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Disaster and mental health

To be discussed:

1. Disaster Mental Health Research: Exposure, Impact, and Response - pp. 1

2. The Experience of Disaster: Trauma, Loss, Adversities, and Community Effect - pp. 29
3. Anxiety Disorders and PTSD -pp. 47
4. Depression and Prolonged Grief in the Wake of Disasters – pp. 116
5. What is Psychopathology after Disasters? Considerations about the Nature of the Psychological
and Behavioral Consequences of Disasters – pp. 131
6. Resilience after Disaster – pp. 145
7. Social and Cognitive Frameworks for Understanding the Mental Health Consequences of
Disasters – pp. 161
8. Distinctions that Matter: Received Social Support, Perceived Social Support, and Social
Embeddedness after Disasters – pp. 175

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