shew whether anether cendition, such as heart faire, is causing symptoms. a Anteria® Bread Gas Anatysis: This test measures how wert Rungs axe deing in transfer xing oxygen inte weed and in aemeving carton dieside from it u Putse Ovime-try A Sess invasive methed te measure oxygen “Reveka Iw Gre Wied is catted pudse ovimetay A probe (crivee-ter) 1% Paced arcund a fingertip te measure the percentage of oxygen saturation in the weed, 5. Aoprat-Antitaypsin Levet A person suspected of having a genetic deficiency of this emge wik ondeage this teat. Atphat ~antitaypsin degiciencies can ase cause iver disease in ehitdaen, and the Cevek may be measured for that as wert, Tg the Sever is You, a genetic probe may be vsed te determine the cause. T hon Yo du

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