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bulgarian medicine ISSN 1314-3387

Редакционна колегия Editorial Board

Филип Куманов (главен редактор)

Philip Kumanov (Editor-in-chief)
Дроздстой Стоянов Drozdstoj Stoyanov
(научен секретар) (Scientific Secretary)
Боян Лозанов Boyan Lozanov
Добрин Свинаров Dobrin Svinarov
Григор Велев Grigor Velev
Жанет Грудева-Попова Janet Grudeva-Popova
Маргарита Каменова Margarita Kamenova
Михаил Боянов Mihail Boyanov

Членове на Международния
International Advisory Board
редакционен съвет

Андрю Майлс Andrew Miles

(Лондон, Обединено Кралство) (London, UK)
Ашок Агарвал Ashok Agarwal
(Кливланд, САЩ) (Cleveland, Ohio, US)
Хуан Е. Месич Juan E Mezzich
(Ню Йорк, САЩ) (New York, USA)
Кенет Уилиам Фулфорд Kenneth William Fulford
(Уоруик, Оксфорд. Обединено Кралство) (Warwick, Oxford, UK)
Самуел Рефетоф Samuel Refetoff
(Чикаго, САЩ) (Chicago, Illinois, US)
Стенли Прузинър, Нобелов лауреат Stanley B. Prusiner, Nobel Laureate
(Сан Франциско, САЩ) (San Francisco, USA)

Епигенетични характеристики на антидепресантите................................................. 4
Мирослава Варадинова

Интегрален хранително-двигателен модел за промоция на здравето.............10

Калина Стефанова, Павлинка Добрилова

Оригинални статии
Българска медицина

Стратификация на риска при множествен миелом......................................................14

А. Недева, В. Горанова-Маринова, Е. Насева, Т. Бонева, А. Асенова, Л. Митев,
Е. Хаджиев, Р. Петрова, Т. Попова, А. Йорданов, Д. Тодориева и Ю. Райнов

Граница между отношенията съдебно-психиатричен експерт –
освидетелствано лице и психиатър-пациент..................................................................22
А. Чубара, М. Пирлог, М. Мутича, И. Унту, Р. Кирича

Изисквания към авторите

„Българска медицина“ се реферира

в международната база данни Index Copernicus International

Epigenetic characteristics of antidepressant drugs............................................................... 4
Miroslava Varadinova

Integral food-engine model for health promotion...............................................................10

Kalina Stefanova, Pavlinka Dobrilova

Original articles
Risk stratification in multiple myeloma....................................................................................14
Bulgarian medicine

А. Nedeva, V. Goranova-Marinova, Е. Naseva, Т. Boneva, А. Аsenova, L. Mitev,

Е. Hadjiev, R. Petrova, Т. Popova, А. Yordanov, D. Тodorieva and J. Raynov

Boundary between the forensic psychiatry expert/person
examined relationship and the psychiatrist/patient relationship................................22
Anamaria Ciubară, Mihail Cristian Pîrlog, Mihai Mutică, Ilinca Untu, Roxana Chiriţă

Author’s guidelines

„Bulgarian Medicine“ is included in

Index Copernicus International Journals Master List
Обзор / Review

Epigenetic characteristics of antidepressant drugs

Miroslava Varadinova
Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology,
Medical Faculty, Medical University, Sofia

Епигенетични характеристики на антидепресантите

Мирослава Варадинова
Катедра по фармакология и токсикология,
Медицински Университет, София

РЕЗЮМЕ Abstract

Депресията е едно от най-значимите и инвали- Depression is one of the most prevalent and disa-
дизиращи психиатрични заболявания в световен bling psychiatric disorders worldwide and there-
мащаб и поради това е с важен обществен прио- fore an important public health priority. Mounting
ритет. Редица доказателства допускат ключова evidence suggests that epigenetic regulation of
роля на епигенетичната регулация на мозъчните brain functions is important in the etiology of psy-
функции в етиологията на невропсихиатрични- chiatric disorders. Epigenetic mechanisms, such as
те разстройства. Доказано е, че епигенетичните DNA methylation and chromatin modifications, are
механизми като ДНК метилиране и модифика- influenced by many pharmaceutical compounds in-
ции на хроматина се повлияват от действието cluding antidepressants. It is therefore of interest to
на редица лекарства, включително и антидепре- investigate how psychiatric  drugs  are of influence
санти. Това насочва интересът на специалистите and what the potential epigenetic therapy for psy-
към изследване на епигенетични вариации, пре- chiatric disorders is. Recent findings suggest that
дизвикани от психотропни средства и към про- different classes of antidepressants as well as ECT
учване на потенциала на епигенетичната тера- are direct epigenetic modifiers. In this review we
пия при лечението на психиатричните заболява- have summarized the current data on the molecu-
ния. Скорошни данни демонстрират действието lar mechanisms affected by antidepressants at the
на антидепресанти и ЕКТ като директни епиге- level of epigenetics. The recent advances in our un-
нетични модификатори. В настоящия обзор об- derstanding of this developing field show new diag-
стойно разглеждаме молекулярните механизми, nostic and therapeutic approaches for treatment of
участващи в епигенетичните промени, предиз- psychiatric disorders.
викани от антидепресанти. В заключение посоч-
ваме, че обобщените данни и съвременното по-
знание на изложените факти дават възможност
за нови диагностични и терапевтични подходи в
лечението на психиатричните разстройства.

4 Bulgarian medicine vol. V № 4/2015

Introduction early-life experiences, abuse and parental vio-
Psychiatric disorders are characterized by be- lence, and pre-natal exposure to toxins are
havioral abnormalities that often persist over environmental factors that can influence the
a life time and are among the most debilitating vulnerability to develop depression [28, 29].
of all medical illnesses. Although there are lots To address the dynamic changes of depressive
of drugs that are nowadays used to treat these symptoms and their response to treatment, re-
disorders, still many patients have sub-optimal cent studies focus on epigenetic mechanisms.
recovery and a significant number of individu- The term “epigenetics” refers to all herita-
als remain treatment resistant. Thanks to the ble changes in gene expression that are not cod-
advancement of genetic sciences and the de- ed in the DNA sequence itself, which only alter
velopment of new techniques in the last decade phenotype without changing genotype. There
it has generally been assumed that psychiatric are three main categories of epigenetic modifi-
diseases are caused by combinations of genetic cations: DNA methylation, chromatin modifica-
polymorphisms or mutations that interact with tions, and non-coding RNA expression [12].
hazardous environmental factors. Mounting Well-known varieties of DNA methylation,
evidence suggests that epigenetic regulation of which is accomplished by several types of DNA
brain functions is important in the etiology of methyltransferase (DNMT) enzymes, include
psychiatric disorders. The recent interest for methylation of cytosine nucleotides that are fol-
the role of epigenetics in brain functions has lowed by guanine or adenine, and hydroxymeth-
led researchers to explore the possibility that ylation that is a temporary product during the
drugs can modify epigenetic processes involved conversion of methylated cytosines to unmethyl-
in psychiatric disorders. ated cytosines. Unlike other tissues, hydroxym-
Major depressive disorder (MDD) is a dev- ethylation is quite abundant in the human brain.
astating neuropsychiatric disorder encompass- While DNA methylation generally suppresses
ing a wide range of cognitive and emotional gene expression, hydroxymethylation can induce
dysfunctions and has a variety of socioeconom- gene expression and appears to play a key role
ic consequences, including unemployment, re- in functional plasticity of neuronal cells. Histone
duced work performance and marital dysfunc- proteins posttranslational modifications (HPT-
tion. Moreover, the prevalence of depressive Ms) at their N-terminal tails include methylation,
disorders is expected to continue its growth acetylation, phosphorylation, ubiquitination, su-
to become the second leading cause of disease moylation, etc. HPTMs may suppress or increase
burden by the year 2030 [20]. Despite extensive the expression of interconnected genes depend-
research efforts in past decades, the etiology of ing on the identity and location of those amino
depression remains elusive, its diagnosis un- acids. Several types of enzymes such as histone
certain and the pharmacotherapy inefficient. acetylases, histone deacetylases (HDACs), his-
The antidepressants currently used, which tone methylases and demethylases are involved
target the monoaminergic pathways, require in histone modifications [25]. Experimental
weeks to months of treatment and exhibit very evidence has shown that the mammalian tran-
poor or no response in nearly 50% of patients scriptome includes a number of small noncoding
[17]. In addition, there is a marked inter-indi- RNAs (sncRNAs), such as short-interfering RNAs
vidual variability in the vulnerability to develop and microRNAs (miRNAs), which have been im-
depression, as well as in response to antidepres- plicated in epigenetic silencing of specific genes
sant treatment. After a multitude of studies, it [23]. There is incredible complexity in the regu-
has become clear that depressive disorders and lation of the epigenome and evidence suggests
individual reaction to therapy are typical case that histone modifications and DNA methylation
of gene × environment interactions [18]. Stress, can also interact [11].

Bulgarian medicine vol. V № 4/2015 5

Effective antidepressant treatment may hyperacetylation of H3 at the  Bdnf  promoters,
be associated with epigenetic changes in mediated by downregulation of  Hdac5. Moreo-
genes conferring risk for depression ver, the efficacy of imipramine was blocked by
It has been repeatedly suggested that effec- overexpression of  Hdac5, suggesting that down-
tive treatment with antidepressants increases regulation of Hdac5 is essential to the efficacy of
peripheral levels of brain derived neurotrofic imipramine. The authors commented that since
factor (BDNF) [24]  and that a nonincrease of histone H3 hypermethylation was not affected
BDNF plasma levels within the first week of by imipramine, this remained a possible target
treatment could predict treatment resistance for antidepressant therapy.
with high sensitivity [33] BDNF is an important   Amitriptyline
pro-survival factor for the developing and adult
brain, through modulation of neuronal plastic- Amitriptyline is a tricyclic antidepressant. In
ity [26] and has been implicated in the etiology rat astrocytes, amitriptyline induced DNA hy-
of depression. In line with the reduced serum pomethylation without affecting histone acety-
BDNF levels observed in depressed individu- lation. Moreover it reduced enzymatic activ-
als, a hypermethylation of the BDNF gene pro- ity of DNMT1without altering its protein lev-
moter in patients with depressive disorder has els [27]. The reduction was due to decrease in
been reported. At first a post-mortem analysis levels of histone methyltransferase G9a, known
of DNA methylation in the Wernicke’s area of modulator of DNMT1. In vitro amitriptyline in-
subjects who committed suicide revealed low- creased H3 acetylation by inhibiting HDAC ac-
er BDNF expression associated with increased tivity [19].
DNA methylation of four CpG sites located at   Fluoxetine
BDNF promoter 4 [14]. Furthermore, there
were investigated the methylation levels of 13 Fluoxetine is very common antidepressant from
CpG sites within the BDNF exon IV promoter the group of selective serotonin reuptake in-
in a sample of depressed patients treated with hibitors (SSRI). In the hippocampus, fluoxetine
several antidepressants [32]. A lower methyla- reversed decreased histone H3K9 trimethyla-
tion was observed in the final responders, with- tion but not H3K4 trimethylation induced by
out a significant interaction of gender or class chronic restraint stress [13].  Chronic fluoxetine
of antidepressant. This was paralleled by a de- treatment of healthy rats decreases acetylation
crease of BDNF plasma levels during the first of H3 in the caudate putamen, the frontal cortex
week of treatment. and the dentate gyrus. In addition, fluoxetine re-
versed reduced H3 acetylation in the same way as
histone deacetylases (HDAC) inhibitors, suggest-
Currently used antidepressants may
ing a similar mechanism of action [4]. Further-
display epigenetic effects
more, expression of the methyl-binding proteins
MeCP2 and MBD1 was increased, accompanied
  Imipramine
by increased Hdac2 expression, further inhibiting
Imipramine is a tricyclic antidepressant and transcriptional activity in these brain regions [2]. 
inhibits the reuptake of serotonin and norepi-
nephrine. Tsankova et al, 2006 investigated the   Citalopram
effectiveness of imipramine on epigenetic regu- Lopez, 2013 investigated the impact of chronic
lation of the Bdnf gene in the hippocampi of mice treatment with citalopram on BDNF expression
[35]. Chronic social defeat led to repression in patients with depression [16]. The team re-
of Bdnf and an increase in histone dimethylation ported increased BDNF mRNA levels with a sig-
of H3K27. Treatment with imipramine caused nificant correlation between change in depres-

6 Bulgarian medicine vol. V № 4/2015

sion severity and change in BDNF expression in tor of class I and II. We have summarized the cur-
treatment responders. Also, histone H3 lysine rent knowledge of the epigenetic mechanisms of
27 trimethylation (H3K27me3) levels (a mark- VPA in a separate review (see there).
er for silencing genes) at BDNF exon IV pro-
moter were decreased. BDNF expression and •  Sodium butyrate
H3K27me3 levels were negatively correlated. Sodium butyrate (SB) is a short fatty-chain
acid that displays selective inhibition of HDAC
  Escitalopram
class I and II. Similar to VPA, SB upregulates BD-
Chronic treatment with the SSRI escitalopram NFand  GDNF  mRNA levels in astrocytes, with
reversed depressive symptoms in patients marked increases in  GDNF  promoter activity
who had a higher methylation status of the and promoter-associated histone H3 acetyla-
SLC6A4gene [6]. Additionally, it has been report- tion [37]. It has also been shown that SB affects
ed that escitalopram reduced the hypermeth- histone methylation [10].  Other findings sug-
ylation in P11 gene and levels of DNMT1 and gested therapeutic role of SB on depressive-like
DNMT3a mRNA in the prefrontal cortex in a ge- symptoms in animals. However, the results have
netic rodent model of depression [22]. The P11 been inconsistent. Despite increased histone
gene has been linked to functional expression H3 and H4 acetylation in the hippocampus and
of 5-HT (1B) [31] and thus is associated with the frontal cortex following SB administration
depressive symptoms.  SB only improved depression-like behavior in
three of seven of depression-like behavior [9]. 
  MAO inhibitors

Evidence shows that monoamine oxidase (MAO) • Trichostatin A

inhibitors phenelzine and tranylcypramine both Trichostatin A (TSA), an antifungal antibiotic,
inhibit demethylation of histone H3K4, result- was also discovered to possess HDAC-inhib-
ing in a global increase in H3K4 methylation by iting properties. In the hippocampus TSA in-
breaking down lysine-specific demethylase 1 duced transcription of promoter exon 1 but
(LSD1), a histone demethylase that is structur- not of exon 4 of the BDNF gene, associated with
ally similar to MAO A and B [5]. LSD1 specifical- hyperacetylation at H3K9 and H3K14 and in-
ly demethylates mono- and dimethylated H3K4 creased BDNF protein levels. At the same time
and H3K9, thus inhibiting transcription [1].  an increase in HDAC mRNA and protein levels
was also observed, suggesting a compensato-
Other compounds interfering with ry mechanism in response to HDAC inhibition
epigenetic mechanisms as potential [34].  In astrocytes TSA upregulates both  BDN-
antidepressants Fand GDNF mRNA levels, with marked increases
in  GDNF  promoter activity and promoter-as-
  HDAC inhibitors sociated histone H3 acetylation [37]. TSA also
induced transcription of depression associated
A well-balanced regulation of HDACs and HATs
genes: the melatonin MT1 receptor gene in gli-
is essential to gene transcription. Compounds
oma cells [15] and the Glucocorticoid Receptor
that inhibit HDACs have been extensively stud-
(GR) gene [36]. 
ied in models of neurodegenerative disorders
•  MS-275
•  Valproic acid (VPA)
MS-275 is a benzamide-based HDAC inhibitor
VPA is a short fatty-chain acid commonly used in
that selectively targets class I HDACs. In mouse
the treatment of epilepsy and bipolar disorder. VPA
models of depression, infusion of MS-275 into
is the most exten­sively investigated compound in
the nucleus accumbens delivered strong anti-
psychiatric epigenetics and a potent HDAC inhibi-

Bulgarian medicine vol. V № 4/2015 7

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Адрес за кореспонденция: Address for Correspondence:

доц. д-р Мирослава Варадинова, дм Assoc. Prof. Miroslava Varadinova
София 1431, ул. Здраве 2, 2 Zdrave Str., Sofia 1431,
МУ-София, МФ, Pharmacology and Toxicology Department,
Катедра по Фармакология и токсикология Medical Faculty, Medical University-Sofia
Е-mail: e-mail:

Bulgarian medicine vol. V № 4/2015 9

Integral food-engine model for health promotion
Kalina Stefanova, Pavlinka Dobrilova
“Prof. Dr. Ivan Mitev” – Vratsa Subsidiary to Medical University of Sofia

Интегрален хранително-двигателен модел

за промоция на здравето
Калина Стефанова, Павлинка Добрилова
Филиал ,,Проф. д-р Иван Митев‘‘ гр.Враца към МУ София

РЕЗЮМЕ Abstract

Съвременният поглед върху новите полити- The modern view on new policies adopted by the
ки в приетата от 57-та Световна здравна асам- 57 th World Health Assembly “Global Strategy on
блея „Глобална стратегия за храненето, физиче- Diet, Physical Activity and Health” outline new pri-
ската активност и здравето” очертават и новите orities related to health promotional programs and
приоритети свързани със здравно-промотивни models for the formation of a healthy lifestyle. The
програми и модели за формиране на здравосло- goal that we set ourselves is to develop integrated
вен начин на живот. Целта която си поставихме food – motor model for health promotion. His con-
е да се разработи интегрален хранително – дви- ceptual framework outlines the architectural struc-
гателен модел за промоция на здравето. Негова- ture included with systematic and targeted actions
та концептуална рамка очертава архитектурна aimed at strengthening positive health and preven-
структура вкючваща системни и целенасочени tion of adverse health.
действия целящи укрепване на позитивното This targeted intervention in healthy public policy
здраве и предотвратяване на негативното здра- position in the cross fields of process of eating and
ве. physical activity. This statement based on analytical
Тази прицелна намеса в здравословната об- scientific approach is based on solid evidence.
ществена политика се позиционира в пресечни- In light of the foregoing, in particular pay atten-
те полета на процеса на хранене и физическата tion on the one hand feeding it occupies a major po-
активност. Това твърдение въз основа на анали- sition determined by various scientific studies dem-
тичния научен подход, се базира на солиден до- onstrating the vital role and its importance as a key
казателствен материал. element in health promotion. It is known that when
В контекста на казаното, по определено вни- it is not consistent with the scientific requirements
мание отделяме от една страна на храненето can trigger a multitude of disease states.
което заема основна позиция, детерминирана On the other hand physical activity is an impor-
от многообразни научни изследвания, доказва- tant tool and a fundamental means of improving the
щи ролята и първостепенното му значение, като physical and mental health, including major factor
ключов елемент в промоция на здравето. Из-

10 Bulgarian medicine vol. V № 4/2015

вестно е, че когато то не е съобразено с научни- in regulating the energy balance of the body and
те изисквания може да придизвика множество control body weight.
болестни състояния. In conclusion we would like to note with the help
От друга страна физическата активност е ва- of a cross-sectoral approach, building ,, balanced
жен инструмент и фундаментално средство за combination ‘’ of a healthy diet and active physi-
подобряване на физическото и психическото cal activity becomes a wide spectrum prophylactic
здраве на човека, в т.ч. основен фактор регули- against a number of chronic non-communicable
ращ енергийния баланс на организма и контро- diseases. In this aspect, the implementation of sci-
ла върху телесната маса. entifically sound and supportive policies, programs
В заключение бихме желали да отбележим, е and models for health promotion are a prerequisite
с помоща на междусекторния подход, изгражда- and guarantee for increasing health potential which
нето на ,, балансирано комбиниране‘‘ от здраво- will provide health protection, health security and
словно хранене и активна физическа активност social welfare focused on improving population
се превръща в широко спектърно профилак- health status.
тично средство срещу редица хронични неин- Keywords: health promotion, food-engine model
фекциозни заболявания. В този аспект реали-
зирането на научно-обусновани и подкрепящи
политики, програми и модели за промоция на
здравето са предпоставка и гарант за увелича-
ване на здравния потенциал което ще осигури
здравна закрила, здравна сигурност и социално
благополучие фокусирани върху подобряване
на популационния здравен статус.
Ключови думи: промоция на здравето, хра-
нително-двигателен модел.

Health promotion is an integral part of the social, ecological and personal factors, and a strat-
healthcare reform. The 57th World Health As- egy that connects people with their environment
sembly approved a “Global strategy on diet, and combines personal choice with public re-
physical activity & health”. sponsibility for health, the final goal being the es-
A close overview of the modern policies tablishment of a healthier future. Health promo-
of this strategy will outline the new priorities tion embraces both the impact of the individuals
related to health-promotion programs and on certain health factors and the influence of the
models that help form a healthy lifestyle. One environment to enhance the factors and change
of the leading principles for the realization those of them that prevent healthy lifestyle.
of this strategy relates to the need to make Nutritionists rightly point out the para-
healthy choices easier. Bearing in mind that the mount importance of the “food model” of peo-
strength of health promotion lies in its multi- ple for their health status.
disciplinary character, we can define it as a new, Nutrition is one of the basic and vital pro-
comprehensive and scientific approach whose cesses and it is also an approach to health
philosophy can be summed up as “health for the promotion that impacts on the physiological,
healthy”. This is a positive concept which incor- mental and social status and development of
porates activities that foster individual and so- the individual. So it can be viewed in biologi-
cial health and wellbeing alike. cal, psycho-social and economic aspects. These
This is an evolving concept that includes en- aspects determine diet as a risk and preventive
couraging a lifestyle and other health-conductive factor essential for human health.

Bulgarian medicine vol. V № 4/2015 11

Modern public health policies aim to pro- aiming to strengthen positive health and avoid
vide the necessary healthy food for all popula- negative health. This intervention in the public
tion groups and approve balanced and adequate healthcare policy is positioned at the cross sec-
diets. Food programs and models themselves tion of diet and physical activity.
should be used for health promotion. On the local In this relation, hereby we offer an integral
level, this can be introduced via schools, health food-engine model consisting of the following
and welfare services, especially for vulnerable stages and phases:
groups, children, single-parent families, old peo-
ple, etc. Therefore, a scientific nutritional ap- Stage 1
proach to preventive healthcare would contrib-
ute for the reduction of death rate from coronary Risk management
heart disease, brain stroke, stomach cancer, etc. Phases
Physical activity is an important tool for the 1. Identification of risks to diet and physical activity.
improvement of physical and mental health. Lack 2. Defining of the causality between the investi-
of physical activity is a risk factor of a great num- gated risks and the social and health phenom-
ber of chronic non-infectious diseases of high ena by a measurement of the basic level from
social importance like coronary artery disease, the feasibility study of:
brain stroke, hypertension, non-insulin depend- – Educational diagnosis: it characterizes health
ent diabetes mellitus 2, osteoporosis, obesity etc. awareness in the sphere of diet and physical
A group of WHO experts provide data that activity.
the physical activity level of 2/3 of the popu- – Behavioral diagnosis: it characterizes factors
lation above 15 years of age is below the rec- related to dietary and physical habits.
– Anthropologic diagnosis: it characterizes an-
ommendations. Almost 5-10% of the mortality
thropometric indicators related to diet and
results from insufficient physical activity. At physical activity.
present 60% of the population of Europe have – Epidemiological diagnosis: characterizes the
sedentary lifestyles. healthcare system status and tendencies.
A number of scientists confirmed and fur- 3. Development of intervention programs in the
ther developed the data about the preventive ef- following spheres of activity:
fect of optimum physical activity which improves – Health education – impact on knowledge,
the functioning of the human organism and en- perceptions, values, attitudes and behavior
hances physical strength and mental stability. related to health promotion.
All should start with better health awareness – Prevention of diseases related to diet and
in the majority of the population and that will lead physical activity (a set of measures to limit
the risk of diseases) on the primary level
to a conscious personal choice and inner convic-
(avoidance of the disease) and on the second-
tion in active physical regime as a major compo- ary level (early diagnostics to stop the pro-
nent of the healthy lifestyle. This preventive fac- gress and reduce the duration of the disease
tor is broad, accessible and easy to perform. and the risk of complications)
Therefore, motivation of healthy diet and – Health protection – establishment of a
physical activity from early to old age are essen- healthy social policy and control providing
tial preconditions and a guarantee of improved reliable protection of the population.
quality of life. 4. Monitoring of the interventions performed.
On the basis of the situation analysis, the 5. Assessment of the effect of elimination or re-
realities and the challenges related to health duction of the impact of investigated risks caus-
promotion and its great medical and social sig- ing health damage by measuring the level of fi-
nal studies and assessment of the following:
nificance, our objective is to develop an inte-
– The process – change of diet-and-activity-
gral food-engine model for health promotion. related risks to behavior.
Its conceptual frame defines an architectural – The impact – measurement of behavior.
structure of systematic and targeted actions – The results – change of health status indicators.

12 Bulgarian medicine vol. V № 4/2015

Stage 2 In conclusion, we would like to emphasize
Definition of priority ideas, objectives and tasks that with the help of the inter-sector approach,
for the establishment of sustainable health be- the “balanced combination” of healthy diet and
havior by skills of self-awareness, self-regula- physical activity becomes a broad-spectrum
tion and self-assessment related to healthy diet means of prevention of a number of chronic
and adequate physical activity. non-infectious diseases. In this aspect, the crea-
tion of scientific policies, programs and mod-
Stage 3 els of health promotion is a prerequisite and a
Formulation of a stable public healthcare policy guarantee of the improvement of health poten-
which will make healthy choices of diets and tial which will provide health protection, health
physical activities, all readily available to all safety and social wellbeing, all focused on the
members of society. improvement of the population’s health status.

Stage 4 References:
Introduction of an integral health promotion pro- 1. Alma Ata 1978: primary health care Geneva, World
gram to increase the health activity and anti-risk health organization (,, Health for All Series ‚‘ W 1)
behavior in relation to diet and physical activ- 2. Baykova, D. et al. National survey of nutritional
ity, with the immediate objective of establishing status of the population in Bulgaria (in press)
3. Vasileva, R. Physical activity and food practices in
a healthy lifestyle for the individuals, the social
students of medical specialties Scientific works
groups and society as a whole. That will contrib- of sub Plovdiv; Medicine, Pharmacy, Dentistry, ie.
ute to the achievement of the ultimate goal of im- XIII, 2013.
proving the health status of the population. 4. Merdzhanov, Ch Behavioral risk factors for the
As a new philosophy of public healthcare, health of the Bulgarian nation Science, 2008.
the idea of health promotion is “by adding 5. Petrova, S. Current problems of feeding the popu-
health to life”, i.e. by health improvement, “to lation in Bulgaria. The science of nutrition in hu-
man health protection, S., 88-95
add years to life”, i.e. to increase longevity.
6. Recommendations for healthy nutrition of the
population in Bulgaria 18-65g., MH, 2006
By all that was said above we tried to show – For children 3-6g. , MH, 2008.
that the realization in practice of the proposed – For students of 7-19g., MH, 2008.
integral food-engine model will make it pos- 7. Stefanova, K., Eve. Stambolova, Post student ma-
sible to achieve the following lifestyle changes joring ,, Meditsinka sister ‚‘ training in health pro-
conductive to health: motion, health care, C, 2, 2013.
– Knowledge and motivation of health-strength- 8. Tulchinski, T., E. Varavikova, new public health in
ening behavior the XXI century, Varna, 2004.
– Promotion of positive health behavior
– Limitation of behavior that is harmful to health

Адрес за кореспонденция: Address for Correspondence:

Ас. Калина Стефанова, дм Assistant Prof. Kalina Stefanova, PhD
МУ София, Medical University-Sofia,
Филиал „Проф. д-р Иван Митев” – Враца “Prof. Dr Ivan Mitev” Vratsa Subsidiary
Катедра „Здравни грижи” e-mail:
Враца, 3000, Университетски комплекс,
Корпус 1, ет. 1–2

Bulgarian medicine vol. V № 4/2015 13

Оригинални статии / Original articles


А.Nedeva, 2V.Goranova-Marinova,3Е.Naseva, 4Т.Boneva, 4А.Аsenova, 4L.Mitev,
Е.Hadjiev, 6R.Petrova, 7Т.Popova, 7А.Yordanov, 8D.Тodorieva and 1J.Raynov
Department of hematology, Military Medical Academy – Sofia;
Department of hematology, St George University Hospital – Plovdiv;
Department of public health, Medical University – Sofia;
Cytogenetic laboratory, MМА- Sofia;
Department of hematology, Alexandrovska University Hospital- Sofia;
Joan Pavel Hospital – Sofia;
Department of hematology, Tokuda Hospital – Sofia;
Department of hematology, G.Stransky University Hospital – Pleven


А.Недева, 2В.Горанова-Маринова,3Е.Насева, 4Т.Бонева, 4А.Асенова, 4Л.Митев,
Е.Хаджиев, 6Р.Петрова, 7Т.Попова, 7А.Йорданов, 8Д.Тодориева и 1Ю.Райнов
Клиника по хематология, ВМА-София;2Клиника по хематология,УМБАЛ „Свети Георги“-

Пловдив; 3Факултет по обществено здраве, МУ-София; 4Цитогенетична лаборатория, ВМА-

София; 5Клиника по хематология, УМБАЛ „Александровска”-София; 6 СБАЛ „Йоан Павел”
–София; 7Клиника по хематология, болница „Токуда”-София; 8Клиника по хематология,
УМБАЛ „Г. Странски”-Плевен

РЕЗЮМЕ Abstract

Цел: Оценка на цитогенетичните прогнос- Aim: Assessment of cytogenetic prognostic factors

тични фактори и стратификация на риска при and risk stratification in newly-diagnosed patients
новодиагностицирани пациенти с множествен with multiple myeloma. Patients and methods:We
миелом. Материал и методи: Оценени са общо analyzed tha data of 92 newly-diagnosed patients
92 новодиагностицирани болни с множествен with multiple myeloma with performed FISH and /
миелом, изследвани с FISH и/или конвенциона- or conventional cytogenetic analysis. Risk stratifica-
лен цитогенетичен анализ. Стратификация на tion was performed in 87 (94.6%) of them, using
риска е извършена при 87 (94.6%) от тях, като са two different prognostic algorithms – mSMART and
използвани два различни прогностични модела IMWG. The program SPSS v21 was used for statisti-
– mSMART и IMWG. Статистическата обработка cal data processing, survival was assessed with the
е извършена с програма SPSS v21, а оценката на Kaplan-Maier method and a log-rank test. Results:
преживяемостта – чрез метода на Kaplan-Maier We found the following incidence of abnormali-
и log-rank test. Резултати: В нашия анализ е ус- ties associated with adverse prognosis in multiple

14 Bulgarian medicine vol. V № 4/2015

myeloma: monosomy/deletion of chromosome 13
тановена следната честота на хромозомните
(del13) in 39 (42.4%) of 92 patients; amp1q – in
аберации, свързвани в различни проучвания
22/92 (23.9%); del1p – in 15/92 (16.3%); del17p
с неблагоприятна прогноза при пациентите с
– in 15/92 (16.3%); t(4;14) – in 8/92 (8.7%) and
ММ: 39 (42.4%) от 92 пациенти с монозомия/де-
t(14;16) – in 2/92 (2.2%) patients.We performed
леция на хромозома 13 (del13); 22/92 (23.9%) – с
risk stratification, based on these results, using the
amp1q; 15/92 (16.3%) – с del1p; 15/92 (16.3%) – с
mSMART and IMWG models. Our data show signifi-
del17p; 8/92 (8.7%) – с t(4;14) и 2/92 (2.2%) – с
cant differences in outcomes betwee nrisk groups,
t(14;16). Стратификацията на риска, извършена
regardless of the prognostic model being used. Dis-
въз основа на тези резултати, установява досто-
cussion: The two risk stratification models give a
верно различна обща преживяемост между рис-
realistic assessment of the expected median overall
ковите групи, независимо от използвания прог-
survival according to the risk status and can serve as
ностичен модел (mSMART или IMWG). Обсъж-
a basis for a risk-adapted approach in newly-diag-
дане: Двата модела за стратификация на риска
nosed multiple myeloma patients. Conclusion:Risk
дават реална оценка на очакваната средна пре-
stratification is an important milestone in multiple
живяемост в съответните прогностични групи
myeloma diagnostics, which can help individualize
и могат да служат като база за риск-адаптиран
treatment and improve survival.
подход в лечението на пациентите с множест-
вен миелом. Заключение: При множествения
Key words: multiple myeloma, risk stratification,
миелом стратификацията на риска е важен етап
risk-adapted approach.
в диагностичния процес, който помага за инди-
видуализиране на лечението и подобряване на
Ключови думи: множествен миелом, страти-
фикация на риска, риск-адаптиран подход.

I. INTRODUCTION irrespective of the therapeutic approach. In an

attempt to explain this heterogeneity a number
Multiple myeloma (ММ) accounts for 1% of all of prognostic factors were identified, which are
malignant diseases and 10-15% of hematologic related to tumor biology, including some cy-
neoplasms. It originates from bone-marrow togenetic markers.
plasma cells and its major clinical features are Genomic characteristics of the malignant
bone disease, renal impairment, hypercal- clone is an important aspect of multiple myelo-
ciemia and anemia. Though still an incurable ma pathogenesis. It is well known that the dis-
disease, in recent years major advantages were ease is associated with certain cytogenetic ab-
made in diagnostics and treatment of multiple normalities, some of which are associated with
myeloma. The establishment of stem cell trans- poor prognosis. The detection of these abnor-
plantation as standard of care and the introduc- malities with fluorescence in situ hybridization
tion of novel agents (proteasome inhibitors and can identify a group of patients with high risk
immunomodulatory agents) lead to significant who should be treated differently compared to
improvement of outcome.These changes re- those with standard risk. None of the known
sulted in the achievement of molecular remis- prognostic factors alone can explain the hetero-
sions and prolonged disease-free survival, with geneous course of the disease. That is why risk
a cure being possible in some of the patients. stratification models have been proposed, com-
In other cases, however, the disease shows re- bining cytogenetic markers with patient-relat-
sistance to treatment and an aggressive course, ed factors, tumour burden factors, markers of

Bulgarian medicine vol. V № 4/2015 15

plasma cell proliferative rate and gene expres- II. PATIENTS AND METHODS
sion profiling. The goal of this prognostic strati-
fication is applying a risk-adapted therapeutic
1. Patients
approach, or individualized treatment accord-
ing to genomic characteristics of disease. The We analyzed the data of 92 newly-diagnosed pa-
published recommendations for risk-adapted tients with multiple myeloma with performed
therapy (mSMART) are not based on results FISH and/or conventional cytogenetic analysis.
of large randomized trials, that is why they are 64 of them were diagnosed and treated in the
not widely accepted. In the International My- Department of hematology, MMA – Sofia and 28
eloma Working Group (IMWG) Consensus on were patients of other hematologic clinics in So-
Risk Stratification in Multiple Myeloma, 2014 fia, Plovdiv and Pleven. Most of the cytogenetic
an attempt has been made to create an uniform analyses were performed in the Cytogenetic
algorithm for risk stratification. The experts laboratory in MMA, Sofia. 14 patients were ana-
point out that in myeloma so far there are a lysed in the university cytogenetic laboratories
number of factors associated with prognosis in Plovdiv (13 patients) and Pleven (1 patient).
but few predictive markers. While prognostic All the patients have signed informed consent
factors are widely used and have their role in for genomic studies.
risk stratification, predictive markers would The average age of the analysed patients
help individualize treatment, which is a major was 63.6 (39-85) years. The other patient char-
goal of risk-adapted therapy. acteristics are presented on table 1.
The aim of this study is assessment of cy- Таble1. Patient Characteristics
togenetic prognostic factors and risk stratifica-
tion in newly-diagnosed patients with multiple Characteristics Number(n=92) Percent(%)
myeloma, using two different prognostic mod- Male 49 53.3%
1. Gender
Female 43 46.7%
els – mSMART and IMWG. IgG 57 62%
2. Myeloma type IgA 17 18.5%
Light chain 18 19.6%
I 12 13%
3. ISS stage II 27 29.3%
III 53 57.6%

2. Меthods

2.1. Diagnosis –2003 IMWG diagnostic criteria were used (4)– table 2.
Table2. Diagnostic Criteria for Monoclonal Gammopathies and Multiple Myeloma
MGUS „Smoldering“ myeloma Symptomatic multiple myeloma
• M–proteinin serum < 30 g/L • M – protein in serum ≥ 30 g/L • М-protein in serum and/or urine
• Bone marrow clonal plasma cells< 10% and/or • Bone marrow (clonal) plasma
• No related organ or tissue impairment (no end • Bone marrow clonal plasma cells cells or plasmacytoma
organ damage, including bone lesions) ≥ 10% • ≥ 1 CRAB* criteria
• No related organ or tissue impairment (no end organ
damage, including bone lesions) or symptoms
*C: Calcium zlevels increased(serum calcium >0.25 mmol/l abovethe upper limit of normal or > 2.75 mmol/l)
R: Renalinsufficiency (creatinine >173 mmol/l)
A: A nemia (Hb< 10 g/dLor 2 g/dLbelowthe lower limit of normal)
B: Bone lesions (≥ 1 lytic lesions or osteoporosis with compression fractures (MRI or CT may clarify)
Adapted from: IMWG. Br J Haematol.2003; 121:749–757.

16 Bulgarian medicine vol. V № 4/2015

2.2. Staging according to the International Table 4. mSMART Risk Stratification of Active Multiple
Staging System (ISS)( 3) – table 3. Myeloma*

Table 3. International Staging System for Multiple High risk Intermediate risk Standard risk
Myeloma* All others including:
  del 17p  t(4;14)
 t(14;16) Cytogenetic del 13
Stage Criteria  t(11;14)
 t(14;20) Hypodiploidy
Serum β2-microglobulin< 3.5 mg/L GEP –high risk signature PCLI ≥ 3%
Serum albumin ≥ 3.5 g/dL
II Not stage I or III
GEP – gene expression profiling; PCLI – plasma cell labeling index
III Serum β2-microglobulin ≥ 5.5 mg/L
*Adapted from: Mikhael, J.R. et al. Mayo Clin Proc. 2013; 88:
*Adapted from: Greipp PR,et al.J Clin Oncol. 2005; 23: 3412–
Table 5. IMWG Risk Stratification in Multiple Myeloma*
High risk Standard risk Low risk
2.3. Cytogenetic studies ISS I/II and
2.3.1. Conventional cytogenetic analysis absence of
Parameters Others del17p, t(4;14)
The following cytogenetic techniques were del17p or t(4;14)
and amp1q and
used: modification of the direct bone-marrow age< 55 years
method of Tjo & Whang; 24 hcultivation of un- Median ОS 2 years 7 years >10 years
stimulated bone marrow; chromosome prepa- % Patients 20% 60% 20%
rations using Rothfel & Siminovitch technique *Adapted from: Chng, al. Leukemia. 2014 Feb;28(2):269-77.
and trypsin-Giemsa staining with modification
(Whang & Fedoroff). In each case at least 11
2.3. Statistics
metaphases were analysed and if a clonal ab-
The program SPSS v21 was used for statistical
normality was suspected – between 25 and 50
data processing, survival was assessed with the
metaphases (6).
Kaplan-Maier method (7). Kaplan-Meier curves
for progression-free survival (PFS, defined by
1.1.2. Fluorescent in situ hybridization
the time between diagnosis and occurrence of
progression, relapse, or death) and overall sur-
The method is used to directly demonstrate
vival (OS) were plotted and compared using the
DNA sequences on metaphase chromosomes
log-rank test.
or interphase nuclei, allowing the localization
of a specific fluorescent-labeled DNA sequence.
The following locus – specific and fusion-gene III. RESULTS
probes were used: 1p36/1q21; 13q14/13qter; Conventional cytogenetic analysis was per-
14q32 (BA); 17p13/SE17; FGFR3/IGH for formed in 49 (53.2%) patients. In 37(75.5%)
t(4;14); MYEOV/IGH for t(11;14) and MAF/ of them clonal abnormalities were found, while
IGH for t(14;16) (6). the remaining 12 (25.5%) patients were with
normal caryotype. The FISH method was per-
2.4. Risk stratification formed on fixed interphase nuclei of bone-mar-
Risk stratification was performed using 2 dif- row aspirate. It was used in 76 patients and in
ferent prognostic models – mSMART (Mayo 69 (90.8%) of them pathologic changes were
Stratification of Myeloma and Risk-Adapted found. In 7 (9.2%) patients the percent of path-
Therapy), 2013 (5) and IMWG Consensus on ologic findings was below the cutoff of 5%. Us-
Risk Stratification of Multiple Myeloma, 2014 ing these 2 cytogenetic methods the incidence
(1) – table 4 and table5. of abnormalities associated with adverse prog-
Bulgarian medicine vol. V № 4/2015 17
nosis in multiple myeloma was as follows: mon-
osomy/deletion of chromosome 13 (del13) in
39 (42.4%) of 92 patients; amp1q – in 22/92
(23.9%); del1p – in 15/92 (16.3%); del17p – in
15/92 (16.3%); t(4;14) – in 8/92 (8.7%) and
t(14;16) – in 2/92 (2.2%) patients.

Risk stratification
according to mSMART
Risk stratification was performed in 87 patients
(94.6%), the remaining 5 (5.4%) patients could
not be placed into a particular risk group be-
cause of insufficient information.We used most Fig.1. Median OS in mSMART risk groups
of the recommended cytogenetic prognostic
factors: del17p, t(14;16), t(4;14), Сdel13, hypo- Median PFS was similar in the standard-
diploidy and t(11;14). The other 4 tests: FISH and intermediate-risk groups (27.3 months
for t(14;20) and t(6;14), PCLI and GEP are not and 25 months respectively), but significantly
routinely performed in our center. The distribu- lower in the high-risk group (11.9 months),
tion and survival of patients in each risk group p=0.002) – fig.2.
can be seen on table 6.
Most of the patients were placed into
the standard risk group –54% of the cases.
Almost equal number of patients fell into
the intermediate- and high-risk groups –
about 20%. Median survival was significantly
different between the three groups (p<0,001):
62 months in the standard-risk group, 41
months in the intermediate-risk group and 21
months in the high- risk group. 3-year OS was
respectively 65%, 57% and 21% – fig. 1.

Fig.2.Median PFS in mSMART risk groups

Table 6. mSMART Risk Stratification–Patient Distribution and Survival

95% CI 95% CI
Number (%) Median OS 3-yearOS Median
Risk groups Lower Upper Lower Upper
ofpatients (months) % PFS(months)
Bound Bound Bound Bound
Standard risk 50 (54,3%) 62,2 64,8% 48,043 76,317 27,363 19,660 35,066
Intermediate risk 18 (19,6%) 41,3 56,6% 28,329 54,346 25,044 14,793 35,295
High risk 19 (20,7%) 20,9 21,1% 13,249 28,541 11,895 7,709 16,081
No stratification 5 (5,4%) 16,7 – – – – – –
All 92 (100%) 49,3 38,817 59,708 22,968 17,800 28,137
P – Log Rank (Mantel-Cox) <0,001 0,002

18 Bulgarian medicine vol. V № 4/2015

Risk stratification according to IMWG IV. DISCUSSION
We performed risk stratification in 87 (94.6%) By virtue of their experience along with pub-
patients, the remaining 5 (5.4%) patients could lished results Mayo Clinic experts have com-
not be placed into a particular risk group be- bined prognostic cytogenetic factors into a risk-
cause of insufficient information. The distribu- adapted approach to patients with myeloma –
tion and survival of patient according to their mSMART (Mayo Stratification of Myeloma and
IMWG risk status can be seen on table 7. Risk-Adapted Therapy). A group of high-risk pa-
Standard-risk group was again the biggest tients has been identified who need a different
one – 63% of the patients. The proportion of (more aggressive and continuous) treatment
high-risk patients was about 23% and of those strategy than those with standard risk. This ap-
with low risk – nearly 9%. Median survival proach is not intended to replace existing prog-
was significantly different between the three nostic systems and not all tests are required
groups (p=0,016): 79 months in the low-risk (but rather preferred) for any given patient. At
group, 53 months in the standard-risk group a minimum, metaphase cytogenetics or FISH
and 25 months in the high-risk group. 3-year OS studies should be performed. The purpose of
was 100%, 54% and 29% respectively – fig. 3. this consensus is to offer a simplified,evidence-
Median PFS did not show significant difference based algorithm of treatment decision making
between risk groups (p>0,05). These data for patients with newly diagnosed myeloma (2).
should be interpreted with caution because the
number of cases in some of the groups was too The updated mSMART guidelines from 2013
small. include 3 risk categories. The intermediate-
risk patients (about 20%) carry the t(4;14)
abnormality (associated with fibroblast growth
factor receptor 3 expression) or cytogenetic
del13 and tend to be more responsive to therapy
with the proteasome inhibitor bortezomib. The
largest proportion of myeloma patients fall into
the standard risk group (about 60%) and high-
risk patients are about 20% (5).
The incidence by risk group in our study is
very similar to Mayo Clinic data. In our cohort the
median OS was significantly different between
risk groups and the results are consistent
Fig.3.Median OS in IMWG risk groups with Mayo Clinic data (5). The reported by

Table 7. IMWG Risk Stratification – Patient Distribution and Survival

3-year 95% CI Median 95% CI
Number (%) Median
Risk groups OS Lower Upper PFS Lower Upper
of patients OS (months)
% Bound Bound (months) Bound Bound
Low risk 8 (8.7%) 79.0 100% 79.000 79.000 35.944 14.941 56.948
Standard risk 58 (63.0%) 53.0 54.0% 40.087 65.996 23.817 17.464 30.171
High risk 21 (22.8%) 24.7 28.8% 15.652 33.759 16.437 9.924 22.950
No stratification 5 (5.4%) 16.7 – – – – – –
All 92 (100%) 49.3 38.817 59.708 22.968 17.800 28.137
P – Log Rank (Mantel-Cox) 0.016 0.122

Bulgarian medicine vol. V № 4/2015 19

them median OS for high-risk patients is 3 The two risk stratification approaches give
years, while intermediate- and standard-risk a realistic assessment of the expected median
patients have OS of 4 to 5 years and 8 to 10 overall survival according to the risk status and
years, respectively. The lower median OS in can serve as a basis for individualized treatment
our analysis can be explained with the shorter of newly-diagnosed multiple myeloma patients.
follow-up time of the patients and the fact that The proposed by IMWG algorithm is more
it is still not reached in almost half of them accessible for use in daily clinical practice,
(48.9%). In our series the median PFS was since it requires only ISS staging and FISH
very similar in standard- and intermediate-risk testing for three cytogenetic markers: t(4;14),
groups, but significantly lower in the high-risk del17p13 and аmp1q21. The disadvantage
group. of this model according to us is the fact that
patients with t (4;14) and del17p are placed
The IMWG combined genetics-ISS model in the same risk category, given the available
(1) also divides newly-diagnosed MM patients scientific information for the different outcome
into 3 risk groups by using serum albumin and of these groups of patients after treatment with
β2-microglibuline (for ISS staging) and FISH proteasome inhibitors. The mSMART approach,
for only three markers: (4;14), del17p13 and on the other hand , takes into account this
аmp1q21. This algorithm can be applied to difference, but it requires access to a larger
more than 90% of all myeloma patients. High- number of tests and is not applicable in all
risk patients (about 20% of all MM patients) centers.
are either ISS II or III with the presence of
either t(4;14) and/or 17p13 deletion detected
by FISH have a median survival of about 2 years
whereas low-risk patients with ISS I or II and
absence of these high-risk genetics have 5- and Risk stratification is an important milestone
10-year overall survival rates of 70 and 51%, in the diagnostic and therapeutic process in
respectively. The rest of the patients (about 60%) patients with MM. Early identification of risk
fall into the standard risk group. At the present groups helps individualize treatment and im-
time, although we have the markers to stratify prove survival. Multiple myeloma is a hetero-
patients into different risk groups, IMWG does geneous disease and the uniform approach to
not recommend different treatment strategies patients is not justified. Nowadays with the
for patients in the different risk groups. The availability of many new treatment options the
only exception is the recommendation of challenge to the clinician is even greater. By us-
bortezomib-based treatment for induction and ing a risk-stratified approach the most efficient
maintenance for patients with t(4;14) as results and less toxic therapeutic combination can be
from different trials have consistently showed found for each patient with this yet incurable
that bortezomib-based treatment improved disease.
outcome of these patients.
Comparing the distribution and survival of
our patients according to their IMWG risk status 1. Chng WJ, Dispenzieri A, Chim CS, et al. IMWG con-
we can say that our results are consistent with sensus on risk stratification in multiple myeloma.
Leukemia. 2014 Feb;28(2):269-77.
the above stated data with the exception that 2. Dispenzieri A, Rajkumar SV, Gertz MA, et al. Treat-
the low-risk group in our analysis is very small ment of newly diagnosed multiple myeloma based
(less than 9% of the cases). Median OS was on Mayo Stratification of Myeloma and Risk-
significantly different in each group, but there adapted Therapy (mSMART): consensus state-
was no statistical difference in median PFS. ment. Mayo Clin Proc. 2007; 82: 323–341.

20 Bulgarian medicine vol. V № 4/2015

3. Greipp PR, San Miguel J, Durie BG, et al. Interna- 6. Бонева, Т. Геномни промени при множествен
tional staging system for multiple myeloma. JClin миелом. Дисертационен труд, София, 2014.
Oncol. 2005; 23:3412–3420. 7. Насева, Е., М. Янчева-Стойчева, Т. Кундуржиев.
4. International Myeloma Working Group. Criteria Въведение в статистиката и статистическото
for the classification of monoclonal gammopa- изследване. Видове променливи и скали
thies, multiple myeloma and related disorders: за измерване. Рекодиране (преобразуване)
a report of the International Myeloma Working на променливи. Статистически софтуер. В:
Group. Br J Haematol. 2003; 121:749–757. Трудова медицина и обществено здраве – ІІІ
5. Mikhael JR, Dingli D, Roy V, et al. Management of част Статистика в трудовата медицина. София,
newly diagnosed symptomatic multiple myeloma: 2015, стр. 9-20.
updated Mayo Stratification of Myeloma and Risk-
Adapted Therapy (mSMART) Consensus Guide-
lines. Mayo Clin Proc. 2013; 88:360–376.

Адрес за кореспонденция: Address for Correspondence:

Д-р Антония Недева Dr. Antoniya Nedeva
Клиника по хематология, Department of Hematology
Ул. Георги Софийски № 3 Military Medical Academy
Военномедицинска академия, 3 G.Sofiisky Str
1606 София 1606 Sofia
e-mail: e-mail:

Bulgarian medicine vol. V № 4/2015 21

Коментар / Commentary


Anamaria Ciubară1, Mihail Cristian Pîrlog2,
Mihai Mutică2, Ilinca Untu1, Roxana Chiriţă1
  University of Medicine and Pharmacy “Gr. T. Popa”, Iaşi, Romania

  University of Medicine and Pharmacy of Craiova, Romania



The imperious necessity of transposing the determinism of biopsychological and medical phenomena
into the social and juridical perspective represents one of the desiderata of forensic expertise, because the
mental patient represents a relevant example of particular physician/patient relationship, where forensic
aspects are essential. This paper proposes a synthesis of the literature review in order to highlight the na-
ture of forensic psychiatrists. We have focused on outlining the ethical norms that such psychiatrists must
observe in order to prevent any prejudice to the expert endeavour and on underscoring the boundaries
between the forensic psychiatry expert/patient relationship and the psychiatrist/patient relationship.

Keywords: psychiatrist, expert in forensic psychiatry, “do no harm” principle, proper judgment

Introduction clude both clinical and general psychiatric ser-

vices and expert activities within the legal field.
Psychiatry, more than any other medical dis- Therefore, the duty of psychiatrists includes
cipline, is involved in the judiciary system due treating psychiatric patients with or without a
to the relationship between the medical condi- criminal record, including patients within the
tion and aggressive, disorderly, vandal behav- corrections system (1, 2).
iour, etc, to the ethical and legal issues raised The specificity of forensic psychiatry is to
by mentally ill defendants, to execution and determine the causes of an offence starting from
self-representation, to social norms that forbid the effects. Underlying ontological, motivation-
the prosecution of people with mental illnesses al, cultural, anthropological, psychological and
or disabilities caused by psycho-cognitive de- psychiatric motivations become fascicules from
velopment retardation. In Romania, forensic which the univocal character of a truth derive,
psychiatry is not acknowledged as independent mostly concerning a diagnosis, deduced by re-
specialty: psychiatrists’ areas of expertise in- lating to the notions of normalcy and mental

22 Bulgarian medicine vol. V № 4/2015

health. Legal bodies may require from an expert plicit adaptive potentiality of normal, typically
only opinions pertaining to his/area of exper- developed psyche, and it represents the manda-
tise and strict specialty (2, 4). tory premise of responsibility and the general
framework of proper judgment (1, 3, 5).
Generalities on the notions of capacity
and proper judgment Nature of expert’s activity in forensic
The presence or absence of proper judgment psychiatry
concerning a human action correlates logical Forensic psychiatric examination has the
criteria regarding the assessment of the conse- role of providing to the legal system certain
quences and psychological criteria that include elements meant to determine the liability of a
cognition, affect and volition related to the pre- person involved in the commission of a crime
vious life experience, through the capacity to punishable by law or to attest mental health in
anticipate (using representations) potential cases with civil implications (the capacity to
consequences, as well as proper judgment cri- test, to draft a purchase and sale agreement,
teria for the affective integration of its conse- a document of donation, etc) (1, 6). Forensic
quences, the moral norms, the right projection psychiatric expertise is an interdisciplinary ac-
of reality and the capacity to make the differ- tivity whose purpose is to detect psychopatho-
ence between good and evil, legal and illegal. logical conditions and their influence upon the
Forensic methodology has proven the need to individual’s capacity of appraising the contents
use the concept of mental capacity as repre- and consequences of his/her acts, as well the
senting all mental life synthesis functions and individual’s possibility of expressing freely the
all personality traits. This actually represents a volitional character of an act committed. The
complex aptitude, more far-reaching, more in- fundamental task of forensic psychiatric exper-
tegrating and closer to the concept of responsi- tise is to assess the proper judgment of a per-
bility that it attempts to define, mostly because son, by focusing on the mental status when he/
it can also be related to the great categories of she committed the act (2, 4). Hence, a forensic
mental conditions and to the intensity of their psychiatry expert is bound to know the back-
disorders (2, 3, 4). ground of elementary notions on crime, guilt,
As a notion specific to forensic psychiatry responsibility/responsibilities, mental capac-
theory and practice, mental capacity repre- ity, proper judgment, specific competence, mo-
sents the possibility or faculty of elementary tivation, motive, mobile, consent and confiden-
and synthesising mental functions of acting tiality. Confidentiality raises particular issues
correctly and properly in relation to the objects, in forensic psychiatry, mostly when it concerns
phenomena and categories of the environment, obtaining the consent of both the offender and
for a flexible and harmonious adjustment of the the victim: the expert must be persuaded that
individual to the environment. Mental capac- they are both aware of the way the information
ity is an abstract notion, just like responsibil- will be used. In certain situation, an expert may
ity, designating a feature of human psyche and have to explain the purpose of the examination
characterizing the subject from the perspective and that the outcomes will be made known only
of his/her cognitive, affective-volitional, antici- to those entitled to it; hence, the victim chooses
pative-acting, axiological and ethical-moral in- whether to accept or decline the examination
tegrity and unity. It is not a function of the psy- altogether (5, 6).
che in the psychological meaning of the term, Considering the complexity of the issue of
but it expresses the functionality of psyche as a proper judgment and of its psychosocial de-
whole and in its complex relationships with the terminism, it is necessary to individualize its
environment. Thus, mental capacity is the im- appraisal, but without limiting it by predeter-
Bulgarian medicine vol. V № 4/2015 23
mined patterns that establish correlations be- classic physician/patient relationship. The pa-
tween the type of illness and proper judgment. tient’s benefit is counterbalanced by the benefit
The ethical principles characterizing the re- of the society, which determines several ethical
sponsibility of the forensic expert are similar to dilemmas. They derive precisely from the con-
those guiding the responsibility of medical pro- flict between the good of the patient and the
fession in general; however, it must be stated public good, the latter meaning public safety in
that forensic psychiatry also has ethical impli- this case (11).
cations upon the individual, the society and the Do no harm is the fundamental, Hippocratic
legal field, to which it is closely connected. In oath of the medical profession. Do no harm in
this context, current ethics guidelines suggest medical practice does not mean not harming
that psychiatric therapists should avoid acting the patient intentionally, because it is implicit
as expert witnesses for their patients. Some that no physician has any interest of doing
opinions even complain of a genuine misrep- such thing. Hence, a physician may do harm by
resentation of justice or even of a disrespect of making sudden, abrupt reveals that lack com-
the profession per se if a psychiatrist testifies passion or empathy, or by lying, by providing
for his/her patients in court. This causes the partial information or by avoiding the truth. A
ambiguity of ethical and intellectual bounda- harmless conduct in the field on mental health
ries of forensic psychiatry (6, 7, 15). with forensic impact implies making sure that
Good practice ethics guidelines in the field the actions required from an expert really pro-
of forensic psychiatry posit objectivity and mote justice. Doing good (the principle of ben-
neutrality as sine qua non values. At the same efit) entails – besides respecting autonomy and
time, it is fundamental to preserve the autono- limiting harm – an active contribution to the
my and relative anonymity of the examiner (of individual’s wellbeing. Do good is an ethical
the forensic psychiatrist). Consecutively, it is norm viewed from a philosophical perspective
mandatory to protect the confidentiality of fo- as a moral obligation but also a merit, an act of
rensic evaluation. The time and length of foren- charity, reason for which a person may not be
sic psychiatric evaluation must be established labelled immoral just because of failing to pro-
from the beginning and observed as rigorously duce a benefit through his/her actions. These
as possible; the fee for the evaluation must be controversies must be clarified by providing
symbolical and well established. The forensic examples of beneficial actions while mention-
psychiatrist is bound to avoid all personal rela- ing the limits of experts’ obligations, as well as
tionships with the person examined both in the the level from which the provision of a benefit
present and in the future, after proving the ab- is more of an option that of an obligation. Ul-
sence of such relationships in the past. It is also timately, doing good includes protecting the
fundamental to obtain the informed consent of rights of others, preventing harm or removing
the examined patient in order to conduct the the conditions for potential unfortunate events,
evaluation, except for cases where the expertise helping disabled persons or saving persons in
is required by the law (11, 15). imminent danger (11, 13, 15).
In the context of forensic psychiatry, spe-
cialists (psychiatrists) activate outside their
“Do no harm” vs. “do good”
usual medical setting. In this situation, the un-
In the context of mental health from a foren- derlying ethical principles of professional con-
sic perspective, psychiatrists operate outside duct do not overlap those imposed by the clas-
standard medical setting, considering that the sic physician/patient relationship. In a legal
underlying ethical principles of their profes- context, the principle of benefit and no harm is
sional conduct do not overlap the aspect of the considered secondary to the principle of truth.

24 Bulgarian medicine vol. V № 4/2015

The patient’s benefit is frequently counterbal- ity of forensic expertise, to obtain the informed
anced by the benefit for society; ethical dilem- consent of the person to be examined (when
mas derive precisely from the conflict between expertise is not required by a court of law), to
the patient’s good and the public good and interact verbally with the person examined, to
safety. The need to protect public good/safety avoid any type of relationship (past, present or
is often the fundamental justification for non- future) with the patient, to forbid any kind of
voluntary treatment. If a psychiatrist consid- sexual relationship with the person examined,
ers that a patient is a potential threat to public to maintain a certain degree of anonymity of
safety, then he/she may assume that the duty the expert, to utter clearly the fee for the exami-
toward society prevails over the duty toward nation, to ensure a proper setting for the exami-
the patient’s wellbeing. This is a crucial differ- nation and to determine an estimate duration
ence from the traditional ethics specific to the of the evaluation (3, 4, 6).
therapist/patient relationship, outside any fo- One of the most common ethical dilemmas
rensic implication (8, 13, 14). in the practice of forensic psychiatry concerns
Therefore, forensic psychiatry is not pri- the confusion between the role of psychiatric
marily guided by the benefit of the individual, physician and the role of legal expert. This leads
but by the benefit of society, in the spirit of jus- to the principle that the psychiatric physician of
tice. Most of the times, the assessment of the a defendant should avoid any involvement in fo-
person who committed a certain offence brings rensic endeavours concerning his/her patient.
no benefit to the person; on the contrary, under The main argument in the sense is represented
certain circumstances, such assessment endan- precisely by the contradictions that emerge in
gers the financial and legal interests of the per- the context of public good prevailing over in-
son in question. For instance, in some cases, the dividual good, which endangers the therapeu-
conclusions of the expertise may contradict the tic relationship. The attempt of accomplishing
statements of the defendant. Hence, forensic both functions implies the danger of failing to
psychiatrists usually guide themselves by the accomplish any of them properly, because spe-
moral principles of society. When they serve cific psychiatric therapy may be prejudiced by
the interests of justice, they must adhere to the forensic endeavour, while forensic endeavour
general moral rule of telling the truth (1, 8, 12). may be endangered by the therapeutic element
Another imperious moral principle is the of the relationship between the expert and the
respect for the person, which implies that the person examined, which is the physician/pa-
forensic expert must inform the defendant that tient relationship (6, 7, 13).
there will be no physician/patient relationship Forensic activity requires the informed
and no therapeutic relationship. At the same consent of the patient and mostly avoiding vic-
time, the forensic expert must provide infor- timization or labelling derived from diagnostic
mation on the limits of confidentiality, which errors or from ambivalent expert conclusions.
are specific to forensic evaluations. It is impor- It must not be forgotten that psychiatric label-
tant to highlight that the introduction of medi- ling ensues stigma from the community and a
cal ethical principles in the theory of forensic behavioural adjustment of the patient to his/
expertise practice is a dangerous endeavour (2, her new status. Expert labelling may be the
4, 12). consequence of including the illness within a
On a general note, eleven main rules re- rigid classification system, of solving certain
lated to forensic psychiatry practice were de- social problems using subjective psychiatric
termined: to ensure the expert’s objectivity criteria (thus abusive or circumstantial diagno-
and neutrality, to respect the autonomy of the ses). Even under such circumstances, a physi-
person examined, to protect the confidential- cian should still be considered a representative

Bulgarian medicine vol. V № 4/2015 25

of justice; hence, his/her conclusions pertain the desiderata of forensic expertise. The mental
to justice (6, 15). This implies the need to re- patient represents a relevant example of par-
place excessive paternalism in expertise with ticular physician/patient relationship, where
the avoidance of any suspicions of abuse from forensic aspects are essential (8, 14).
the part of medical authorities. In expert mat- The mental patient is not only ill; he/she
ters, the consent of the patient – if the patient also presents a certain degree of social danger,
is fully aware – must be clear. Under these cir- which sometimes entails a particular behav-
cumstances, respect for the human being – and iour of the society toward him/her: involuntary
for the autonomy of the person, implicitly – admission. The admission and treatment con-
and the physician’s independence become the sent suffers several fluctuations determined by
basic principles of any expert’s responsibility. the evolution of the illness: there are moments
One may definitely include forensic psychiatry when the patient is mentally present, thus able
among high-risk specialties, which concern the to consent to admission and treatment. Lack
scientific quality of the acts and the prophylaxis of treatment or other factors may determine
of potential abuses. In a legislative context, it a worsening of the patient’s state, which leads
is important to know that forensic psychiat- to the decrease or disappearance of full mental
ric expertise explains, but does not exonerate; faculties and of proper judgment, with serious
that it sometimes reaches conclusions that can personal and social consequences, which entail
be argued, while other times it reveals scien- a degradation of the general state, an interrup-
tific truths to be proven by investigations. Acts tion of treatment, etc – hence the emergence of
must be correlated with the multiple technical a downward spiral. The mental patient benefits
and behavioural qualities required from an ex- from special medical and legal measures known
pert, which concern neutrality and objectivity, as forensic safety measures. They protect the
as well as character qualities, related to the full patient from the consequences of his/her acts
awareness of one’s own limits. Only by observ- and the society from traumas generated by a
ing the aforementioned aspects can expert de- person partially or totally lacking proper judg-
cisions be ethical and only seldom cautious or ment (9, 12, 14).
equiprobable, to avoid being risky. At the same The physician/ mental patient relation-
time, an expert must determine the prophylaxis ship is analyzed by studying various internal
of primary, secondary and tertiary abuses. A law sources on mental patients, by presenting
great risk that any expert should be aware of is forensic psychiatric expertise and by analyzing
to avoid any psychiatric victimisation (thus not the safety measures required by the examina-
providing the patient with a refuge in his/her tion of a mental patient. The International Code
illness), any victimisation caused by diagnostic of Medical Ethics states that a physician must
errors or by ambivalent expert conclusions (5, act only in the patient’s interest when he/she
13, 14). performs a medical act with a potential harm-
In the infinite sphere of deviant behaviours, ful effect upon the patient’s mental or somatic
an expert is called to bring psycho-medical condition. On the other hand, Ethical guidelines
scientific arguments, which provide to justice of forensic psychiatry practice ask forensic psy-
a dynamic interpretation of a complex causal chiatrists to elaborate their clinical evaluation
process and which determine a link through and to apply the data obtained through legal
cause reconstruction methods, starting from criteria in the spirit of honesty, thus of the effort
analyzing the effect. This entails the imperious to obtain objectivity. Therefore, they state once
necessity of transposing the determinism of again the difference between the traditional
biopsychological and medical phenomena into ethics applicable to the physician/patient rela-
the social and juridical perspective as one of tionship in the absence of any forensic involve-

26 Bulgarian medicine vol. V № 4/2015

ment and the ethics of a forensic psychiatrist principle of truth. The mission of the forensic
acting as an expert in forensic psychiatric prac- psychiatrist is complex and extremely demand-
tice (7, 9, 11). ing, because it involves observing strict moral
International guidelines for forensic exper- rules that are fundamentally different from
tise determined three main obligations of the those guiding the traditional physician/patient
forensic psychiatrist: providing an objective relationship.
evaluation, maintaining confidentiality within Forensic psychiatric expertise is a niche
the limits imposed by legal demands and reveal- practice that must meet rigorous ethical stand-
ing any existing or potential conflict of interests ards. This involves paying more attention to the
that may irreversibly endanger the quality of nature of confidentiality and to the clear deter-
forensic expertise. Forensic psychiatry must be mination of roles. Hence, in this area of activity,
governed by the same moral rules and princi- it is recommendable to assume non-confiden-
ples as general medicine, but there are certain tiality and to inform the person examined of it
particularities addressed strictly to forensic beforehand.
psychiatrists. Therefore, they do not act mainly
in the patient’s interest and for his/her ben- References
efit during their evaluations as part of civil or
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General psychiatry provides physicians American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law
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ment of sexual offenders, Annals of the New York
Academy of Sciences, 2003, 989, 167-184.
12. Romanian College of Physicians. Codul de De-
ontologie Medicală, 30 March 2012, available at
13. Rosner, R. A Conceptual Framework for Forensic
Psychiatry. In: Principles and Practice of Forensic
Psychiatry, (Ed. R. Rosner), 2nd Edition, Arnold,
UK, 2003, 3-6.
14. Velinov, V.T., P.M. Marinov. Forensic psychiatric
practice: worldwide similarities and differences.
World Psychiatry, 2006, 5, 98-99.
15. Wettstein, R.M. Ethics and Forensic Psychiatry.
Psychiatric Clinics of North America, 2002, 25,

Address for Correspondence:

Ilinca Untu, University of Medicine and Pharmacy “Gr. T. Popa”,
Iaşi, Romania,
Department of Psychiatry,

28 Bulgarian medicine vol. V № 4/2015

Изисквания към авторите / Author’s guidelines

The Bulgarian Medicine Journal, official edition Списание „Българска медицина“, издание на
of the Bulgarian Academy of Science and Arts, Българската Академия на Науките и Изку-
Science Division, Research Center for Medicine ствата, Отделение за наука, Научен център
and Health Care is published in 4 issues per по медицина и здравеопазване, излиза в
year. It accepts for publication reviews, origi- четири книжки годишно. „Българска меди-
nal research articles, case reports, short com- цина“ е достъпна онлайн на сайта на БАНИ,
munications, opinions on new medical books, раздел издания.
letters to the editor and announcements for В него се отпечатват оригинални научни
scientific events (congresses, symposia, etc) in статии, казуистични съобщения, обзори, ре-
all fields of fundamental and clinical medicine. цензии и съобщения за проведени или пред-
The journal is published in English with excep- стоящи научни конгреси, симпозиуми и други
tional reviews on significant topics in Bulgar- материали в областа на клиничната и фунда-
ian. The detailed abstracts and the titles of the менталната медицина. Списанието излиза на
articles, the names of the authors and institu- английски език с подробни резюмета на бъл-
tions as well as the legends of the illustrations гарски и английски. Изключения се правят
(figures and tables) are printed in Bulgarian за обзорни статии по особено значими теми.
and English. Bulgarian medicine is available Заглавията, авторските колективи, а също
online at the website of the Academy, publica- надписите и означенията на илюстрациите и
tions section. в таблиците се отпечатват и на двата езика.
The manuscripts should be submitted in Материалите трябва да се предоставят в
two printed copies, on standard A4 sheets два еднакви екземпляра, напечатани на пи-
(21/30 cm), double spaced, 60 characters per шеща машина или на компютър, на хартия
line, and 30 lines per standard page. формат А4 (21 х 30 см), 60 знака на 30 реда
The size of each paper should not exceed 10 при двоен интервал между редовете ( стан-
pages (up to 5 000 words) for original research дартна машинописна страница). Освен това
articles, 12 pages for reviews (7 500 words), 3 могат да бъдат изпратени като прикачени
pages for case reports, 2 pages for short com- файлове по електронната поща на адресите,
munications, 4 pages for discussions or cor- посочени по-долу.
respondence on scientific events on medical Обемът на представените работи не тряб-
books or chronicles. The references or illustra- ва да превишава 10 стандартни страници за
tions are included in this size (two 9x13 cm fig- оригиналните статии (или 5000 думи според
ures, photographs, tables or diagrams are con- стандарта на англосаксонските издания) 12
sidered as one standard page). страници (7 500 думи) за обзорните статии,
The abstracts are not included in the size 3–4 страници за казуистичните съобщения,
of the paper and should be submitted on a sepa- 4 страници за информации относно научни
rate page with 3 to 5 key words at the end of the прояви в България и в чужбина, както и за
abstract. They should reflect the most essential научни дискусии, 2 страници за рецензии на
topics of the article, including the objectives книги (монографии и учебници). В посочения
and hypothesis of the research work, the proce- обем се включват книгописът и всич-ки илюс-
dures, the main findings and the principal con- трации и таблици. В същия не се включват ре-
clusions. The abstracts should not exceed one зюметата на български и английски, чий-то
standard typewritten page of 200 words. обем трябва да бъде около 200 думи за всяко

Bulgarian medicine vol. V № 4/2015 29

The basic structure of the manuscripts (25–30 машинописни реда). Резюметата се
should meet the following requirements: представят на отделни страници.Те трябва
да отразяват конкретно работнатахипотеза и
Title page целта на разработката, използваните методи,
най-важните резултати и заключения. Клю-
The title of the article, forename, middle ini-
човите думи (до 5), съобразени с „Medline“,
tials (if any) and family name of each author;
трябва да се посочат в края на всяко резюме.
institutional affiliation; name of department(s)
Структурата на статиите трябва да
and institutions to which the work should be
отговаря на следните изисквания:
attributed, address and fax number of the cor-
responding author.
Титулна страница
Text of the article а) заглавие, имена на авторите (собствено име
и фамилия), название на научната органи-
Titles and subtitles should be standardized. зация или лечебното заведение, в което те
The original research reports should have the работят. При повече от едно за ведение име-
following structure: introduction (states the ната на същите и на съответните автори се
aim, summarizer the rationale for the study), маркират с цифри или звездички;
subjects and materials, methods (procedure б) същите данни на английски език се изпис-
and apparatus in sufficient detail, statisti- ват под българския текст.
cal methods), results, discussion, conclusions Забележка: при статии от чужди автори
(should be linked with the aims of the study, българският текст следва английския. Точ-
but unqualified statements not completely sup- ният превод от английски на български се
ported by research data should be avoided). осигурява от редакцията. Това се отнася и за
These requirements are not valid for the other останалите текстове, включително резюме-
types of manuscripts. Only officially recognized тата на български.
abbreviations should be used, all others should Основен текст на статията. Заглавията и
be explained in the text. Units should be used подзаглавията следва да бъдат уеднаквени
according to the International System of Units и различими.
(S. I. units). Numbers to bibliographical refer- Оригиналните статии задължително
ences should be used according to their enu- трябва да имат следната структура: увод,
meration in the reference list. материал и методи, собствени резултати,
обсъждане, заключение или извод.
Методиките следва да бъдат подробно
Photographs should be presented both in the описани (включително видът и фирмата
text body to indicate their location and in sep- производител на използваните реактиви
arate files as saved in jpeg, tif or bitmap for- иапаратура). Същото се отнася и за статис-
mats. тическите методи.
The figures, diagrams, schemes, photos Тези изисквания не важат за обзорите и
should be submitted in a separate file with: другите видове публикации. В текста се до-
consecutive number (in Arabic figures); titles of пускат само официално приетите междуна-
the article and name of the first author. The ex- родни съкращения; при използване на други
planatory text accompanying the figures should съкращения те трябва да бъдат изрично по-
be presented along with the respective number сочени в текста. За мерните единици е задъл-
of the figure in the main text body with space жителна международната система SI. Цитати-
left for insertion of the figure. те вътре в текста е препоръчително да бъдат
отбелязвани само с номерата им в книгописа.

30 Bulgarian medicine vol. V № 4/2015

References Илюстрации и таблици
The references should be presented on a sep- Снимките – освен в Word, за да се знае мeсто-
arate page at the end of the manuscript. It is положението им, следва да бъдат предоста-
recommended that the number of references вени и като отделни файлове във формат
should not jpg, tif или bitmap.
Exceed 20 titles for the original articles and Илюстрациите към текста (фигури,
40 titles for the reviews; 70 % of them should be графики, диаграми, схеми и др. черно-бели
published in the last 5 years. References should копия с необходимия добър контраст и ка-
be listed in alphabetical order, English first, fol- чество) се представят на отделни листове
lowed by the Bulgarian ones in the respective (без обяснителен текст), в оригинал и две
alphabetic order. The number of the reference копия за всяка от тях. Текстът към фигурите
should be followed by the family name of the със съответната им номерация (на българ-
first author and then his/her initials, names of ски и на английски език) се отбелязва вътре
the second and other authors should start with в основното текстуално тяло на статията
the initials followed by the family names. The под съответния номер на мястото, където
full title of the cited article should be written, трябва да се разположи при предпечатната
followed by the name of the journal where it подготовка.Таблиците се представят с гото-
has been published (or its generally accepted во написани обяснителни текстове на бъл-
abbreviation), volume, year, issue, first and last гарски и на английски, които саразположе-
page. Chapters of books should be cited in the ни над тях; номерацията им е отделна (също
same way, the full name off the chapter first, fol- с арабски цифри).
lowed by“In:“ full title of the book, editors, pub-
lisher, town, year, first and final page number of Използвана литература
the cited chapter. Книгописът се представя на отделен лист.
Броят на цитираните източници е препо-
Examples: ръчително да не надхвърля 20 (за обзори-
Reference to a journal article: те до 40), като 70 % от тях да бъдат от по-
1. McLachan, S. , M. F. Prumel, B. Rapoport. Cell следните 5 години. Подреждането става по
Mediated or Humoral Immunity in Graves’ азбучен ред (първо на латиница, после на
Ophthalmopathy? J. Clin. Endocrinol. Metab., кирилица), като след поредния номер се
78, 1994, 5, 1070–1074. отбелязва фамилното име на първия автор,
след това инициалите му; всички останали
Reference to a book chapter:
2. Delange, F. Endemic Cretenism. In: The Thyroid автори се посочват с инициалите, послед-
(Eds. L. Braveman and R. Utiger). Lippincott Co, вани от фамилното име (в обратен ред) до
Philadelphia, 1991, 942–955. третия автор, последвани от съкращшение-
тоet Al. Следва цялото заглавие на цитира-
Submission of manuscripts ната статия, след него названието на списа-
The original and one copy of the complete man- нието (или общоприетото му съкращение),
uscript are submitted together with a covering том, година, брой на книжката, началната и
letter granting the consent of all authors for the крайната страница. Глави (раздели) от кни-
publication of the article as well as a statement ги се изписват по аналогичен начин, като
that it has not been published previously else- след автора и заглавието на главата (раз-
where and signed by the first author. The pro- дела) се отбелязват пълното заглавие на
cedure should be complemented via electronic книгата, имената на редакторите (в скоби),
submission. Manuscripts of articles accepted издателството, градът и годината на изда-
ване, началната и крайната страница.

Bulgarian medicine vol. V № 4/2015 31

for publication will not be returned to the au- Примери:
Статия от списание:
Peer-review process: following the inter- 1. McLachlan, S., M. F.Prumel, B. Rapoport. Cell
national standards in the field, the Editorial Mediated or Humoral Immunity in Graves’
board has adopted double-blind peer-review Ophthalmopathy? J. Clin. Endocrinol. Metab.,
policy assigned to independent referees. The 78, 1994, 5, 1070–1074.
authors are encouraged to submit the names
of three potential referees for editorial consid- Глава (раздел) от книга:
eration 2. Delange, F. Endemic Cretenism. In: The Thyroid
(Eds. L. Braveman and R. Utiger). Lippincott Co,
Philadelphia, 1991, 942–955.
Publication ethics
Адрес за кореспонденция с авторите
Editors’ obligations
Той се дава в края на всяка статия и съдържа
The editor is responsible for deciding which of
всички необходими данни (вкл. електронна
the articles submitted to the journal should be
поща) на български език за един от автори-
те, който отговаря за кореспонденцията.
The editor may be guided by the policies of
Всички ръкописи трябва да се изпращат с
the journal’s editorial board and constrained by
придружително писмо, подписани от автори-
such legal requirements as shall then be in force
те, с което потвърждават съгласието си за от-
regarding libel, copyright infringement and pla-
печатване в сп. „Българска медицина“. В пис-
giarism. The editor may confer with other edi-
мото трябва да бъде отбелязано, че материа-
tors or reviewers in making this decision.
лът не е бил отпечатван в други научни списа-
An editor at any time evaluate manuscripts
ния у нас и в чужбина. Ръкописи не се връщат.
for their intellectual content without regard to
race, gender, sexual orientation, religious belief,
Процедура по рецензиране:
ethnic origin, citizenship, or political philoso-
phy of the authors. С оглед спазване на международните стан-
The editor and any editorial staff must not дарти, редакционната колегия е приела
disclose any information about a submitted процедура по ‘двойно сляпа’ рецензия от
manuscript to anyone other than the corre- независимио референти. На авторите се
sponding author, reviewers, potential review- предоставя възможноста да предложат на
ers, other editorial advisers, and the publisher, вниманието на редакционния екип три име-
as appropriate. на на специалисти в тяхната област като по-
тенциални рецензенти.
Authors’ obligations
The authors should ensure that they have writ- Публикационна етика
ten entirely original works, and if the authors Задължения на редактора
have used the work and/or words of others that Редакторът носи отговорноста за вземане
this has been appropriately cited or quoted. на решението коя от изпратените статии да
An author should not in general publish бъде публикувана.
manuscripts describing essentially the same При това редакторът се съобразява със
research in more than one journal or primary законови ограничения, свързани с въздър-
publication. Submitting the same manuscript to жане от дискредитиране, нарушаване на ав-
more than one journal concurrently constitutes торски права или плагиатство.
unethical publishing behaviour and is unaccep- Редакторът оценява интелектуалната
table. стойност на един труд без оглед на възраст,

32 Bulgarian medicine vol. V № 4/2015

Proper acknowledgment of the work of oth- пол, расова принадлежност, сексуална ори-
ers must always be given. Authors should cite ентация, религиозни убеждения и пр. фор-
publications that have been influential in deter- ми на дискриминация
mining the nature of the reported work. Редакторът не разкрива информация по
Authorship should be limited to those who отношение на ръкописа на други лица освен
have made a significant contribution to the con- резензентите, авторите за кореспонденция,
ception, design, execution, or interpretation of издателя и другите членове на редакцион-
the reported study. All those who have made ната колегия.
significant contributions should be listed as co-
authors. Where there are others who have par- Задължения на авторите
ticipated in certain substantive aspects of the Авторите следва да осигурят оригинални
research project, they should be acknowledged произведения, в които не са използвани
or listed as contributors. трудове или изрази на други автори без да
The corresponding author should ensure бъдат цитирани.
that all appropriate co-authors and no inap- По принцип авторите не следва да публи-
propriate co-authors are included on the paper, куват многократно материал, който повтаря
and that all co-authors have seen and approved по същество дадено изследване в други спи-
the final version of the paper and have agreed сания или първични публикации. Не се прие-
to its submission for publication. ма представянето на един и същи ръкопис в
повече от едно списание едновременно.
Obligations of the reviewers Трудовете и приносът на другите авто-
Peer review assists the editor in making edito- ри, относими към предмета на ръкописа,
rial decisions and through the editorial com- трябва да бъдат отразени под формата на
munications with the author may also assist the цитирания.
author in improving the paper. Всички лица, които да дали своя принос
Any manuscripts received for review must за концепцията, литературния анализ, ди-
be treated as confidential documents. They зайна, изпълнението или интерпретацията
must not be shown to or discussed with others на данните, следва да бъдат посочени като
except as authorized by the editor. съавтори.
Reviews should be conducted objectively. Авторът за кореспонденция носи отго-
Personal criticism of the author is inappropri- ворност за това всички съавтори да бъдат
ate. Referees should express their views clearly запознати и да са изразили своето одобре-
with supporting arguments. ние за съдържанието на предлагания за
публикуване материал.
Disclosure and conflicts of interest
Задължения на рецензентите
Unpublished materials disclosed in a submitted
manuscript must not be used in an editor‘s own Рецензентите подпомагат редкатора при
research without the express written consent вземане на решение. Посредством редак-
of the author. ционната комуникация те могат да подпо-
All authors should disclose in their manu- могнат автора в повишаване а качеството
script any financial or other substantive conflict на статията
of interest that might be construed to influence Всички ръкописи, получени за рецен-
the results or interpretation of their manu- зиране следва да се считат за поверителни
script. All sources of financial support for the материали и тяхното съдържание на следва
project should be disclosed. да се разкрива пред никого, освен с разре-
шението на редактора.

Bulgarian medicine vol. V № 4/2015 33

Ethical regulations: reports with experi- Рецензиите следва да се придържат
ments on human subjects should specify wheth- към обективни стандарти на оценка. Лич-
er the procedures were conducted in accord- ни нападки срещу авторите са неприемли-
ance with the ethical norms if the responsible ви. Критичните забележки следва да бъдат
committee on Human experimentation (local or подкрепени с аргументи.
regional) and/or with the Helsinki Declaration,
as revised in 2000. Respective guidelines for Конфликт на интереси
animal experimentation should be considered.
Непубликувани материали не могат да бъ-
дат използвани в собствени изследвания на
Processing charges редактора без изричното писмено съгласие
Following acceptance for publication the au- на авторите.
thors are charged 5 euros per page for language Авторите следва да обявят всички фи-
editing and corrections. нансови или дрги съществени конфликти
на интереси, които могат да окажат влияние
Address for sending of manuscripts and въру интерпретацията на техните резултати.
other editorial correspondence Всички източници на финансиране на прове-
Prof. Dr Philip Kumanov дените проучвания следва да бъдат обявени.
1431 Sofia, Zdrave str. 2, University Hospital for Етически съображения по отношение
Endicrinology на самите изследвания: всички трудове,
които отразяват експерименти с хора след-
And the next electronic addresses: ва да бъдат съобразени с етическите норми
Prof. Dr Philip Kumanov, Editor-in-chief: и регулации, въведени от съответния мест- на или регионална научна комисия и/или
с Декларацията от Хелзинки, ревизия от
With copy for the scientific secretary – 2000г. Експериментите с животни следва да
бъдат също така съобразени със съответни-
Prof. Drozdstoj Stoyanov:
те норми и правила.
След положителна рецензия и одобре-
ние на редколегията, авторите на статия-
та дължат заплащане в размер на 10 лв. за
всяка стандартна машинописна страница, с
оглед на покриване разноските по ангийска
езикова редкация на текста и коректури

Всички материали за списанието се изпра-

щат на посочения адрес на редакцията:
Проф. Д-р Филип Куманов
1431 София, ул. Здраве 2, УСБАЛЕ

Или на следния електронен адрес:

Проф. Д-р Филип Куманов, главен редактор:

С копие до научния секретар –

Проф. д-р Дроздстой Стоянов:

34 Bulgarian medicine vol. V № 4/2015

Bulgarian medicine vol. V № 4/2015 35

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